Sunday, March 13, 2022

Life Is Beautiful Once Again


Sitting here at Changi Beach, the usual spot, and I realized something…




I am sitting here with a healed heart filled with beautiful memories of the times I spent here with my best friend Ian. I no longer hurt and I am no longer hoping for a reunion. I am simply just grateful to have had that time with him and memories that will remain with me for a lifetime.


But this feeling of being FREE is nothing short of amazing especially since I am no longer caught in that moment. I have set myself free and I feel so much better.


Yes, I believe at times, I will still start re-thinking of certain times and it may either make me smile or make me sad but it isn't something I or anyone has any control of. The main thing now is that I have grown and I am able to let it go and move on.


Time to make new memories here… as I sit here by the beach, with my daughter…


Life is beautiful once again.



Let them go..


the best thing you can do

for someone you love

Is let them go.

Set them free.

Wish them happiness and

set them free,

Set yourself free.

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