Friday, January 15, 2016

Happy Birthday My Son

My little man celebrated his 9th birthday today. He makes me so proud. As I watch him grow each day, I see him transform in to a pure gentleman, a gentle soul, a person with a big heart and so full of love. Both my husband and I sometimes worry that our loving son may actually be too good for this world....but then again, this world does need more people like him around as it's already filled with so much hatred.

Anyway, my little man's requests for his special day was simple. He wanted KFC for lunch and BBQ at home for dinner. And don't forget that big Chocolate Black Forest cake!

I still cannot believe how time flies and how far he's come.

My heart aches knowing my son have not had an easy start and even though he has over come and grown out of a few issues, he still battles a couple more. Nothing major but even the simplest of problems I have to watch my child face each day breaks my heart.

The poor boy had a rough start to begin with when he was put in the NICU for 9 days after he was born. Imagine my pain having to leave my son behind at the hospital... seeing him under all those lights for jaundice... seeing them take blood from his poor little feet every 2 hours or so.... having an IV placed in his head.... it's wasn't picture perfect and the visions of that are still vivid in my head. But that made us and him stronger as individuals.

Then the move back to Singapore and the first time we ever experienced him going through a convulsion episode. I still remember we were at Orchard Road, he was riding in the stroller and I suddenly felt the stroller shaking. I checked on him and was in a panic! I didn't know what was happening.... neither did my husband!! We picked him up and ran for a taxi which took us to the nearest hospital.

It never was the same after that. I don't know what brought that on but since that first episode, this convulsion episodes happened pretty frequently....each time he had a fever, he would have an episode.

The many times my heart ached seeing my son go through that. The any times I was scared I was going to lose him. The many time we stayed up all night to make sure he would be ok. The many times we have been in and out of hospitals and emergency rooms and specialist clinics to make sure this is not affecting him in any way.

Thankfully the doctors were right and he did outgrow that.

Just as we thought we had gotten over all of that....he has eczema. We are beginning to think that the eczema started from the convulsions. He has good days and bad days and we try to deal with the situation however best we can.

We are all learning each day. Learning to take each day in stride. We still count our blessings knowing what we are going through is just something small compared to what others are facing.

Even with this, Logan is still a healthy normal boy. He makes us proud each and every day. He's doing so well in school and is a very smart and loving kid.

I just pray he will get over all of this as the years go by and his life will be filled with everything his heart desires.

I love both my children so very much and I will love and care for them till I take my last breath.

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