Monday, May 27, 2019

I Had a Dream

I had a dream once… in it I saw you.
I love this dream and wished that I’d never awaken… But I did.
When I opened my eyes, you were gone.
I shut my eyes again and saw you standing before me.
You were so gorgeous.
You were a true sign of love.
Your hands crossed over your heart, as it slid slowly down the front of you.
They came to a stop half way down as you reached out for me.
I came to you in a state of vulnerability.
My eyes opened again.
I looked for you buy you were nowhere around.
I gently forced my eyes closed again… but you were gone.
I looked for you but you were nowhere to be found.
Tears welled up in my closed eyes and rolled down the sides of my face.
From that day I could not close my eyes without a tear forming… not even a blink.
Except for one time.
One night I lay down and once again closed my tear stained eyes.
Again, I did not see you… but the tears stopped.
I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling hoping,
Hoping that when I closed my eyes again you’d be there.
I closed my eyes once more and still the tears did not come.
I slowly opened my eyes again and rolled over in bed.
I smiled to myself…
I gave you the gentlest kiss I could possibly conceive.

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