Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas eve is here

Christmas eve is finally here…can’t believe how fast the days are passing… almost time to day goodbye to 2010 too!

This morning, the kids and I went  met up with Leena as she had something for us and we, too, had something for her.

So how do we usually celebrate Christmas eve in Singapore? My family usually have a quiet and relaxing morning and afternoon then head over to my granny's house towards evening where the rest of the family will meet up. My granny will cook tons of stuff and we will have, laugh, ... Lots of snacks and alcohol.... Dinner is usually the traditional Eurasian dishes like Curry Devil, Feng, and my granny's famous fried chicken wings!

And that's not midnight, we will wish one another a Merry Christmas and drink more, exchange gifts and have supper. Supper is more Western I guess... Roast beef, ham and garlic bread...

Party usually ends at 3am or later and we do it all over again the next day...haha

Things have changed as the years went by. My granny is not getting any younger and don't have the energy she once used to have. This year we did a pot luck for dinner and my granny still cooked the Curry Devil. And for supper, we ordered the ham and roast beef.

The kids really had a great time playing with their cousins. Us? The adults? We enjoyed one another's company and all the food and alcohol! Haha.

We didn't stay till 3am...we left at about 1.30am because Ed and I still had 'work' to do after the kids were in bed...

We got home from my granny's house and before going to bed, the kids put out milk and cookies for Santa.

Right after that, Ed and I filled their stockings up and took out all their presents from hiding and put it under the tree.

Now it’s time for me to go to bed as the kids will be up bright and early in the morning.

Goodnight all. Merry Christmas.

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