Tuesday, April 2, 2019

10 Ways To Improve Body Image

Having a negative thought on your body image can affect you in lots of ways which includes how you accept your relationship or how you perform in your career and it may even affect your overall quality of life. Very often you would think specific areas such like your nose or legs have a physical defect. However, it is only a mental representation of what you create. Through it all, we forget that our body has a utility and it gets us to places and instead we are still living in a world where physical looks seems more important.

How do we put our body image back into perspective?

Here are 10 ways to improve your body image.

1.       Appreciate every single thing that your body does for you
2.       Look at yourself as a whole person and never focus on any specific part of your body
3.       Make it a point to point out one thing you like about yourself, every single day
4.       Know that what we see on social media or television has been altered to perfection
5.       No one is perfect so love the things that make you different
6.       Love yourself just the way you are
7.       Surround yourself with supportive people who make you feel good about yourself
8.       Tell yourself that beauty is not skin deep. Beauty is a state of mind and not a state of your body.
9.       Do something that allows your body to know you appreciate it
10.    Focus on your accomplishments as a person and not what you look like

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