Monday, February 17, 2014

Thank You Cards Are So Yesterday!

What do you normally wish you had after attending a party?

I usually wish I had photos of the event through some else’s eyes and if it was a party that I had dropped by kids off at, I would love to have photos of the party for keepsake.

So since my daughter just celebrated her birthday over the weekend, I have been trying to think of a great “Thank You” gift for the parents’ of the kids who attended the party. To me, ‘Thank You’ cards are so yesterday. If that is so then what else would be special? What could you possibly give these parents for showing your appreciation for the birthday gifts they got for my daughter and for taking time out of their busy schedules to drop their kids of at my house. Of course the gift should be practical and hopefully something they won’t chuck aside.

Going back to what as a parent I would like if my child attended a birthday party?


I decided I would put all the photos and videos I had taken during the party, on to a DVD-R and add a ‘Thank You’ note to it. But just like that? Kind of boring, I thought. So my final decision was to make sort of like an album of photos,…I put together a little booklet of what we did during the party, photos, and included the DVD-R in it. It was also personalized for each kid, by the way.

Anyway, this is the end to all of this party planning. I shall take a break for 11 months and prepare for the next party, which would be my son’s 8th birthday and he’s already asked for a theme party.

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