Wednesday, May 15, 2019

You And I

I never in my wildest dreams imagined I would find
the one I've searched for all my life, while just being here
on social media. 

But then your words before me, as peaceful as a dove
reached out and touched my heart so deep, 
and filled it with it's love. 

You had me in your power, my soul you hypnotized.
It's then I had the feeling, it's then I realized
these words that were before me seemed honest and so true
and before I knew what hit me, I fell in love with you.

With each and every passing day, this feeling deep inside
renewed my faith in happiness, this cannot be denied.
Although we've known each other for a short period of time, 
I feel I've known you always, in oh so many ways. 

My life before I met you seemed empty, cold and grey.
But since you've come along, my love, what more is there to say?
You are the one I've needed for oh so many years,
you are the one who has the power to wipe away my tears.

I need you now and always, until eternity.
I pray your love will bring me peace and serenity.
I love you now my darling and know, right now, 
that I will always love you faithfully, until the day I die.

I want to spend my life with you and share the joys and woes,
the ups, the downs, the good, the bad, and all the highs and lows.
Together we can make a life that's filled with hope and love,
a life of endless pleasures sent down from up above.

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