So lately I feel like I have got the need to head to a store and ask if it's possible for me to buy "A Life"? Apparently it is something I'm desperately in need of...
I may have just taken on a bit too much on my plate but I'm surviving. It's a love hate relationship if you asked me. I love what I do. I love everything about my work, being a mum and now a council member of The Singapore Association of Magicians. However, at times I do feel like quitting because I get so tired and hardly have any time for myself.
I've been doing well though and I am finally starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel. People ate beginning to hear of my company and I think we are finally starting to go places.
Just last Friday, my husband sent me a message on Skype. He said, "You should feel good about your accomplishments dear. you're doing very well." Though I know he is always encouraging and proud of me, this still took me by surprise. Hard to imagine that just a simple sentence like that and I am over the moon. And this is coming from the man I've married for over 12 years now!! Isn't he just wonderful?
Nevertheless back to the subject line of this blog post....
As most of my family and friends would know, I recently joined The Singapore Association of Magicians. I have been voted in to the council because of my knowledge of events and some social media skills I've picked up the last 2 years. I've attended 3 meetings since I've joined and I'm proud to say I am accomplishing quite a bit and the current council members seem pleased with what I have done so far.
They had wanted to vote me as Secretary since ours had handed in her resignation but I've just got too much on my plate right now. I'll probably agree to it at the next AGM though.
But speaking of bonding dad being the President of the association and me a council member, he and I have had the most father and daughter bonding time since forever ago.
As most know, my father and I never saw eye to eye and he always favoured my brothers more. But I suppose it's never too late to start the bonding now.
There's still the tension between him and I when we are out together. But I can see he is trying. I am guessing he is also finally realizing how he can depend on me. It's nice to hear him often praise me and all I've done and for him to have so much faith and confidence in me. It's a nice feeling. A feeling I never got to feed of him before...but it sure is a feeling I could get used to.
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