Sunday, December 5, 2010

A sad day..

The initial plan was for Ed and I to go out Christmas shopping today after dinner.

Right after we got done with dinner, I went up to shower but before doing so, I sat by my computer to check Facebook...and I saw a message from Ed's nieces and sister...his mum had passed away.

I did sit at my desk staring at my monitor in disbelief. Then tears started to roll down my cheeks. After which I had to think of how I was going to break the news to Eddie who was waiting for me downstairs...

I am guessing he kind of expected some bad news when he saw me come back down without changing my clothes. I just told it straight to him and it only hit him a few minutes later. We hugged and cried together. I feel so bad for him as he is so far away. Like I said I did offer for him to go home but he refused. I think he would if we all went back with him. But that really isn't possible.

Needless to say, we didn't go out in the end. The whole night, tears were shed every now and again.

Gosh! I can't believe she's gone.

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