Monday, February 19, 2018

Weight Loss Plateau

For 2 WEEKS, I was in a SERIOUS weight loss plateau that had me confused, frustrated, depressed, and desperate. I did not lose one pound although I knew for a FACT that I was staying in my calorie range, exercising, staying off carbs and still juicing when I am not having a regular meal which is more often than not. During those two weeks, I tried EVERYTHING to break through this plateau. You name it, I did it. I was just OBSESSED with trying to get through this plateau. Nothing worked.

It was just frustrating because clothes were finally starting to fit better and I beginning to feel great. I've been steadily shedding pounds but it suddenly feels like a challenge to lose a few more to reach my goal weight. I was determined and have tried everything I know of but I still didn't see any changes on the scale!

Well, this past week I HAD to take a break from exercising because I am nursing a cold. So, I could not do a lot of strenuous exercise. I still ate healthy, although had some increase in calories intake. I got on the scale today, and what do you know...I lost 4 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was like my body was holding on to all of the weight that I have been trying to lose over these last 2 weeks, but it would not let go of it until it knew that it could!

So, Jillian Michaels was right! She said that a plateau is your body's way of letting you know that it thinks it is starving. She suggested that during a plateau, one should increase the calories, and then expect a BIG DROP in pounds in the next few weeks. Well, that is EXACTLY was happened! I did increase my calories (by a little), gave my body a REST from the exercise, and my body responded by "releasing' the weight it had been holding on to for the past 2 weeks!!

So, for those of you who are in the midst of a plateau, I feel your pain! Trust me. I was just as frustrated, angry, and confused as the rest of you. But, I did NOT give up on my exercise or nutrition regimen. Although I was angry, I stuck to it and just had faith that the weight would come off eventually, and it did!

While this was probably not my LONGEST plateau, it was NOT my first, I am sure. I just never took notice of it until now. I also know that I may experience more plateaus as I continue on this weight loss journey. However, I have learned a valuable lesson: Give your body a BREAK sometimes. It is working hard for you, and needs a rest. My new plan is to take a WEEK OFF every couple weeks. So, I will exercise hard for two weeks and juice, and then take a one week break. That will give my body time to recover, and shed pounds.

I am SO THRILLED that I broke through this plateau I feel refreshed and SUPER-EXCITED to enter this next phase of my weight loss journey.

Let me just tell you this, a weight-loss plateau is an integral part of weight loss. DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED! It is your body's way of protecting you for survival purposes. The weight-loss plateau occurs because your body thinks there is a famine and has slowed your metabolism in order to conserve calories. This will happen periodically throughout your weight-loss odyssey.

That said, a plateau will usually break on its own after about three weeks,

Keep up the motivation, be patient, and try to change your focus for a short time. Sometimes, too much focus and concentration will make one more stressed. This will slow the body down. You will progress just as you are supposed to in time.

One very important thing to keep in mind is that by exercising daily, eating well, and maintaining your emotional health, you are definitely doing the right thing. This is a lifestyle you are committed to, not the “4-day diet” or the “15-day miracle plan.” Temporary efforts produce temporary results. Plateaus can happen. But you’ve made healthy living your way of living, which means all realistic goals can and will be achieved.

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