Sunday, April 7, 2019

Habits that Drain Your Energy

Habits, good and bad, make us who we are as a person. Thus, we must always be aware of our habits, especially our bad habits and make an effort to take steps to change them.

Here are some bad habits that are common and hurtful to any individual over time:


This could mean either over eating or even under eating and even not having enough healthy foods our body needs each day, or consuming too much foods that are not necessarily good for us. This unhealthy eatings habits may affect our energy and nutrition intake and over time, it can contribute in the development or illnesses and other health issues.


Pleasing people aren’t at all a bad thing but sometimes your need to please others can turn into a problem since it starts getting more difficult to look out for yourself since you have no boundaries. Believe it or not but trying to please everyone does not always work and in fact proves that you love yourself less. You start ending up with less confidence, and you become more resentful and hate the things you used to like. Most of all, you fail to please the only person that matters the most and that is yourself. So you have to cure yourself of this habit to please and gently tell one person no.


This could be considered the most common bad habit for most of us. We get so caught up with our busy lifestyle, we forget to hydrate. Did you know that even a mild dehydration can mess with your energy and your ability to think clearly? Dehydration also causes bad breath, dry skin and even headaches. So keep in mind that on average, the daily intake of water for most women would be about 2.7 liters while most men would be 3.7 liters. The totals include water that comes from foods and even drinks like tea or fruit juice.


Clutter can play a huge role in how we feel about our home, office and even ourselves. Whether we would like to admit it or not, clutter does lead to stress. The biggest reason for stress from clutter is the fact that it stops us from finding what we need quickly. However, unlike other stress such like our work or relationship problems, clutter is the easiest bad habit to tackle.


Taking things personally will only allow individuals more power over us. It means you are allowing that person to make you think about what you actually believe in. So instead of believing in yourself and knowing who you really are as an individual, you're allowing someone else to tell you who you are. By taking things personally, you are allowing yourself to be tied to someone else.


Venting sessions are not all bad but one should never make a habit out of it. This constant complaining can start to affect your health and increase your stress level or raise your anxiety and even push your loved ones away. Constant complaining can increase your negative feelings, make you even more stressed and physically wear you down. You have to realize that it does not actually achieve anything. So start to fix this bad habit by being more positive which will reduce harmful health effects of stress.


There are good and bad benefits to drinking coffee. And too much of anything is always bad. So let’s focus on the bad and maybe it would make you either stop the caffeine intake or at least cut back. Coffee can give you wrinkles; it can stain your teeth and cause acidity. Now, no one wants stained teeth, do we?

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