Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! Did you make any new year resolutions this year? I usually don’t because I never keep it but this year I am hoping like hell that I stick to it…DIET… because I really want to lose some weight for my NKOTB meet up in June!!

And so I started the dreaded today. While Ed and the kids had a yummy brunch, I had half a bowl of porridge with white meat and veggies.

Then it was off to Sim Lim Square to get Ed a new monitor or should I say a couple new monitors! Took a few pics of my kids while waiting for a taxi. Gosh I can’t believe how grown up Lani is! And look at Logan!! What a cool dude! I am the proudest mother ever!

We walked around Sim Lim for a bit. Told the kids that they had a great holiday and great gifts for Christmas…and that I had a great present (NKOTB tickets),.. so now it’s Ed’s turn!

Finally found the monitors he wanted. We got him 2 x 24” Acer monitors for his gaming station.

Went home right after and he gave me his still brand new 28 inch monitor!! Oh boy!! I now can see NKOTB real clear on it!! Loving it! Even watched a few NKOTB videos and it was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!

Oh, before I end, my daughter made a good point at Sim Lim today…she asked why are we so excited for the arrival of the iPad3 when we already have it at home? Ed and I were confused so she went on to explain… “if you out your iPad 1 and iPad 2 together, wouldn’t you get an iPad 3?”

I swear she is going to be a lawyer!




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