Friday, November 2, 2012

A milestone for me at age 33

Whoever told you that you can't hit a milestone in your life at age 33 doesn't know what he/she is talking about!! I'm living proof that it can happen because last night I hit that! I slept in a hotel room alone (with the lights on all night but alone...I will slowly work at the lights off bit one day)... I've always been a coward and afraid of ghosts more than I'm afraid of thieves and I've never travelled alone. Even the few times I had to travel for work in the past, I always took my family with me and ever had to sleep alone.

I woke up this morning to have breakfast at the place I stayed at. Now I have to say that I really like this bed and breakfast idea.

Anyway when I was done the receptionist called for a taxi for me. I headed in to the spa office for the first time. What should have been a 10 minute taxi ride turned out to be an hour long because the driver couldn't understand a word of English and I couldn't speak a word of Thai! But finally I made it in to the office! Our business partner showed me around and walked me up to the 3rd floor and showed me my office. I'm speechless!

Two hours at the office and I had to leave with my business partner for a meeting with an associate and my sister in law.

After which I headed to Paragon Mall to meet with my brother's friend Alex. Good thing my dad mentioned briefly about how Alex looks like.... He was easy to spot. Chinese guy with tons of tattoos....yep! I spotted him!

One would think a guy like that would be all airs and macho and shit but he was the most gentlemen of Asian guys I have ever had dealings with!! I'm really impressed!

Passed him the things I was supposed to give to him. He didn't stay long as he had errands to run but he walked me to the taxi stand and waited till I got in to a taxi safe.

Got to love Bangkok traffic though. Almost two hours later, I finally get back to my room. I don't know how I'm ever going to get used to this! But no turning back now. Anyway, I crashed for a while then spoke to Ed and the kids before going out on my own to explore the place around this bed and breakfast and also go find something to eat!

I admit I walked in fear as the streets were dark and such but being streetwise, I stayed alert to the surroundings. I found a little restaurant and ordered some food and beer! Lonesome me sat at a big table all by my lonesome self! Haha.

Hit 7-Eleven to get some chips and more beer before returning back to my room.

Another lonely night. Goodnight folks.

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