This blog is not a bakery. I don't sugar coat anything! Everyone is entitled to my opinion...
Thursday, April 6, 2023
Maundy Thursday
Maundy Thursday is the Thursday before Easter and is considered to be the day that Jesus and His disciples shared their last Passover together. Most notably, during the Passover supper, Jesus displayed tremendous humility by washing His followers' feet. Then he told them to reciprocate for one another.
It is customary for Christians, particularly Roman Catholics, to visit seven churches on the evening of Maundy Thursday during the Lenten season. The Blessed Sacrament is placed on the church's Altar of Repose for Adoration after the Lord's Supper Mass. During the Seven Churches Visitation, the faithful stop by numerous churches—typically seven, incredibly infrequently 14, and occasionally no fixed number—to pray before the Blessed Sacrament. Aglipayan, Catholic, Methodist, Episcopal, and Salvationist Christians, among others, participated in the Seven Churches Visitation in an ecumenical setting.
The faithful remember Jesus's agony in the garden after the mass of the Lord's Supper, which commemorates his final dinner with his Apostles the night before his arrest. The Blessed Sacrament is placed in a tabernacle on the Altar of Repose, the main altar and the majority of the side altars are stripped after Mass, and all crosses are either removed or covered. Churches remain open late for silent adoration. This is in answer to Jesus' plea to his apostles in the Garden of Gethsemane, which is described in Gospel of Matthew 26:40, "Could you not, then, watch one hour with me?"
In order to pray in front of the Blessed Sacrament, those who engage in this visitation depart from the church where they attended the Mass of the Lord's Supper. This occurs more frequently in cities where churches are situated close to one another, making travel simpler. The Lord's Prayer, Hail Mary, and Gloria Patri are the prayers for this devotion in the Catholic Church, along with a prayer for the wishes of the current Pope. The Stations of the Cross are another option for prayer.
In Singapore, following the evening Mass of the Last Supper, church visits take place. At each church, the Lord's Prayer, Ave Maria, and the Gloria Patri are recited seven times each. With the selling of drinks, hot cross buns, and other regional snacks, there is a festive atmosphere. Observant Catholics eat a "Last Supper" meal in preparation for the fast the following day.
Maundy Thursday, and even though the tradition is to visit 7 churches after attending the Mass of the Lord's Supper...I started a little earlier because I wanted to do my own little penance.
Today was a little heartbreaking to be honest because I am made aware how much my granny and mum have aged and unable to make this journey with me. Not even if we took a bus or a taxi to each Church.
I remember as a little girl, I would accompany granny and her friend to these 7 churches and when I got older, I would do this with my mum. This year is the first year I did it alone but at every Church, I sad an extra little prayer for them and remembered fondly of the times I did this with them in the past.
So and my journey began. I first took a train from my office to Church #1.
Church #1 - Cathedral of the Good Shepherd
Walked from the train station and it was 650m which took me about 9 mins.
Church #2 - Church of Saints Peter & Paul
Walked from Cathedral of the Good Shepherd and it was 180m which took me 2 mins.
Church #3 - St Joseph's Church
Walked from Church of Saints Peter & Paul and it was 180m which took me 2 mins.
Church #4 - Our Lady of Lourdes Church
Walked from St Joseph's Church and it was 650m which took me 9 mins.
Church #5 - Church of Our Lady Queen of Peace
Walked from Our Lady of Lourdes Church and it was 5.1km which took me 1hr 5mins.
Church #6 - Church of the Holy Family
Walked from Church of Our Lady Queen of Peace and it was 2.0km which took me 26 mins.
Church #7 - Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour
Walked from Church of the Holy Family and it was 2.8km which took me 36 mins.
...and walked another 2.8km to home from Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour. A total of 15.29km in 3hrs 49mins.
Along the way, a few moments really stood out. Some funny and some heart warming. Let me share it with you...
The first funny moment was when I was walking to Church #5. About 3km into the journey, I tripped on the sidewalk and I kind of giggled to myself because the first thing that came to mind was "Debra falls the first time". Well, I suppose only the Catholics or Christians would get this.
Anyway, as I was walking to the last church, I had to walk up a hill. I was exhausted by then but Daniel O'Donnell came on (my playlist) and started singing "Footsteps"... how truly appropriate.
Then as I was walking home from the last church. I was absolutely exhausted and as I crossed the road, I met this elderly Malay lady who was probably in her 70's. It was 6.30pm and she was walking home with a basket of food, possibly rushing to get home to break her fast with her family. She hit something on the sidewalk and her basket toppled. Apples rolled away and her tray of eggs all crushed. A few walked by without stopping to help. As tired as I was, I stopped. I helped pick up the apples and something in me wanted to do more. So I took out whatever cash I had in my wallet as I don't carry much cash on me ever, and I had about $6 which was enough for a new tray of eggs. Her smile and her blessings towards me was all I needed to end the evening.
And the rest of the walk home, my feet started to feel like lead and I was exhausted and dragging myself to get home. It was during that moment that I started reflecting on Jesus' walk to Calvary while carrying the heavy cross. Oh I forgot to mention that all this while, I had my haversack on me with my laptop in it as I started on this journey right after the office. But it was some good reflection and by the time I got home, I did lighten the mood and joked, "Jesus at least had Simon to help carry the cross at some point... I had no Simon to carry my haversack!" Haha.
So there I was, exhausted, but feeling so spiritually awakened. It was a beautiful Maundy Thursday. Next year, I plan to do it all over again.
I'm a passionate and driven woman who wants to make a positive difference in the world and to make big things happen. I believe in a world of endless possibilities and in a world where people are connected and learn to communicate in order to workout their differences. See the world through my eyes. Enjoy.
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