Thursday, September 13, 2012

29 Hours


So NKOTB announced their 5th Sail. NKOTB Cruise 2013.

My beloved husband had already given me the go ahead because he's always so awesome. I've done a little research about the prices of the cabins and such and have prospective room mates. I've even checked on the air tickets that would take me from Singapore to Miami. The only thing that burns my ass is the fact that the air fare is so damn steep in price! I am certain if I shop around a bit more, I probably can find a pretty decent airline and air fare.

I have about 29 hours left before making a final decision and get on that computer to book my NKOTB Cruise when sale begins for the Block Nation members.

29 hours to come up with the logistics and money I will have to spend, etc. 29 hours to make up my mind.

Logistics would mean I will have to plan my leave from work and have my husband take time off as well so he's able to stay home and watch the kids.

Expenses would include:

Cruise - between USD$699 and USD $800

(I don't need the special cabin or suite because I only need it so rest for a couple hours before waking up again to continue partying)

Spending money for alcohol and shopping - USD $1000 at least

(Come on. Food and fountain drinks are included in the Cruise fare but I will not be partying without alcohol!!)

Air fare - USD $2,300

That's a whopping total of an estimated USD $4,000!! That's just for me alone!!

That's a lot of money when I'm thinking; with that amount I could take my whole family for another vacation in South East Asia and this is where my 'mummy guilt' is setting in.

I've heard awesome stories about the cruise and I've heard horror stories. I'd really like to experience it for myself before making any judgement. However, what if the horror stories are for real and all the drama is true? I hate drama. I don't want to waste my money to go on a ship and put up with this kind of bullshit. What are my chances of really interacting with the 5 guys? I'm not a pushy person so meaning I'm going to lose out to the other 3000 ladies onboard.

It's been 104 days since I met the boys for the first time in Jakarta. Well I have met Jordan before but it's my first time seeing the boys together. I did an Ultimate. For the non-NKOTB fans, Ultimate is a special package where you get to meet the boys alone...just you and the boys instead of a group of 10 girls with the boys.

And it's been 102 days since I saw the boys in Manila!! I did another Ultimate but this time it was a little more meaningful because I got to share the experience with my mum.

Nevertheless, what I'm trying to say is that it's been over 100 days since I had the experience of a lifetime meeting the guys yet the memory is still so fresh in my head. The urge of wanting to do it all over again is so great!! Thus I'm thinking if I should make a new memory and try a new experience even if it doesn't guarantee me alone time with the guys? Or should I just be patient and wait for another tour and shoot for another Ultimate alone time with the boys?

I hate decisions. Wish I could just do both! I'm sure my husband would let me but again, it will all boil down to my 'mummy guilt'.

So I sign off with this thought; Cruise vs. Ultimate Concert

1. Party for 4 days with the boys oppose to 2.5 hours

2. 40% chance of alone time with the boys oppose to 100% chance of alone time

Well Debra, you have about 28 hours to decide.

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