Thursday, January 2, 2014

The First Day of School

The first day of school is always a big day for children especially for the parents (ME!).

This year would be the first day of primary school for my son and I was assuming it must be a big day for him (or so I thought!) and I had months of sleepless nights over it…but try asking him and even you would be surprised by what he will tell you.

Did Logan have any concern prior to his first day at Primary school? Of course he did. He wondered if his classmates from kindergarten would be attending the same primary school as him, and he was hoping they would be in the same class. “Networking” has now started early.

Come to think of it, this was exactly the main concern of my daughter who is now in Primary 5 – if her best friend would join her in class this year. As I see it, my kids have moved on with the times. First-day anxiety or clinging on to mummy's arm probably happens only on the first day at nursery or kindergarten only… Although my kids never had that problem (thank goodness).

In that respect, I can't over-emphasise the importance of attending pre-school or teaching your kids from a young age to be independent and not to shelter them too much and to give them the opportunity to socialise with other kids and adults from a young age.

My hubby and I have always introduced our kids to the real world in stages. At a young age, we taught them to share and respect other children and adults, and they were taught to obey rules and take instructions.

As my kids were raised more in a Western way with Asian values, they have already been introduced to the real world since they were able to understand it, so the first day of primary school was rather a non-eventful one for them (it was for me though as I get to see my babies move on to a new chapter in their lives). My kids were in fact more excited about the new bag, stationary, water bottles and lunch boxes.

Even so, as independent as my kids were, both my husband and I still explained to Logan about the difference at primary school. Primary school is where he would have to sit down and pay extra attention.

For my daughter, out went the pink Disney Princess school bag. It's like she was coming of age (and she is although I never want to admit that).

As to what was the most daunting task most kids had to face during the first few days of primary one: my guess is that it would be using money to buy their own food during recess. Thus why school nowadays actually have parents pay in advance for packed meals for their kids for the first 3 days of school. I did it so my son would slowly ease into the primary school lifestyle and after which, they will have a buddy to accompany them during recess for another 3 days.

All the worrying I did went down the gutter when I sneaked into his school with all the other anxious parents to peek at him during recess. He was comfortable in this new environment and didn't show one bit of nervousness. The fact that he ran up to me showing food and drinks that was not the ones that I had paid for in advance, made me so damn proud. He's going to be ok.

It's amazing how my kids pick up different skills like ducks to water!

To many of us, our school years were the best part of our lives (for me, it wasn't just school and studied but what was memorable was the mischief and trouble we got ourselves into). So make sure that the tradition lives on with our children (not the getting into trouble part)! Children can enjoy going to school even if it's not for the lessons, they can still enjoy the bonds of friendship with their peers.

It doesn't take one long to realize that primary school education has evolved (and is still continuing to evolve) way beyond what parents were used to during their own days as students going through the Singapore education system. I have mixed feelings about it. It's good that our kids would be smarter than us and move forward quicker but I don't like the fact that kids are so stressed. Because of this fast paced education system, kids are not allowed to be kids and before they know it, they've missed out on their childhood.

Yes of course I want my kids to excel but I don't intend to push them like how majority of the parents around here push their kids. Tuition classes one after another, ballet, golf.... I want my kids to study but I want my kids to enjoy their childhood and remember it when they are parents themselves.

Well, today is the day my son will move on to a new chapter in his life where he will face new challenges, new responsibilities and will make many new friends.

I couldn't be more blessed to have my two angels.

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