Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone!! Was Santa good to you this year? He sure was wonderful to my kids although most of the year they were pain in the asses. Ha. He must have overlooked that part...hahaha

Surprisingly the kids didn't wake us up as early as we were expecting. 8am was an acceptable time....

It took Eddie and I over 2 days (average total of about 5 hours) to wrap all their 30 over presents and it took them only about an hour or less to rip everything open!! Ha.

They were thrilled with all their gifts and that made everything great! I pray they never ever go without Christmas ever! For as long as Ed and I can afford and are doing well, our kids will always get the best!

Anyway, by 11.30am I had to go to work… sounds dreadful doesn't it? Having to work on Christmas day? This time it really isn't because it was an event for L.A.P. Productions. Our very own events company.

It was a Christmas brunch and we provided 3 hours of entertainment for the kids at Hotel Intercontinental. I provided a face painter and magic and balloons. A simple event like this with a huge profit.

At Hotel Intercontinental I met an old friend AJ. Gosh I've known him since I was in secondary school and used to watch him perform at Boom Boom Room with Leena and all. Was nice seeing him again and thanks to him, we were given this event to organize.

Moving on, did I forget to mention that even the kids’ pet hamster had a Christmas stocking filled with food. Haha.

More eating and getting drunk. Was fun.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas eve is here

Christmas eve is finally here…can’t believe how fast the days are passing… almost time to day goodbye to 2010 too!

This morning, the kids and I went  met up with Leena as she had something for us and we, too, had something for her.

So how do we usually celebrate Christmas eve in Singapore? My family usually have a quiet and relaxing morning and afternoon then head over to my granny's house towards evening where the rest of the family will meet up. My granny will cook tons of stuff and we will have, laugh, ... Lots of snacks and alcohol.... Dinner is usually the traditional Eurasian dishes like Curry Devil, Feng, and my granny's famous fried chicken wings!

And that's not midnight, we will wish one another a Merry Christmas and drink more, exchange gifts and have supper. Supper is more Western I guess... Roast beef, ham and garlic bread...

Party usually ends at 3am or later and we do it all over again the next day...haha

Things have changed as the years went by. My granny is not getting any younger and don't have the energy she once used to have. This year we did a pot luck for dinner and my granny still cooked the Curry Devil. And for supper, we ordered the ham and roast beef.

The kids really had a great time playing with their cousins. Us? The adults? We enjoyed one another's company and all the food and alcohol! Haha.

We didn't stay till 3am...we left at about 1.30am because Ed and I still had 'work' to do after the kids were in bed...

We got home from my granny's house and before going to bed, the kids put out milk and cookies for Santa.

Right after that, Ed and I filled their stockings up and took out all their presents from hiding and put it under the tree.

Now it’s time for me to go to bed as the kids will be up bright and early in the morning.

Goodnight all. Merry Christmas.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

DM from Jonathan Knight

I might have mentioned this in one of my previous tweets but I will say it again... 'to think I hated using Twitter a few months ago...'

I'm like totally addicted to it now!

Last couple weeks I fell off my chair (or almost) when I saw Donnie Wahlberg following me and today, I received a DM from Jonathan knight! How much cooler than this get?? A lot cooler if Jordan Knight were to respond to me!

Jonathan Knight from NKOTB had actually responded to one of my Tweets!! In case you're was about Koi fish!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Blessing in disguise?

So the charity event my bro and dad had been planning took place today. I am still very disappointed in them! They are very greedy and selfish people and after this round, I would rather not associate any business dealings with them anymore. If my company needs to hire my dad for magic shows than it will strictly be more partnerships and such ever again!

The last few days I've been very angry with both my father and brother…I guess more the feeling of disappointment in them than anything else.

The event they were doing at their venue which they had planned to give all proceeds to charity...Well, they had some items lined up but it’s stuff they know and do. My brother approached me to have my good friend perform and I did. Honestly, I don’t think she would have agreed if they asked and only doing it because I had asked and because it was for charity.

They wanted a few more acts and since I just started my events business and because of my contacts, I managed to get them some big names. All I asked was for them to make a little mention of my company name in any press release they got….because that would help since my company is new and I could use some publicity for it.

To make everything short and sweet, they received the publicity for this event and told me, “oh sorry we couldn’t make a mention of your company…” …

What rubbish!

It’s ok….I believe karma is a bitch…

So since that happened, I haven’t really spoken to them and 2 days ago, they asked me to call everyone I had asked to perform and let them know the event was cancelled. What pricks! If it made them happy,… I did just that. I just hope they realize that this will be the first and last time I help them with anything.

Nevertheless, I am glad things went the way it did because I am also not feeling well today. Must have been all the emotions and such inside of me the last few days….but I went to the doctor.

Again, I say I am glad things went the way it did and I have to say it’s a blessing in disguise because I woke up early this morning and Logan was having a fever. I gave him his meds and went to take a shower…just half way through my mum was yelling, screaming and crying because Logan was convulsing.

I ran out and held him. In all honesty I was afraid and in a panic because usually when this happens, Ed is around and Ed always rushes to make sure Logan is alright. So today I had to stay calm and not panic as everyone else was!! As I held him my heart was breaking into a million pieces…..finally in less than a minute he got out of it and he napped for an hour after that. It’s a common sign as the convulsions takes a lot out of the little one.

He seemed fine in the afternoon, still had a fever so I kept giving his medication regularly and sponging him. I thought everything was alright until this evening..

Logan seemed fine while I was cooking dinner and he was just going to the dining table to get something for Eddie when he fell to the ground convulsing again.

He is better now but we are still keeping a close eye on him. We didn’t take him to the hospital as they will tell us the same thing and send us home. I just pray he grows out of this quick and before the age of 6 as they told us! It’s heart breaking to see my son go through this!

Also today, we decided to postpone on sending him off to Nursery next year… we’ll give it another year and hopefully he outgrows this and in 2012, we will send him off to Kindergarten. I will do my best to help him progress and not miss out with his he won’t have such a hard time when he starts Kindergarten.

Breaks my heart knowing he was looking forward so much to school next year but we got to do what’s best for him..

Monday, December 13, 2010

Doing our part for charity

Today we did our part for charity again. This would be the second charity performance for this month. We're really enjoying it. It gives me a feeling of satisfaction to be able to help put a smile on the faces of these needy people especially during this holiday season. Most of all, it gives me the opportunity to teach my children a good value of life.

It's fun because sometimes I would perform with Lani and sometimes she would perform alone....but whichever way it is, the whole family gets involved.

My mum accompanied Ed, the kids and myself to Sengkang West Community Centre today. Lani performed for the 'Make A Wish Foundation' and in front of Dr. Lam Pin Min who is the MP for Ang Mo Kio GRC.

At the end of the event, they presented us with a certificate of appreciation which was a nice gesture. Something else to go in to Lani's portfolio which I an trying so hard to build up.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Saying goodbye to Mummy Palmer

Spent part of the evening after getting home from work, finishing up on the project you see below. This isn't just any old project but something I hope will give us all some closure to the death of my mother-in-law, especially for Ed.

It really is a rough time for us all....not being able to go back to the States to say our final goodbyes....And so I made this little thing with 4 candles we lighted at the time she was being buried back home in the States and each candle represented something...

The first candle represented our grief and the pain of losing her.The second represented our courage and to be able to confront our sorrow, and to comfort each other. The third candle we lit was in her memory. For the times we laughed, the times we cried, the times we were angry with each other, and the silly things she did. And the fourth candle we lit for our love. We lit this candle so that her light will always shine.

There will always be a special place in our hearts reserved for her. And we thank her for the gift her living brought to each of us.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

No MRI needed

My mother-in-law's obituary came out in the Sentinel today (local newspaper in Leominster Massachusetts). Still finding it hard to come to terms with her passing. Wish so much we could all go back to say our last goodbyes but in reality traveling would be a bitch and not to mention the cost of trip for all of us.

Anyway, Logan had his doctor's appointment with the neurologist at KK Children's Hospital today. It went well. Neurologist said he's fine and he won't need an MRI and he'd probably out grow the convulsions. As long as whenever he gets an episode, it is associated with a fever, then he will be fine. I guess we wait and see but it's heart breaking not knowing what you can do to help your child.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

A sad day..

The initial plan was for Ed and I to go out Christmas shopping today after dinner.

Right after we got done with dinner, I went up to shower but before doing so, I sat by my computer to check Facebook...and I saw a message from Ed's nieces and sister...his mum had passed away.

I did sit at my desk staring at my monitor in disbelief. Then tears started to roll down my cheeks. After which I had to think of how I was going to break the news to Eddie who was waiting for me downstairs...

I am guessing he kind of expected some bad news when he saw me come back down without changing my clothes. I just told it straight to him and it only hit him a few minutes later. We hugged and cried together. I feel so bad for him as he is so far away. Like I said I did offer for him to go home but he refused. I think he would if we all went back with him. But that really isn't possible.

Needless to say, we didn't go out in the end. The whole night, tears were shed every now and again.

Gosh! I can't believe she's gone.

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Design by Debra Palmer