Friday, March 4, 2011

Experimenting with cooking

When I was younger, I couldn't even fry an egg or cook instant noodles without ruining it. I always wished I could cook but never did think the day would actually come. Then I used to worry about when I have kids and when I cooked for them, they would just turn around and tell me "yuck mummy, your cooking is awful"

However, moving to America has taught me a lot and has made me more independent. Well...I had to survive right? From fixing things around the house to cooking and getting from point A to point B on my own....I have to say I've done a pretty damn good job.

Most people at my age at that time would have gone overseas to study where they know they will live at the school and food will be served and parents to back them up with cash flow and such.....

Me? I took a big leap and depended on lady luck and fate.

Left Singapore with just 2 big suitcases to meet someone I had met over the Internet....but everything fell into place (thankfully).... So back the actual topic of my post...

I've always experimented with cooking and if it came out nice, I stuck with the dish or recipe.

This evening, I experimented with my grandmother's gravy pork chops dish. It didnt come out as good as hers or too much alike but I have to say it was still nice, tasty and best of all...edible! Haha

But I really will have to try it a few more times to perfect it.

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