Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas Angels


I'm still very shaken by the Connecticut Elementary School shootings. It's a strange feeling I have, something I don't know how to explain. Every time I read an article about the incident or see Facebook posts on it, I control myself and hold back the tears. My heart aches and my tummy in knots. To think I'm almost 12,000 miles away and feeling this way... I can't imagine what the community in Connecticut are feeling? What about the families of the deceased?

I can't begin to imagine the horror the victims faced before their deaths. Most of the victims were so young. They had their whole lives ahead of them but instead this selfish miserable monster had to come and take it all away from them in an instant!

This has caught the attention of the world and parents like myself who has kids the same age as the victims have hugged and kissed our kids extra since this happened and am thankful our kids are right beside us and safe. But I think I know the reason as to why this has hit me real hard...

For one, I used to live only a couple hours away from this Newtown Connecticut and secondly, my kids could have been any one of those 20 victims. The fact that this problem had always worried both my husband and I while we were still living in the States.

When my daughter was born, my husband and I swore we will move back to Singapore where our kids will go to school and we will know and be assured that they are safe. After the last few shooting cases in USA, we are glad we stuck with our decision and we can pat ourselves on the back. It may sound selfish because lots of our family and friends back in the USA have got no other options to move out of there but I can't help being so grateful we had that option.

People overseas laugh at Singapore. They call us inhuman for canning the criminals and criticize the fact we hang truck traffickers. But because that's our law, we don't have the problems America have! We don't have people on welfare, we don't have drug addicts walking the streets or senseless shootings.

And for the Singaporeans who enjoys complaining about how our government run this place... watch the news everyday and think about it. If you still think the grass is greener on the other side then get the f*** out. I'd be honest, after living in the States for 10 years, it's made me realize how lucky we Singaporeans are. I also won't lie but my biggest complain about Singapore right now is the fact that I feel like a foreigner in my own country.

Well, enough of that. This post was meant to be about the recent Sandy Hook a elementary school shootings.

My heart aches every time I see the photos of those 20 angels who had their whole lives ahead of them yet it was taken away too soon. Can't ever imagine what the families of these victims are going through right see the toys under the Christmas tree which will remain unopened come Christmas morning.

I am not a holy person but I pray for strength for the family members of these victims to get through this holiday season and for them to find some closure soon so they can move on.

The media finally is doing the right thing by not putting the spotlight on the killer. But I feel if they don't have any new reports on the case then they should stop publishing the same thing over and over again. Give it a rest until new leads are found. Harping on the same thing over and over again will not help the families to move on and it will not allow the 26 souls to rest in peace.

So let us all never forget these victims who were in this senseless shootings and pray for their souls to rest in peace.

I have yet to stop hugging and kissing my kids extra these days and thanking the man above for keeping them safe. What about you?

Friday, December 14, 2012

Have you ever wondered...

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What made me decide on the topic of this post was when I was having dinner at Subway with my husband before getting the much needed Christmas shopping done. I ordered a roast beef sub with extra mayo... took my first bite and the mayo oozed out and on to my cheek. Of course it's a good thing we've been married for over a decade so I wiped it off and we laughed about it. It was then that I realised how glad I was that I didn't have to do the whole dating scene anymore or glad that at that moment I wasn't out on my first date. So that was how the idea of this post came about. And needless to say, if my date were to take me to Subway for our first meal, I'd totally ditch him right after.

So anyway, The first date: This is the moment that can make or break your chances with that someone you've drooled for. First dates provide a critical first impression... how you look, act, and present yourself will mean everything. Every word that comes out of your mouth and every single action you take, or even the ones you don’t will be analysed.

A first date can be a nightmare of anxiety. You want to make a good impression, so you agonize over what to wear, or you rehearse intelligent things to say. So for God's sake don't ruin it all by ordering some foolish food at dinner that is likely to make you a source of comedy or embarrassment for the rest of the night. But what are these danger foods?

Here, I will try to compile a list of foods that any sensible person should avoid when dining with a new companion. And don't let the title of this post fool you because these rules are in force for every meal until you and your partner first hook up, and they apply just as much to business meetings.

So are you ready to know what these foods are?

If you've read this far, you're aware that I mentioned Subway subs. That would be in the same category as burgers. But I must say that if your date takes you to a burger joint the first time you meet then you may want to reconsider going out with this person a second time... I'm just saying....

In my opinion these are the foods you need to avoid on your first date and note that they are not in any particular order.

1. Burgers

First of all, on a first date, never order food you eat with your hands. There is NOTHING more dangerous then a burger. Not forgetting extremely messy! Can you imagine after about three bites, your hands are covered in a revolting slime of mayo, grease, and special sauce, and your tomato is hanging precariously from the back of your bun. If you're lucky it will land on your plate.

2. Spaghetti

Yes, we all saw Lady and the Tramp, but that was a cartoon and they were dogs. In the real world, spaghetti is an underestimated date-killer. You’d think that pasta would be a safe choice, but trust’re wrong. This is a dangerous situation to place yourself in because you run the risk of getting pasta on your outfit and if that happens, you might as well just head home. There's nothing remotely sexy about watching you hoover up wayward strands of pasta or listening to the constant screech of your fork against spoon or plate. Did I also mention that you might make the mistake of slurping your food? Gross. The risk is not worth the reward. Stay away at all costs.

3. Steak

I recommend you fight your carnivore urges at this point. Some cuts of meat may be difficult to cut while still actively engaging your companion in conversation. It’s highly likely that you’ll make a huge mess on your plate and God forbid if something slips while you’re holding a sharp knife.

4. Soup

No matter how delicious, it's a dating disaster. Like spaghetti, it's impossible to eat this gracefully... the slurping, the backsplash. Good lord, if you want to make a fool of yourself just stick the flatware up your nose and be done with it. So when your server asks, "Soup or salad?" the answer should be "None for me. Thank you. I'm driving," ... Haha I was kidding about that last part. However, I wasn't kidding about the soup being a no no.

5. Lobster and Crab

Avoiding these feeds precisely because they require you to use your hands. Anything that requires you to use your hands will be messy and leave a smell behind. It’s never a good look to have hands smelling fishy, be it from the food you’re eating, or from messing around with some unhygienic female.

6. Spinach or Salad

You might be wondering, “What’s wrong with spinach?” At first thought, pretty much nothing. Sure, it tastes great but what you haven’t considered is at the end of the night, when you go up to your mirror, you will be greeted with a mouthful of spinach! Any other small greens are equally as dangerous. You say you've climbed the highest peaks on five continents? You recently returned from rebuilding Haiti? You just sold the film rights to your novel? Doesn't matter. You have a little green leaf stuck between your teeth. You're a doofus.

7. Barbecue, chicken wings, fried chicken

What did I just say? No hands food! You may love a good plate of ribs or buffalo wings, but by the time you're finished you'll look like a 3-year-old in a high chair. You could try using a knife and fork, but then you'll just look like a priss or worse, your plate of ribs could end up on the other side where your date is seated.

8. Onions and Garlic

Here's a surefire way to guarantee your date ends in a handshake instead of a kiss... Order the garlic shrimp. Or the garlic bread. Or the pizza with garlic. The presence of either of these ingredients in your dish will kill any chance of getting a goodnight kiss after the date. Your breath will be rancid for the next few hours and your date will be truly disgusted every time you talk. Ain't no amount of furtive breath mints gonna mask your stanky breath. Not tonight, and probably not till Tuesday.

9. Watermelon and Corn on the Cob

Admittedly these don't come up much on first dates. But if you're getting together at a picnic or a barbecue, better keep these off the list. In the history of the world no one has eaten a watermelon without looking like a slobbering goof. And if you're looking to impress a date, avoid food that requires you to slide your face across a buttered surface and is guaranteed to lodge kernels so deep into your teeth you can't remove them with hydraulic tools.

10. Mexican, Indian, Thai food

What? This is nuts, you say. Whole categories of dining off limits? But think for a minute... What do all these foods have in common? Spice. And what does spice lead to? Come on, we've all been there... You're out with someone you like and respect, eating Thai food when all of a sudden you're seized with dread, and you realize it's begun. A slow rivulet of snot is inexorably descending from your left nostril. It doesn't matter if you catch it in time. More will follow. Rivers. Gushers. Your nose has become the Deep water Horizon of mucus, and no napkin on earth can help you now. You start snorting like a hog. You pray your date will look away so you can wipe your sleeve. Please! you beg to the patron saint of dating nightmares. Just look away!

11. Ice cream cone

A refreshing little cone of Double Chocolate might seem adorably romantic on a warm day, but it's a disastrous idea for two reasons. First, the minute you step outside, the laws of thermodynamics become your implacable enemy, and your rapidly melting Raspberry Mocha Swirl turns you into a frantically licking moron. Which brings me to reason two... On any first date, avoid foods you have to lick. No guy needs that kind of pressure. No woman wants that kind of attention.

Ok, by now I'm pretty sure you’re really pissed at me because I’ve likely named every delicious food you were craving. Call me the overbearing parent you hate for being right, but would you prefer to go on that first date and do the total opposites from what I mentioned in this blog and have to kick yourself after? I didn't figure.

Friday, November 2, 2012

A milestone for me at age 33

Whoever told you that you can't hit a milestone in your life at age 33 doesn't know what he/she is talking about!! I'm living proof that it can happen because last night I hit that! I slept in a hotel room alone (with the lights on all night but alone...I will slowly work at the lights off bit one day)... I've always been a coward and afraid of ghosts more than I'm afraid of thieves and I've never travelled alone. Even the few times I had to travel for work in the past, I always took my family with me and ever had to sleep alone.

I woke up this morning to have breakfast at the place I stayed at. Now I have to say that I really like this bed and breakfast idea.

Anyway when I was done the receptionist called for a taxi for me. I headed in to the spa office for the first time. What should have been a 10 minute taxi ride turned out to be an hour long because the driver couldn't understand a word of English and I couldn't speak a word of Thai! But finally I made it in to the office! Our business partner showed me around and walked me up to the 3rd floor and showed me my office. I'm speechless!

Two hours at the office and I had to leave with my business partner for a meeting with an associate and my sister in law.

After which I headed to Paragon Mall to meet with my brother's friend Alex. Good thing my dad mentioned briefly about how Alex looks like.... He was easy to spot. Chinese guy with tons of tattoos....yep! I spotted him!

One would think a guy like that would be all airs and macho and shit but he was the most gentlemen of Asian guys I have ever had dealings with!! I'm really impressed!

Passed him the things I was supposed to give to him. He didn't stay long as he had errands to run but he walked me to the taxi stand and waited till I got in to a taxi safe.

Got to love Bangkok traffic though. Almost two hours later, I finally get back to my room. I don't know how I'm ever going to get used to this! But no turning back now. Anyway, I crashed for a while then spoke to Ed and the kids before going out on my own to explore the place around this bed and breakfast and also go find something to eat!

I admit I walked in fear as the streets were dark and such but being streetwise, I stayed alert to the surroundings. I found a little restaurant and ordered some food and beer! Lonesome me sat at a big table all by my lonesome self! Haha.

Hit 7-Eleven to get some chips and more beer before returning back to my room.

Another lonely night. Goodnight folks.

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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Bleeding Heart

It's always been my dream to be my own boss. However, this is also a heartbreaking moment for any parent who loves their kids unconditionally.

Woke up at 6am this morning, kissed my husband goodbye before he left for the office, showered and checked through my things one last time to be sure I had everything packed. Called for a taxi then kissed my babies and mother goodbye. My kids were still asleep when I left although my daughter did wish me a safe trip.

It's been almost 10 years since I travelled alone. So the feeling now is felt lonely not having to take care of more than just myself at the airport. I had breakfast at the departure hall. Avoided the spot my family and I always went to when we travelled.

I suppose the first time is always the hardest and as I get used to these business trips, it will slowly get easier...or so they say. I doubt I will ever get used to not having my kids near me!! Wonder how people do this?

Anyway, the two hour flight from Singapore to Bangkok was a nightmare! I had a migraine to begin with....and had to sit beside two screaming kids!!! One was at the back of me and the other in front!! Oh goodness! There was not a minute peace. It's as if they took turns crying and screaming!! This actually made me miss my kids more and appreciate them a whole lot more too! Not to mention how proud I am of them!! Since they were babies, they travelled with us and on long haul flights (27 hours to be exact) and never were they like these two monkeys! I even remember when my daughter was 8 months old, we took her on a two hour flight from Boston to New York and while we were getting off the plane, thus gentleman commented, "Who would have guessed we had a baby on board this flight? She's so good and quiet!"

Well, don't blame the blocked ears while in the plane because while we were waiting for our luggage, the brat was still kicking and screaming! I should have slapped the parents instead!

Headed straight to the hotel my sister-in-law worked at. Had lunch with her and did some catching up. Also discussed business and the next steps we are going to take and approach. She dropped me off at the hotel she had booked me in to after and I was on my own from there! It was a small but cozy bed and breakfast. I unpacked and didn't have much time to rest before I had to rush out to meet our business partners.

I finally got to meet this couple I had heard so much about and who I will be doing business with. And in person they are just as nice as what I've always heard about them. We discussed a little at their house and we made our way to the exhibition booth they had for the next four days!! It was about an hour car ride and while in the car we discussed plans some more.

Met two more girls who works for them and who I will also be working with now. I advised them on their booth and such and after close up, we all went for dinner together. They have huge hearts and sure do know how to take care of their guest. I had a great evening and I think I'm going to be loving the new business venture!!

And now it's time to put my courage to the test and try to sleep alone in this hotel room... Goodnight everyone.... Wish me luck.

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Friday, October 19, 2012

Jonathan Knight



Those who know me well would be wondering why I am blogging about NKOTB member Jonathan Knight when I am so much an in between of a Jordan Knight and Donnie Wahlberg girl....

Well, the truth is, I'm a 'convert'. I'm still a Jordan and Donnie girl but after meeting the band twice this past June, I have to add Jonathan to that equation. And the other reason why I am writing this blog is because of an article I recently read in the local paper were they had interviewed Tiffany who was in Singapore for a performance. I've heard about this a while ago but reading it again in the papers really got me pissed...about how she outed Jonathan, that he was gay.

"Jonathan Knight publicly confirmed he was gay after Tiffany outed him on the tv show, Watch What Happens Live"

Personally I feel that she had no right to do that. If Jonathan wanted the world to know, he will tell the world when he was ready. I feel it's because of her that Jon was forced to do it sooner than he was ready to and that is just unfair! No human being should treat another like that. Gay? So what? I just don't understand why just because someone is a celebrity that they need to share every bit of personal detail of their life with the public?

I was actually quite excited to purchase a ticket to go see Tiffany as the first time I saw her in concert, I was only 11 years old. But I decided I wouldn't go. Because of the fact that I never did and never will support people who out people? Partly yes. But I had other personal reasons and commitments as well.

Although as per Daily Mail Reporter, dated 31 January 2011, on realising that Jonathan had not talked publicly about his sexual preferences Tiffany did apologise profusely on her Twitter feed. I still think whether one knows it or not, it's none of their business to bring up such a personal attack on anyone.

Jonathan being Jonathan (a total sweetheart) was quick to reassure her not to worry, adding that her comments had made him laugh. He said,'Tiff, please don't lose any sleep over it!' he responded. 'I know you weren't being mean and I found it to be funny!'

Well Jonathan is a very forgiving person and bless his heart.

Nevertheless, back to Jonathan...the elder brother of my boyfriend. Ha!

He was always the quiet and shy one. Not that he wasn't good looking or anything like that...I mean, he has the same blood as my boyfriend Jordan, you know? Well, I liked the outgoing, hot and sexy guy, the bad boy sort thus why I am a Jordan and Donnie girl. Makes sense right?

All these years it's always been Jordan Jordan Jordan or Donnie Donnie Donnie.... but I started to find Jon very pleasing and sweet once I got on Twitter. His tweets were always funny and he seemed like a down to earth person.

I was proven right when I met the boys (met Jon) in Jakarta and then in Manila this past June. Finally after more than 15 years!! Both times I did the Ultimate and had all the time with the boys alone without having to share their attention with any other fan! Jon was a sweetheart! Of course I was all over the two loves of my life but Jon never failed to amaze me with his attitude. So down to earth, so sweet and so attentive.

June 1 - met the boys for the first time in Jakarta. My dreams come true. Had the attention I've dreamed for all these years from Jordan and Donnie but surprisingly I spoke with Jon probably the most! He and I spoke about Koi fish and where I was from and such. He even asked for my Twitter handle and typed it in to his phone!

June 3 - met the boys again in Manila. This time it was even sweeter seeing that I got to spend more than 10 minutes with them! Time inside the room with them seemed like eternity and I wasn't going to complain. They recognized me from the Jakarta show which alone meant the world to me. My most favourite memory of Jon was the fact he pulled me towards him and asked to have a photo taken instead of the other way around! As he and I were getting in to position for a pose for the camera, Jordan ran towards us to get in the picture but Jon shoved him away and asked him to wait his turn. Wow! That is a memory that still remains fresh in my mind and one I will forever treasure. Jon seemed most talkative in Manila. He spoke up when their backstage hands didn't want the guys signing my mum's hat and my jacket. Jon said, "of course we can sign those!" and took the items from me and signed them and passed it to the rest.

Yes, I have fallen in love with another New Kid. I have fallen in love with Jonathan because of the real person that he is. I think I am not the only one who feels this way after meeting Jonathan Knight and I am certain many others could relate to this.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

National Broadway Company


Today my mum and I attended a musical at the Esplanade called "National Broadway Company". It's a Musical conceived, written and directed by Ong Keng Sen who is the Artistic Director of TheatreWorks.

To be honest, I'm not the kind of person who likes to attend nor appreciate musicals but this one was different. It was different because my best friend was one of the performers and we went to show our support even through it was the closing performance. It started on the 12th of October. 

It was a good excuse to get out of the house. I really needed it with everything else that has been going on in my life. I needed the time away from work, stress and worries. So excited as we were, my mum and I both forgot our phones! We were in the taxi, quarter of the way of my journey when I realized I had my still charging on the desk. I needed my phone as I needed to contact my pals and their numbers were all on there! So we asked the taxi driver to turn around.  Wanted to use my mum's phone to call my husband to have him run my phone downstairs to pass it to me but realized she had forgotten hers too! Ha! Talk about how excited we were to be able to go out and distress!

Not that it really mattered whether we had our phones or not, there wasn't any service in the theatre and I've learned that the engineers and architects did this on purpose when building the theatre. Wow! I guess this will teach people a lesson...the people who likes to talk during movies and plays, the ones who don't switch their phones to vibration mode when supposed to.... those inconsiderate ones! 

Nonetheless, our seats were great! The Stall seats, fourth row. We could see everything!

The show started on time at 8pm and I loved how they made this musical a way to showcase our local talents and gave the people of Singapore, the public, a chance to vote for the new Artistic Director of National Broadway Company. Although we didn't get a chance to vote since we were at their last performance, we sure managed to witness the results. And who would have guessed who the winner would be? Dick Lee! Even he was surprised! Wonder why? Haha.

This was a story of the pioneering musical theatre in Singapore as it unfolds as they sing their hearts to the top.

This production featured characters inspired by some artists’ personal stories and recollections. Artists such as Dick Lee, Jacintha Abisheganaden, Koh Chieng Mun, Najip Ali, and Hossan Leong. It was performed by a cast of both young emerging talents as well as established artists.

I enjoyed it most because they featured songs from Singapore’s favourite musicals such as Beauty World and Fried Rice Paradise. It was very insightful, showed us that personal tragedy, individual strife, comic turns and artistic triumph are the stuff of dreams.

My BFF Leena Salim played the role of Gani Abdul Karim. She is a true star. She always shines when she is in the limelight. Watching her on that stage, I felt so proud. So proud of her and her accomplishments and so proud to be a part of her life. Seventeen years of friendship. Can't believe how it all started. I was only just a fan! (yes believe it or not...from the Under One Roof and Boom Boom Room days) It's just so hard to describe the feeling of what I feel for her when I see her up on that stage! Girlfriend, if you're reading this...thanks for coming in to my life when I needed a big sis the most and thanks for always being there for me. I am so proud of who you are and what you've accomplished in this lifetime.

Anyway, after the show, my BFF introduced us to Chua Enlai. My mum had met him before so this would be my first encounter with Chua Enlai a.k.a. Jacques Ooi a.k.a. B. B. See a.k.a. Pornsak Sukhumvit! Great first impression! He was a sweetheart.

And one last thing....How the hell does Dick Lee keep his youth? How come he hasn't aged? What's his secret? Is he the Peter Pan of Singapore? I am going to have to get my BFF to put me in touch with him so I can ask him! Haha.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Marketing Fail


For months there was a huge "hoorah" about the release of the first NKOTB book since they reunited - "Five Brothers and a Million Sisters".  I was obviously very excited seeing that ever since NKOTB started in the 80s, I've read every single book that even had their name in it! 

I pre-ordered the book via Amazon and a couple weeks later it was announced that there will be an e-book version. I was a little disappointed as I would have preferred to get the e-book instead. Nonetheless, I decided to wait for the e-book release before purchasing it.

So the countdown began and finally the day arrived. October 2, 2012 - the release of 'Five Brothers and a Million Sisters".  I get online to place my order for the e-book version and what happens? I'm unable to do so because I wasn't living in USA. I found that to be a little ridiculous but thank god for good friends. My best friend in USA bought it for me and sent the file over to me. That was when I was hit with a bigger disappointment... The file would not open on my iPad and even downloading the application did not work because I wasn't living in USA! Finally after a whole day of figuring it out, I managed to open it on my iPad (barely)...I noticed there were lots of missing pages in between.

That was when it started to get more frustrating. And I recalled other instances where fans living outside of the USA (mainly Asia) could not do what the USA fans could. Firstly, why do their website only have two links for purchasing merchandise? USA and United Kingdom? Why couldn't the Asian fans buy the concert tickets for the Australia shows? Why could we purchase the MP3 when NKOTBSB came out with the album via Amazon? And now this book?

I'm not blaming the guys. I know it has nothing to do with them at all but their marketing team. It just feels unfair and it gets frustrating. It's as if the Asian fans gets the leftovers and it seems our money isn't good enough? Seriously, what's the harm in selling it internationally? It's not like there are copyright issues or anything....we will be paying the same price for the same item for heavens sake! 

Fair enough there may be some issues regular people like myself may not know about or understand... So this is where a good marketing team would come in....and they will advertise the sale date and below that, they should put "sales outside of USA will be announced" ... Or something like that. Instead they give us false hope. 

That's just my two cents on that matter. I just have to give credit to the author and the team she has behind her. I've voiced out my issues and concerns and as much as they have tried to assist me with the technical stuff, I still wasn't able to open the e-book from my iPad or desktop. However, they have sent me a copy of the book for which I'm very appreciative of. Thank you.

So before I sign off, I would like for someone (anyone who knows) to explain to me about the international restriction on purchasing certain books or items online? 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

29 Hours


So NKOTB announced their 5th Sail. NKOTB Cruise 2013.

My beloved husband had already given me the go ahead because he's always so awesome. I've done a little research about the prices of the cabins and such and have prospective room mates. I've even checked on the air tickets that would take me from Singapore to Miami. The only thing that burns my ass is the fact that the air fare is so damn steep in price! I am certain if I shop around a bit more, I probably can find a pretty decent airline and air fare.

I have about 29 hours left before making a final decision and get on that computer to book my NKOTB Cruise when sale begins for the Block Nation members.

29 hours to come up with the logistics and money I will have to spend, etc. 29 hours to make up my mind.

Logistics would mean I will have to plan my leave from work and have my husband take time off as well so he's able to stay home and watch the kids.

Expenses would include:

Cruise - between USD$699 and USD $800

(I don't need the special cabin or suite because I only need it so rest for a couple hours before waking up again to continue partying)

Spending money for alcohol and shopping - USD $1000 at least

(Come on. Food and fountain drinks are included in the Cruise fare but I will not be partying without alcohol!!)

Air fare - USD $2,300

That's a whopping total of an estimated USD $4,000!! That's just for me alone!!

That's a lot of money when I'm thinking; with that amount I could take my whole family for another vacation in South East Asia and this is where my 'mummy guilt' is setting in.

I've heard awesome stories about the cruise and I've heard horror stories. I'd really like to experience it for myself before making any judgement. However, what if the horror stories are for real and all the drama is true? I hate drama. I don't want to waste my money to go on a ship and put up with this kind of bullshit. What are my chances of really interacting with the 5 guys? I'm not a pushy person so meaning I'm going to lose out to the other 3000 ladies onboard.

It's been 104 days since I met the boys for the first time in Jakarta. Well I have met Jordan before but it's my first time seeing the boys together. I did an Ultimate. For the non-NKOTB fans, Ultimate is a special package where you get to meet the boys alone...just you and the boys instead of a group of 10 girls with the boys.

And it's been 102 days since I saw the boys in Manila!! I did another Ultimate but this time it was a little more meaningful because I got to share the experience with my mum.

Nevertheless, what I'm trying to say is that it's been over 100 days since I had the experience of a lifetime meeting the guys yet the memory is still so fresh in my head. The urge of wanting to do it all over again is so great!! Thus I'm thinking if I should make a new memory and try a new experience even if it doesn't guarantee me alone time with the guys? Or should I just be patient and wait for another tour and shoot for another Ultimate alone time with the boys?

I hate decisions. Wish I could just do both! I'm sure my husband would let me but again, it will all boil down to my 'mummy guilt'.

So I sign off with this thought; Cruise vs. Ultimate Concert

1. Party for 4 days with the boys oppose to 2.5 hours

2. 40% chance of alone time with the boys oppose to 100% chance of alone time

Well Debra, you have about 28 hours to decide.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Bonding Time


So lately I feel like I have got the need to head to a store and ask if it's possible for me to buy "A Life"? Apparently it is something I'm desperately in need of...

I may have just taken on a bit too much on my plate but I'm surviving. It's a love hate relationship if you asked me. I love what I do. I love everything about my work, being a mum and now a council member of The Singapore Association of Magicians. However, at times I do feel like quitting because I get so tired and hardly have any time for myself.

I've been doing well though and I am finally starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel. People ate beginning to hear of my company and I think we are finally starting to go places.

Just last Friday, my husband sent me a message on Skype. He said, "You should feel good about your accomplishments dear. you're doing very well." Though I know he is always encouraging and proud of me, this still took me by surprise. Hard to imagine that just a simple sentence like that and I am over the moon. And this is coming from the man I've married for over 12 years now!! Isn't he just wonderful?

Nevertheless back to the subject line of this blog post....

As most of my family and friends would know, I recently joined The Singapore Association of Magicians. I have been voted in to the council because of my knowledge of events and some social media skills I've picked up the last 2 years. I've attended 3 meetings since I've joined and I'm proud to say I am accomplishing quite a bit and the current council members seem pleased with what I have done so far.

They had wanted to vote me as Secretary since ours had handed in her resignation but I've just got too much on my plate right now. I'll probably agree to it at the next AGM though.

But speaking of bonding dad being the President of the association and me a council member, he and I have had the most father and daughter bonding time since forever ago.

As most know, my father and I never saw eye to eye and he always favoured my brothers more. But I suppose it's never too late to start the bonding now.

There's still the tension between him and I when we are out together. But I can see he is trying. I am guessing he is also finally realizing how he can depend on me. It's nice to hear him often praise me and all I've done and for him to have so much faith and confidence in me. It's a nice feeling. A feeling I never got to feed of him before...but it sure is a feeling I could get used to.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

An End To Another Chapter

I wasn't every teacher's dream student in Secondary school. I wasn't the favourite student who would carry the books for you or showed much respect for you if you were a twatt, in fact, I was probably every teacher's worst nightmare. Life in Secondary school for me was what I made it out to be. I hated every minute of school so I created my own fun to get me through the 5 years of hell.

Half the time I would skip school and hang out with friends at the East Coast beach or Parkway Parade Mall or wherever our legs and imagination would take us. Of course, my teachers would call my mum and inform her I wasn’t in school but I’d listen to the yelling and get back at it again. Worse was when my father found out, I remember the beatings of my life….yet, I still went ahead and skipped classes.

Got my first boyfriend at 13. I was in Secondary 1. And since them, I was a popular girl, in school, at the boy’s school across from us and even at another school away from the East. I changed boyfriends like I changed socks. But lets not get into that. The whole purpose for this blog post is to talk about closing another chapter in my life and that is the chapter of the most hatred teacher I’ve had to deal with throughout Secondary school life.

Let me tell you, I’ve had about three teachers I really loved and respected and actually enjoyed being in class with. Mrs Shepardson was the sweetest and most patient, Ms Louisa Tan who probably died a million times reading the shit I wrote on my biology papers and Ms May Tan who was probably an angel in disguise for putting up with my nonsense.

I know I have had more teachers but I don’t recall most of them, which means they didn’t leave such an impact on me. But nonetheless, there are two bitches that sticks out clearly in my head.

One was named Mrs Yeow. She was my form teacher for 2 years and what a bitch she was. Of course I was always her target because I simply didn’t obey any rules. But she wasn’t mean or anything. I just didn’t like her and she didn’t like me. Not that bad really. She’s back in Malaysia now so that’s good. She can remain and rott there.

The number one bitch that I’ve had a hatred for all these years (yes even till today) is Mrs L (I shall not mention her full name to protect myself from being sued by her because she is capable of that).

Well this Mrs L taught me English and Literature. She marked me from the beginning because I never paid attention in class, didn’t hand in my homework, wrote love letters during her lessons, and had a mind of my own and was never afraid to speak my mind or fight. The worst year I had was when she was my form teacher. That was one whole year of pure misery, detentions and punishments. She hated my guts. She would kick me out of her class often until I got sick and tired of it. When it was time for her lessons, I would have my bag packed and ready, and the moment she walked in, I would walk out. Of course she tried many times to stop me or ask where I was going, and I would yell at her and tell her off and make my leave.

The year I was doing my N’ Levels examination, I clearly recall her pulling me aside to tell me that I am a useless waste of oxygen, I will never amount to anything in this life and because of the way I am, I will never find a good husband and get married and even if I did, my kids will be flops like me. Back then I didn’t think much of it. Who really cared about what Mrs L said or thought? I had my many friends who would disagree with her (because I was a cool kid and everyone looked up to me because I had balls of steel) and my string of boyfriends would tell her otherwise.

I just about managed to pass my N’ Levels but I was all done with school. I didn’t continue with my O’ Levels and my father stopped supporting me. I worked at Cold Storage as a cashier but after getting my first pay cheque I quit because it was peanuts! I continued to play around and finally after a year, I decided I would take up computer courses. Worked part time at Boat Quay at a friend’s pub as a waitress (illegally) as I was only 17..but thank goodness for my mature looks and behaviour, we pulled that off. I made damn good money also because I was damn HOT back in the day and got lots of tips.

Though I never let what Mrs L told me get to me or bother me, I never really forgot what she said. Never did even till today.

I have a great life now. I am somebody. I married a wonderful man and I have 2 wonderful kids. Everything Mrs L predicted for my future was wrong. I told my husband about her and he was the one who urged me to do something about this especially since my daughter in now in KC Primary and would sooner or later have Mrs L as her teacher.

Last year, my daughter came home with carnival tickets to the yearly KC Family Day at the Secondary school. I was thrilled because I wanted to take that opportunity to go hunt that bitch now and tell her what I thought of her and to show her that her predictions were wrong about me. I looked all over for her but left disappointed because she probably knew I was there and was hiding, since I make it known via Social Media of my plans. But I didn’t let it rest there. I found her on Facebook and wrote her a long message and sent it off. Still I didn’t feel it was enough. There wasn’t a closure even after sending that message because I didn’t know how she reacted or if she actually read it.

Finally this year, KC held the Family Day again (last Saturday, August 25) and I made sure we went. I looked around for her but couldn’t find her. I met Ms Louisa Tan who is still sweet as pie. I asked her where Mrs L was and she said, “Well, she’s supposed to be in this booth with me but she may have gone for her break.” … Ooohhhh my eyes sparkled at hearing that piece of good news.

Without wasting too much time on her, waiting for her….I proceeded to go have some fun with my kids, hubby and mum. They played a few games with the intention of collecting enough tokens so my son could redeem it for the Transformers he had his eye on. Good thing he’s so cute because he got quadruple tokens at a couple games.

They had collected enough tokens and we were pretty tired as we had a long day…started off with my son’s baptism this morning and lunch to celebrate after, and Family Day…

We went back to the redemption counter and my hubby spotted Mrs L first and pointed her out to me. I could feel my heart beating real fast. Was I nervous or excited, I couldn’t really tell. But I calmly walked towards her and looked her straight in the eye…..

Me: Do you remember me?

Mrs L: Errrmmm yeh from way back (DUH BITCH!)

Me: Remember you told me when I was in Secondary 4 that I will never amount to anything? That I was useless. I will never find a good man to marry me and even if I did my kids would be total flops like me?

Mrs L: (You could see the shock in her eyes) Did I say that? What was the situation when I said that?

Me(BITCH!) You sure did say that and it doesn’t matter what the situation was because as a teacher and having such a major influence on students, you should not have said what you said.

Mrs L(silent)

Me: We were head strong teenagers back then. Emotionally we were even stronger. If you said something like that to a student in this day and age, they would not be able to handle it. Then it would have been a suicide on your hands!

Mrs L(still silent…so happy I finally got that affect on her)

Me: Well you were wrong about me and thinking about what you said before made me realize how far I have come.

Mrs L(Cat finally let her tongue go) Well I am glad I was wrong. You see, God makes things happen for a reason….

Me: (This was when I interrupted her) (Bitch! Don’t use God’s name in vain because you’re going to burn in hell!!) No!! Do not use this as a shield. I did not change because of what you told me!

Mrs L(stunned)

Me: Well, you said I am useless. You were wrong because I made my own way through College and University. You said I will never find a good man to marry me. You were wrong because my husband is the most wonderful man. You said if I had kids, they would be flops like me? You were wrong because they are wonderful, beautiful, intelligent and kind kids. You said I would never amount to anything? Again you were wrong because I am more than you will ever be in your lifetime or what you have left of it. I have my degrees to back me up, I own my own business and I am successful.

Mrs L(apparently shocked and lost for words) Well congratulations….

Me: (if you’re saying it just because you don’t know what else to say then don’t say anything bitch! Or mean what you say!) Sure. I will never ever let you come near my daughter! I will not put my child through that same torture. And if I wasn’t so head strong before, I should have told my parents who in turn would have gotten you fired! (Casually I walked away with Mrs L’s mouth still hitting the floor)

I remained in that area even after talking to her. I was all pleased with myself. She on the other hand was a little nervous seeing I was still hanging around the area. I wasn’t there to make her uncomfortable, I was honestly waiting for my daughter to choose her prizes. Hey! It could have been worse for Mrs L. I could have created a scene and made everyone around there (students, teachers and parents) know what a cunt she is!

I saw her looking at my kids. Looking at me. Yes, please do check me out bitch. Good thing I wore my nice tailored dress, my designer bag, Rolex watch… That will prove everything I just said to her!

I felt a huge weight lifted off my chest and my soul. I think I finally did what I had always wanted to do. I felt proud of myself for standing up to her. I think I finally have found closure within that chapter in my life.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Hari Raya and Ghost Month

I never really quite understood how in the last couple of years, the calendars have come to a complete change and we find two races / religions celebrating two different festivals at about the same time?

First we had Hari Raya. After 30 days of dawn-to-dusk fasting during Ramadan, the first three days of Hari Raya Aidilfitri are celebrated on a grand scale. The celebrations are colourful and fascinating. Muslim families often dress in the same colour to signify their unity. The men wear a loose shirt with trousers known as ‘baju Melayu’ and the women wear the quintessential ‘baju kurung’. And if you’re lucky enough, you might get an invite to a home-cooked Hari Raya Aidilfitri feast. A wide variety of spicy dishes are traditionally served during the three-day celebration, including spicy beef ‘rendang’, vegetable curry ‘sayur lodeh’ and Malay rice cakes called ‘ketupat’.

Then it is that time of the year again, when I come back home to see ashes flying around the void decks or around blocks and in my home since I live on the second level.

Hungry Ghost festival is an occasion that is taken very seriously by the Chinese. This festival falls on the 7th month of the lunar New Year so that's how they got the name 7th Month Hungry Ghost Festival. Although I am half Chinese I never understood much of this. 

But it is believed by the Chinese that during this month, the gates of hell are opened to free the hungry ghosts who then wander to seek food on Earth. Some even think that the ghosts would seek revenge on those who had wronged them in their lives. The reason why the Chinese celebrate this festival is to remember their dead family members and pay tribute to them. So does this mean they have evil dead and hungry ghost family? (I'm seriously scratching my head now).

I just want to know why is it ok for them to make a mess of the estates and nothing is being done about the fact it should be considered littering? Shouldn't they at least clean up after their rituals? Why can't all these be done at a temple or a place of worship to save the other races and religions the inconvenience? Why can't town council designate one area for them to carry out these rituals instead of right under someone's home?

I mean seriously, I dread the 7th Month because I wake up thinking my house is on fire! I dread it because the smoke and ashes causes my asthma to flare up and not to mention my kids having breathing problems. But that's just my family. How many other kids and elderly people are having this respiratory problems?

No I have nothing against any religion but I think this issue needs to be addressed and taken seriously. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Disrespecting Our Country


What better way to celebrate Singapore's 47th Birthday than to have someone else's flag hang outside their HDB home! Not!!

The hot topic that is going around right now is of a photo of a China flag hanging over the parapet of a flat in Hougang Avenue 3.

Are they really serious? To be living in one of OUR GOVERNMENT SUBSIDIZED HOUSING and hanging their flag on OUR birthday? That's disrespectful!

Shit! Even when I lived in America, I hung the American flag proudly in front of our home. I am, however, guilty of flying the Singapore flag too but it's legal in USA. Legal as long as it flies below the American flag.

I was both proud to be a Singaporean and also to be living in America. But to have these people come to Singapore and down right disrespect us is totally unacceptable!

Many have questioned, "Is this allowed?" Of course it's not! Such an act occurring in Singapore may constitute an offence under the National Emblems (Control of Display) Act, which prohibits the display of such national emblems in public or at schools, including where it is displayed in a manner as to be visible from any road, street, bridge, passage, footway or place by any member of the public.

I think these people should be punished! And while on that topic, their neighbour is just as guilty of being disrespectful. How could they even think of hanging their filthy mattress over our flag??

Sad sad folks.

As much as I like to bitch and piss and moan about the shitty community songs they have for national day in the recent years ... I am still very proud to be a Singaporean and shit like this really pisses me off!

I have lived overseas and in doing so, it has made me realize how much I appreciate what we've got in Singapore even more. If these morons aren't happy living here then maybe we ought to toss them else where to open up their goddamn eyes to see what they really should appreciate!

So to my fellow Singaporeans, please know that if you come across things like this, you can call the police hotline at 1800-255-0000.

Let's do our part for Singapore. We are after all, One People, One Nation, One Singapore!!!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Saving Gaia

Yes I admit that I have been neglecting my blog in a long time. When I first started, I would document every single thing I've done which I have come to realize, "who really gives a shit?"

So I went back and cleared those "shit" off and what better way to start off with this blog again then to have a bitch session post?

The subject line should tell you where I'm going to go with this post.

"Saving Gaia"....I almost want to say that I'm lost for words. I am trying to be politically correct when trying to describe how I feel about it but I doubt that I'll succeed.

It annoys me to no end that I ended up emailing to the feedback department of Mediacorp. I even put The New Paper and The Straits Times on CC.

This was what I emailed...

Dear Sir / Madam

RE: Saving Gaia

I promise to Save the World if you promise to take this off the air!

Seriously, this is one of the worst songs/commercial and save the world attempt.

The one thing, or maybe two, that bugs me the most is:-

1) Singapore is a multi-racial country right? Well last I checked it was. So why do we only have Chinese kids in this video? Does this mean that the Eurasians and Caucasians are burning the tress and plastic, and poaching animals? While the Malays and Indians are tossing waste in to the waters and wasting water and electricity? Are you trying to say that only the Chinese can save the world?

Shame on you Mediacorp for being so racially biased. Singapore definitely has no shortage of kids of other ethnicities that you could have included.

2) Not to mention the kids are tone deaf! Not to mention the producers! At least give us a more catchy upbeat tune with kids from a choir so at least it doesn’t hurt our ears listening to it?

I have not come in to contact with anyone who has anything good to say about this.

Please take this off the air before it drives us all insane or deaf, or remake it with more races other than just Chinese, and with kids who can hold a tune. I am sure you’re capable of better results. And while you’re at it, FIRE the current producers who are apparently deaf and racist too!

Mrs Palmer

And to my surprise, I received a response within the next hour!!

This was what they had to say...

Hi Mrs Palmer,

Thank you for your feedback on MediaCorp's Saving Gaia music video.

Allow us to take this opportunity to clarify.

MediaCorp approached several choir groups which included Catholic High School and Kong Hwa School, both of which were able to meet the production schedule. While both schools have students from all races, it is coincidental that the two choirs currently only have Chinese students. The teachers involved in this project however, consist of different races.

As Singapore's national broadcaster catering to all races, cultures and demographics, we are always mindful of how we portray the company and our initiatives so as to be as inclusive as possible, and representative of the company in the eyes of our viewers and consumers. For our recent company campaign 'Someone', we do take pain to ensure that various major races and cultures, age groups were well-represented.

Having said that, we do take note of your comments and will be mindful in our future initiatives and public campaigns.

Should you have other feedback on MediaCorp's products and services, we welcome you to drop an email to this address.


Yeong Lai Lai
MediaCorp Feedback Unit

With that reply, I conclude "what a crock of shit!"

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! Did you make any new year resolutions this year? I usually don’t because I never keep it but this year I am hoping like hell that I stick to it…DIET… because I really want to lose some weight for my NKOTB meet up in June!!

And so I started the dreaded today. While Ed and the kids had a yummy brunch, I had half a bowl of porridge with white meat and veggies.

Then it was off to Sim Lim Square to get Ed a new monitor or should I say a couple new monitors! Took a few pics of my kids while waiting for a taxi. Gosh I can’t believe how grown up Lani is! And look at Logan!! What a cool dude! I am the proudest mother ever!

We walked around Sim Lim for a bit. Told the kids that they had a great holiday and great gifts for Christmas…and that I had a great present (NKOTB tickets),.. so now it’s Ed’s turn!

Finally found the monitors he wanted. We got him 2 x 24” Acer monitors for his gaming station.

Went home right after and he gave me his still brand new 28 inch monitor!! Oh boy!! I now can see NKOTB real clear on it!! Loving it! Even watched a few NKOTB videos and it was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!

Oh, before I end, my daughter made a good point at Sim Lim today…she asked why are we so excited for the arrival of the iPad3 when we already have it at home? Ed and I were confused so she went on to explain… “if you out your iPad 1 and iPad 2 together, wouldn’t you get an iPad 3?”

I swear she is going to be a lawyer!




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