Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas

This year didn’t start off too bad. The kids only woke up at about 9am. Lani as usual was excited about all her presents under the tree and was opening one after another. Logan on the other hand, being the lazy boy he is, opened 3 and had to take a rest! Haha.

Took them about an hour to open all 20+ presents... then it was Ed’s and my turn. Ed got a Superman T-shirt from my mum and a Razor mousepad from me. I got perfume from my mum and a LIKE pillow from Ed.

All the happiness and enjoyment was cut short when I had to leave for ‘work’. Yes, you read that right. I had to work but I suppose it wasn’t too bad as this was for my own company. For the second year, I organized the Christmas Brunch entertainment at Hotel Intercontinental. 3 hours of work..or should I say supervising and I earn a whopping profit!

Well I hung around the venue to make sure all the performers came on time and to take some photos. Also to pay the performers and collect my cheque.

Anyway, after the show, I dropped my dad off at home then went back to pick my mum, Ed and the kids before shooting off to my granny’s house to continue the Christmas celebrations.

My uncle’s wife Pam, bought lots of eczema cream for Logan. I clearly understand her concern and appreciate it.

Nevertheless, kids had fun as usual. Another late night for them but not too late this time. We got home at about 11pm and here I am blogging.

Oh! And I just created the countdown clocks on my iPhone and there’s 56 more days to Engelbert concert and 159 more days to my Ultimate NKOTB Experience!

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