Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Happy Birthday Pa

Today is my father’s birthday. Wanted to buy him dinner but he said no need. I guess that’s fine because I did give him his Christmas and birthday present early. Got him an iPhone.

So I mentioned yesterday that my uncle’s wife bought Logan the eczema cream right? I tried it last night on his face. Rubbed it on all the affected areas on his face without thinking much of it since many I know have used this and swore it worked. Less then 15 minutes later, Logan comes back to my room itching and looking all bruised.

Of course I started to feel like crap! Felt as if it was all my fault that he is now suffering more. I should have at least applied it to a smaller area first. So I know now that he is totally allergic to this Physiogel AI.

I slowly wiped his face with a wet wash cloth and put him to bed.

Still feeling like crap but we plan to take him to a different doctor tomorrow. Going to a private dermatologist to see if it’s any better than the doctor we have been seeing at the skin centre at Changi hospital for the last year.

Finally also opened the gift my BFF Leena gave me for Christmas. Haha. Guess she knows what a techno geek I have become because she bought me this cool Pop Phone for my iPhone!! Now I am a cool kid on the block! Yay!


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