Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Good Day Indeed

Today was definitely a good day! First of all, look at how much Logan’s eczema have improved since seeing the private dermatologist! Just 2 days applying the creams and taking the medicines and he’s improved so much better than the 1 year he was seeing the skin centre doctor.

Then the other good thing about today...I received a Christmas card from NKOTB. Ya I know it’s from the fan club and they probably mailed these to the thousands of fans around the world but it was nice. Felt like a teenager again, so excited about receiving something in the mail from her favourite boy band!

And today, I devoted the day to cleaning the kids’ room. I cleared it and made space for all their new toys and I swear there were tons of it! But I did it. Everything is put neatly in their places on shelves and such in my kids’ room.

Oh! See those 3 pictures of the drawings? Those are Lani’s art work from school! I can’t wait for when Logan comes home with things like that. It makes me so proud!


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