Friday, August 8, 2014

Film, TV & Media Gathering at The Papa Shop

For weeks, my mum and I had been planning to go to the Papa Shop for a few drinks today. I've already been there once with my hubby and kids and loved it there and so I wanted to take my mum there as she’s a HUGE fan of the hunky Keagan Kang!

I got online at about 4pm from the office to “kay-poh” and to check if Keagan had posted anything to clue us that he would be there tonight. I didn't want to make a trip there if Keagan wasn't going to be around as he’s the main reason my mum is so excited to head there…

I learned that there was an event happening and it would be the 3rd Film, TV & Media Gathering at The Papa Shop! Well, for one, Keagan is definitely going to be there… BUT …. It was going to be packed!!! So I called my mum to ask if she was still interested when she told me she wasn't feeling well and we could postpone it.

In all honesty, I was pretty disappointed because I was really looking forward to this girly time with my mum as we have not had one in a LONG time.

Anyway, I wasn't going to give up yet. I sent handsome Jerry Hoh a text to ask if he was going to be at The Papa Shop? We've been ‘talking’ on Facebook and Whatsapp for years now and have yet to meet so it would be a good opportunity to meet him there too!! Not only did he say he might go after filming, he mentioned that Sunny Pang is in town.

So as it stands, Keagan is definitely going to be there, Jerry Hoh possibly would get there after his filming and so I PM Sunny Pang and he said he was going to be there too. Woot woot!!

I went home, rested a while, had something to eat and made sure mum was fine before I told her who was going to be there. Miraculously she felt better and said we’ll go. Ha. We got dressed and left the house by 8pm. My awesome hubby volunteered to babysit the kids tonight and was actually excited for both my mum and I to be able to go out and have a good time.

We stopped at Wendy’s first as I wanted mum to eat something before she had any alcohol in her system. Typical of her, she ‘tarik harga’ so she told me, “We have a couple drinks and maybe we leave after an hour.” … Sure… ok mum.

We got there, and I was right…the place was packed!! Quite a few familiar faces. We chose our beer which was a headache as there were so many choices to choose from!! Saw Keagan and introduced mum to him. As always, hunky Keagan was so warm and friendly.

…and then we saw Sunny Pang and I introduced him to mum as for me, this would be the second time I am meeting him. And Jerry Hoh!!! I finally get to meet my handsome Jerry Hoh (ha, he always accuses me of flattery) and Gillian Tan…. Sebastian Sim… Devarajan Varadarajan and Mathialagan Mathi!!

It was awesome sitting and talking to them all. Before anything else though, the three handsome men (Sunny, Keagan and Jerry) excitedly took a photo with mum and me.

We had a great time. Great conversations. A few beers later, we finally decided to make our move. It was 11pm. One hour only eh? Ha.

I had a great time with mum. It was good to see her enjoying herself instead of always being so cooped up at home or just going to malls, etc. Mostly it was great to have some girly mother-daughter time together and the fact that we did something together that we really enjoyed.

Definitely will have to do this again soon and obviously it will be at The Papa Shop!!

I look back on the evening and I chuckle because this was a Film, TV & Media Gathering and everyone there were directors, producers, actors, writers and my mum and I were possibly the only fan girls there. Hahaha….

Oh! It was great to meet some other FB friends too, like Tanner Tan and Justin Deimen!!

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