Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Disrespecting Our Country


What better way to celebrate Singapore's 47th Birthday than to have someone else's flag hang outside their HDB home! Not!!

The hot topic that is going around right now is of a photo of a China flag hanging over the parapet of a flat in Hougang Avenue 3.

Are they really serious? To be living in one of OUR GOVERNMENT SUBSIDIZED HOUSING and hanging their flag on OUR birthday? That's disrespectful!

Shit! Even when I lived in America, I hung the American flag proudly in front of our home. I am, however, guilty of flying the Singapore flag too but it's legal in USA. Legal as long as it flies below the American flag.

I was both proud to be a Singaporean and also to be living in America. But to have these people come to Singapore and down right disrespect us is totally unacceptable!

Many have questioned, "Is this allowed?" Of course it's not! Such an act occurring in Singapore may constitute an offence under the National Emblems (Control of Display) Act, which prohibits the display of such national emblems in public or at schools, including where it is displayed in a manner as to be visible from any road, street, bridge, passage, footway or place by any member of the public.

I think these people should be punished! And while on that topic, their neighbour is just as guilty of being disrespectful. How could they even think of hanging their filthy mattress over our flag??

Sad sad folks.

As much as I like to bitch and piss and moan about the shitty community songs they have for national day in the recent years ... I am still very proud to be a Singaporean and shit like this really pisses me off!

I have lived overseas and in doing so, it has made me realize how much I appreciate what we've got in Singapore even more. If these morons aren't happy living here then maybe we ought to toss them else where to open up their goddamn eyes to see what they really should appreciate!

So to my fellow Singaporeans, please know that if you come across things like this, you can call the police hotline at 1800-255-0000.

Let's do our part for Singapore. We are after all, One People, One Nation, One Singapore!!!

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