2015 had been a memorable year. Lots happened. Lots
experienced. Lots learned. There were ups and there were downs. New friends
made and friends lost. Happy moments and sad moments. But whatever it was, I
have hit rock bottom before and survived so there are very few things in life
that can scare me or keep me down for too long.
My Precious Babies:
2015 held milestones for my angels.
My daughter Lani completed the most important year of her
Primary school life. She finished her Primary 6 and passed her PSLE
examinations with perfect results. I could not be happier and proud. The day
she attended her graduation party, I secretly shed a few tears of joy. My heart
was overwhelmed with happiness. I spent weeks on her grad dress because I
wanted her to stand out from the crowd as she always would!
Lani had also started designing and sewing her own
cosplay costumes. And she does a damn good job at it!
The other milestone for my daughter was when she went out
with her friends without us tagging along. She went ice-skating. I have to say
it was also a milestone for me as a mother because I am learning to trust and
let go.
My little man Logan has done well too and made me proud.
He’s scored perfect results and have been promoted to one of the top 3 classes
for Primary 3! I have never ever dreamed that I would one day be a mother… let
alone have perfect kids. He is such a good natured and loving young man.
Sometimes I worry because I feel he is too good for this world. But the world
does need more of him around!
There have been ups and downs. I won’t deny that. I dare
any one of you to tell me you have a perfect family and everything is peachy, I
would stick my middle finger out to you and ask you to go F*ck yourself. There is no such thing. No matter how bad
anything gets, we work through it, and learn to live with one another and love
one another.
2015 didn’t really start on a good note beginning Chinese
New Year but we got through it and things got better. I won’t lie but sometimes
it gets tough trying to please everyone. I guess we just have to start by
learning to please ourselves first.
In May we worked together and converted the spare room
into my daughter’s room. She is going to be a teenager soon and will need her
own space and that was exactly what she got.
My children and I were also featured on TV for being a
Cosplay family. That was exciting especially for the kids!
Oh 2015….. on February 2, I lost a good friend Jamey
Griffin. When I first heard the news, I hoped it was another hoax. But this
time it wasn’t. I was truly affected by the loss. I cried for days. But I
managed to get through the difficult time with the love and support of my
family and mutual friends of his. But friends lost and friends made. Through
all of this, I made new friends. Friends who shared the same love as I did for
I also met friends from Facebook who I have been
communicating with for the longest time. New friendships blossomed.
The year 2015, I
have been at Advancelab for 1.5 years. It’s been a great journey so far and I
look forward to many more years growing with the company. I have learned a lot.
I have been given opportunities to show what I can do….I have been given the
opportunity to learn new things and to grow.
At one point, I was about ready to quit when I was given
the responsibility of the export/shipping department. The first ever project I
handled was a mess and I fucked up big time. But my bosses were very patient
and helped me along the way. Not to mention, my supportive husband had help by
encouraging me. Now, I dare say I am almost a pro when it comes to shipping and
At the end of 2015, alone, I organized and put
together a Client Appreciation Dinner for my company. I even surprised my
bosses with a magic show I put together with the help of my dad. Everyone had a
good time. Everyone was happy. I was happy because I felt it was a success.
Couple Time:
My hubby and I set a milestone for ourselves in 2015. After
12 years (since our first child was born), we finally took a short little
getaway vacation together (alone). We celebrated our 15th
Anniversary in Batam. Three days and two nights without the kids. It was tough.
We missed the children but we also enjoyed our alone time together. Will we do
it again? I am not too sure….
Concerts And
May 2015 held a very special and exciting time for me. I
attended the Backstreet Boys concert here in Singapore and got to meet them! I
am such a fan girl. Not as big a fan of BSB as I am of NKOTB but these are the
two boybands I really enjoy.
I attended a concert with friends in September called “Hits
if Yesteryear by Meltones” at the Esplanade. My friend Jimmy was performing and
we went to give him some support.
In November, I took my mum and granny for another local
concert called “A Date with Friends”. My granny is a fan of Vernon and such so
I thought it would be a great treat for her since the day after would be her
birthday. It was great because Vernon sang her a birthday song in front of the
whole auditorium! It made her birthday all the more special.
Healthy Living:
Never thought I would ever come to this point but May
2015 I began my journey to healthy
living. I aimed to work hard at losing weight and to be the skinny minnie I was
before. It wasn’t and isn’t easy but I am trying like hell and so far I have
already lost about 10kg in total.
I have had bad days too…. There was a time I pushed
myself so hard, I hurt myself and could not exercise for a week or more!
But I am honestly really happy with how far I have come
and how I am not able to fit in to the clothes I could not fit in before.
What started all of this was when my lady boss asked if
the girls at the office wanted to join her for Zumba at the swimming club.
I was always shy to join classes like this and the first
Zumba lesson I was pretty much awkward but after that, I enjoyed it so much!
This And That:
What else happened this past 2015?
In March our founding father LKY passed away and it was a
time when the whole nation wept together. It was a time it really opened up my
eyes as to what he had done for this tiny little dot we all call home. It might
have been too late but I tried to do my part and volunteered to help out at the
memorial they had for Mr LKY at Bedok.
We also had the elections in 2015 which was a special one
seeing that it was the first time my husband, as a new Singapore Citizen could
And right after the elections, I was given the chance to
meet Dr Maliki!! That was the biggest moment for me! YAY!
So that was that for 2015.
What have I got planned for 2016? I don’t really have
anything planned to be honest. I will take whatever life throws at me.
I simply want to continue living my healthy lifestyle and
losing more weight. To get my foot corrected so I can exercise and get on with
my daily life without pain. I want to continue working hard to help my company
grow. I want to continue working hard to give my family all they deserve. I
just want to be a good person with good friends all around me all the time.
I am ready to face new challenges and I hope 2016 will be
a better year for my family, friends and myself!
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