Saturday, February 15, 2014

Happy Birthday To My Darling Daughter

The day has finally arrived. I would first like to wish my daughter a very Happy Birthday! Can’t believe she’s already eleven years old. Time flies….real FAST!

Anyway, I woke up at 9.30am, we had breakfast and soon after that, I rushed to finish the rest of the things needed for my daughter’s party. I started with the frosting of her cake which she wanted it to look just like the one Hagrid made for Harry in the movie, then I put out the food and snacks and last I worked on the cut outs for the wall and the front door. Managed to finish everything in the nick of time. As my husband and I put up the door hanging, her friends started showing up. She only had invited 4 of her close friends who enjoys the same things like her (namely Harry Potter).

Mind you I am in no way shape or form a Harry Potter fan and so when my daughter asked for a Harry Potter themed party, it took me weeks of researching… From what I would have for food and the names Hogwarts would name the foods, to lessons they taught at Hogwarts that I could use as activities….

So my daughter’s friends start to come by one by one and they will have to pass through “Platform 9 ¾” (our front door) before they could arrive at “Hogwarts” (The Party / our home).

Once everyone arrived, we started the school term (afternoon program) with the first lesson (activity). We started with “Charms”. The students (kids) created their own spells/charms on pieces of paper. This is to get them in to the mood of the party theme and to allow their imaginations to run wild.

“Charms is a subject taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Unsurprisingly, it specializes in the teaching of charms such as Wingardium Leviosa, Accio and Aguamenti.”

We then moved on to the next lesson (activity) after and we moved into “Transfiguration (Wand Dueling)”. During this time, my hubby took over the class (activity) and assisted the students (kids) in crafting out their own magic wands that would light up. After the students (kids) crafted their wands, they panted them and allowed it to dry. After which, they would take it home with them after term end (end of the party).

“Transfiguration is a subject taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It teaches the art of changing of the form and appearance of an object. This type of magic is commonly referred to as Transfiguration.”

Finally it was time for “The Great Hall” (lunch). Here, they enjoyed a wide variety of food and desserts. Don’t forget to check out the floating candles around the food area as well.

01. Spaghetti
02. Polyjuice Potion (Sauce)
03. Wands (Breadsticks)
04. Cauldron Cakes (Chocolate and vanilla cupcakes with chocolate frosting)
05. Pumpkin Pasties (Apple Pie)
06. Snitch (Ferrero Rocher Chocolates)
07. Moon Stone Cookies (Chocolate chip cookies)
08. Every Flavour Beans (Jelly beans)
09. Elixir of Life (Water)
10. Sparking Snake Venom (Mountain Dew)

After lunch and after their bellies were full and content, we moved on to “Divination” class. This was when my daughter opened all the presents she received from her friends. They are not called her close friends for no reason because they knew exactly what she liked. She received presents that were Minecraft, Doctor Who and Harry Potter related. The best and most appropriate was the Sorting Hat!

“Divination is a subject taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It teaches methods of divining the future, or gathering insights into future events, through various rituals and tools. The magic taught in this class, as well as the ability to say prophetic things is a branch of magic referred to as divination."

On to the next class (activity)…. “Potions” class where the students (kids) experimented and created drinkable potions using juice, food colouring, soft drinks, etc. They really enjoyed this thoroughly and were even more amused their teeth were different colours from the food colouring.

“Potions is a subject taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In this class, students learn the correct way to brew potions, following specific recipes and using various magical ingredients to create their potions, starting with simple ones first and moving to more advanced ones as they progress in knowledge.”

How about moving on to “Care of Magical Creatures”? Here, the students (kids) each got to ‘hatch’ their own dinosaur. I managed to find those clay eggs that when soaked in water for a few hours, it will hatch in to a dinosaur. It was a good find because ‘Car of Magical Creatures’ is apparently one of the things that is being taught at Hogwarts.

“Care of Magical Creatures is an elective course at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry that can be taken by students Third year and above. In the class, students learn about a wide range of magical creatures, from flobberworms to Fire crabs, and even unicorns and thestrals. Students are taught about feeding, maintaining, breeding, and proper treatment of these various creatures.”

Finally…after all that sugar intake…it’s time to let the kids burn some of it off as they were already beginning to bounce off the four walls. We take the kids downstairs to another class (playground). There, we studied (played) “Defence Against The Dark Arts”. They ran around and waved their wands around and had a great time and burnt off some energy.

“Defence Against the Dark Arts (sometimes written as DADA) is a mandatory subject taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in which students learn how to magically defend themselves against Dark Creatures, Dark Arts and against the other Charms.”

Back up at Hogwarts (the house), the students (kids) finally settle down and prepare for “Muggle Studies”. Which in translation, it is actually time for the Xbox 360. The kids mixed potions on the Harry Potter game and shifted on to Just Dance where they had tremendous fun.

“Muggle Studies is part of the non-magical studies curriculum at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It is exactly what the name implies - the study of the daily lives of Muggles and how they cope with electricity and not magic.”

It’s almost the end of the term (end of the party) and I know I have done a great job when the students (kids) start to call their parents to ask if they can stay an hour or so longer.

Anyway, it’s time for “End-of-Term Feast” and this is where we cut the birthday cake. Even right down to the cake colour, how it looks and the spelling is similar to that of Harry Potter’s cake.

We finally finish another year at Hogwarts and we have come to the end of term (party). The students (kids) did not leave empty handed though. They left with a ton of fun in them, a take away box of snacks, two goodie bags, a dinosaur and a magic wand.

I was exhausted after that but what made everything worth the effort I put in was when my daughter came up to me, hugged me, thanked me and told me it was the best party she has ever had!

The second best part was, I spent less than $300 and if I were to have engaged a party planner, it would have cost us more than $800! However, it’s not the money. It’s the time and effort you put in to make our kids the happiest, and for them to see how much effort you put in for them….they will remember this day for the rest of their lives and hopefully do the same for their own kids later.


My darling daughter,

You had me from the minute I felt you kick and before I ever even saw your face, joy resonated from the inside out and you made my heart glad.

Your massive talents and adorable personality could melt a mountain. You are sweet, phenomenal, and an amazing person wrapped up in a package that I proudly call "my daughter".

Nothing compares to the feeling of pride a mother has when she sees her little girl grow up so wonderfully into a kind young woman.

Today, my wish for you is a better tomorrow that is full of promise and hope. My wish for you is happiness and that you get a taste of all good things. My
wish is for you to have a wonderful life and all that it shall bring!

Always remember that no matter how many birthdays come and go, you will always be my little princess. Happy Birthday Sweet LeiLani! I love you so very much!

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