Sunday, March 27, 2022

Covid Has Finally Found Its Way into our Home

I have been meaning to blog about this but have been so busy trying to play catch up after this Covid situation.


Anyway, I wanted to say that even with our constant efforts of masking, sanitizing our hands frequently, staying away from crowded places and everything else you can think of, Covid still managed to find its way into our home and it was rough,... on me mostly, because I was left to hold everything together.


Let’s go back to February 9 when my son Logan finally got his Covid booster vaccine. I had made an evening appoint so he wouldn't have to miss too many school days. He did stay home the next two days as he wasn't feeling the best and his arm was hurting.


Anyway, after receiving the vaccine, the school would excuse a student from being absent for two days without a medical certificate or a written note which is a good thing because I hate writing notes.


The same day Logan had his booster vaccine, I had gone to the doctor in the morning because it's been a few days since I have not been feeling well and it just got bad enough for me to actually go see a doctor. Thankfully my Covid test results came back negative.


Over the weekend, Logan started to develop a mild cough and runny nose. We were self-medicating him. Then Monday rolls around and I keep him home from school and was going to write a note until his class teacher told me that we needed a doctor's note since there was a class test he missed. So we go to the doctor and they did a Covid test which was thankfully negative, but was told to do a self-test in 72 hours.


Seventy hours later, we did a home test and it showed he was positive so naturally, Ed, Lani and I took the test as well but wewere negative. Now the issue was my mother who was now already at my grandmother's house. Ed and I rushed over to get them tested. I was glad granny tested negative but unfortunately mum was positive so she went home with Ed and I stayed with granny that evening.


I could tell mum was worried and we had to reassure her it was going to be alright.


The next few days were rough. It was then I realized how much my mum does around the house. Well, it isn't like I didn't already know and don't already appreciate what she does but this made me appreciate her more. But man oh man was I exhausted trying to get my work done while making sure mum and Logan were fed and taken care of. It was a little scary being in such close contact as I couldn't afford to catch this because if I did, who would take care of everyone else? So I washed and sanitized my hands so often that by the time this was over, I'd have skeletal remains for hands.


On Monday, February 21, Eddie had to do a test early in the morning as he usually has to before the work week starts. It was a company policy. Well, guess what? He tested positive!! How were we going to work the room situation now? Well, we had to figure something out and figure it out quick! Thankfully mum tested negative so she was out of self-quarantine with Logan. Logan was still positive so he bunked with Ed this time.


All this while, Lani and I have tested negative and all this while I have been sleeping on the couch. Can I scream, “I want my life back?”

Finally, February 23 (Wednesday), Logan was tested negative and he was a happy camper although not so happy he had to return to school. But I was getting worried about him because being confined in his room for so many days; he was starting to feel depressed. But it’s all over now.


Ed was still positive and was sleeping a lot and still had a bad throat. At some point in time, I was actually scared I would lose him. But thankfully, God was watching us.


Finally!! Friday morning, February 25, Ed tested negative and he went in to the office. I spent the morning disinfecting my room and the whole house! I finally got to sleep on my bed that night and boy was it magical.


A month passed. Ed and Logan are better. Mum still seems to have the side effects or aftermath of Covid but getting better every day. Lani and I are still God’s favourites.  


Thank God we were all fully vaccinated.

It is just so strange two years ago, it was really scary when you hear of coming having the Covid virus and today it is strange if you haven’t been infected with it yet!

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