Saturday, August 23, 2014

Cyclists: Finally The Town Council Have Woken Up

I woke up to some good news today. A few of my friends on Facebook had tagged this photo (below) to me. I guess they know me too well and know I always complain about these idiot cyclists who think they have the right of way on pavements.

Finally the Town Council have woken up and are doing something about these morons. I just hope they will continue to do this and will soon dispatch more officers to other parts of the neighbourhood to fine the rest of these idiots who cycle so fast on pavements and ring their bells asking people to move aside when we have the right of way to walk. I feel these officers should actually wait around schools at the start and the dismissal times because I have seen a lot of cyclists riding so fast and endangering the lives of the children.

Kudos to the Town Council for this.

However, I have another question, why did they block out the faces of the idiots who were caught?? Should name them and shame them…. Teach them a lesson and they will never do this again! Ha! (Anyone wants to vote me for President?)

Almost everyday I will fight with these moron cyclists who would ring that bell and expect me to move aside for them. Worse is when these clowns are cycling right under the SIGN that says NO CYCLING! I tell them off or yell at them and being an illiterate, they will fight back thinking they are still in the right.

On the same subject on moron cyclists, I came across this Facebook post on “SG Cyclists” FB Page….

They have the audacity to post this comment, “What the f**k is happening? Fine cyclist for cycling? What are you thinking East Coast Town Council. Then what do you expect cyclist to do? Fly? Levitate?"

And you thought I was kidding when I say these people are morons?

Every decent well brought up human being knows that we expect cyclists to follow the rules. When you see a sign that says NO CYCLING, don’t f**king cycle. Who died and made you boss and thus able to break the rules? You want to cycle? Cycle on the damn roads you fools! If not, you have two perfectly good legs so f**king park your bike and WALK!


  1. Yes, yes. Like you've suggested above, I'm shouting this in 4/4 time signature.
    Deb-ra| Pre-si-dent| Deb-ra| Pre-si-dent|


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