Saturday, August 9, 2014

Date Night

Happy Birthday Singapore. Yes, I am glad to live in this country where everything is so convenient and safe but I am sick of tired of dealing with the people that’s all around me. One particular group that really bugs me with their barbaric ways especially…

But lets not get in to that because today was a happy day……Ed and I had a date. It’s been months since we did this. Usually when we do get to spend time alone together, we’d go for dinner and a movie. Today we decided to do something different… we had dinner at KFC and then headed to the beach to do some prawning.

I know, it’s not as exciting as it sounds for a hot date but being married for as long as we have, we've already done everything you can ever imagine…so any time alone doing anything is good. This prawning was actually a nice change because we got to sit together, drink beers and actually talk. You can’t really do this at a movie can you?

Two hours and a few beers later, we (or should I say “I”) managed to catch one miserable prawn and it was a tiny one!! To think we had high hopes of going home with at least a bag of prawns! Ha! Good thing I didn't depend on our prawning skills for dinner or I’d be starving!!

We wanted to be funny and drop by the 24-hour Sheng Siong to buy from prawns so we could tell my mum that we caught those but we were too lazy and tired.

But I really had a good time and hope my hubs and I can do this a bit more often.

Going back to being married so long…I can’t believe my hubs and I have been married for almost 15 years!! That’s like half my life if you think about it.

So you might ask, “What are some of the signs of being married too long?” …

From personal experience (15 years), these would be some of the signs…

- We finish each other’s sentences. Sometimes read each other’s minds.

- I know how he takes his coffee, tops his burger and prefers his eggs.

- He puts up with my NKOTB craze even though he hates them.

- He no longer freaks out at buying feminine products.

- He uses his disposable razor ones and leaves it in the bathroom for me because he knows that’s where I use it

- He can tell me I have something stuck in my teeth and if I can’t get it out, he will remove it for me without even a second thought.

- When he hears my cockroach scream, he comes running with a shoe in hand yelling, “Where is it? Where is it?”

- We can pee in front of each other (in the toilet obviously).

I am sure that this list will grow as we add on more years to our marriage and when that happens, I will update all of you. Ha.

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