Now is a time when most of us sit back and reflect on the past year and on how to do better in the year ahead.
Technically it's that time of year again when you will make more frantic attempts to change habits, make commitments and radically shift the direction of your life. Or what is called a New Year's resolutions. More importantly, will you keep those resolutions?
According to Wikipedia, a New Year's Resolution is a commitment that an individual makes to a project or the reforming of a habit, often a lifestyle change that is generally interpreted as advantageous. The name comes from the fact that these commitments normally go into effect on New Year's Day and remain until fulfilled or abandoned.
Unfortunately, most New Year's resolutions are abandoned before January is even up. I'm speaking from personal experience and I'm certain majority of you can relate to it too.
I think setting goals (and New Year's resolutions) is very important. Well for me I have goals in life and each year I do fulfill as many as I can. I've given up on yearly resolutions though. What’s the point of making them for the sake of making them and not fulfilling it?
Why do we not keep to our New Year’s resolutions year after year?
I think most of us have become numb to the idea of resolutions. Resolutions are like diets. They’re events. They’re uninspiring, and most people state them with unconscious intent.
So what is a better alternative to this New Year Resolution thing?
I've decided to revolt against resolutions. I had my very own “resolution revolution.” I decided to simplify, to focus, and to be gentle about the approach. Here it is:
Pick a word for the year.
Just one word. That’s all.
Then, hold that word in your mind throughout the year, and let your word guide you to take action. For instance, let’s say you want to make a resolution to lose 20 pounds, and to change jobs. Rather than say, “I resolve to lose 20 pounds and get a better job,” you might sit with this thought for a little while. Maybe then you would recognize that you've been scared to look for another job because there might not be something out there, and maybe you've been overeating to stuff?
So, instead of making resolutions – which do little to inspire you – you choose the word “courage.” Courage then becomes what guides you. Each day you focus on that word. When you don’t want to go to the gym, you don’t berate yourself with the threat of your resolution. Instead, you motivate yourself with your word “Courage.” You say it aloud to remind yourself. And you go because learning how to not be scared of change is exciting to you. The word then builds on itself. You might decide to take a yoga class even though the skinny yoga girls have always scared you. You might find that you have a little more energy with each new thing you try. Maybe this energy motivates you to call an old friend in your field and let her know you are looking for another job. Courage becomes the guiding force, not the harsh standard.
I am a very lucky woman, blessed a great career, great family and friends…a husband who puts up with me, and two really gorgeous, smart and amazing kids. I have everything my heart desires. What more could I ask for?
So what word am I going to choose for 2014?
I think I will choose “Self-Love” this year.
I’ve often neglected myself trying to care and provide for my family. I've pushed myself hard to be the best I can be so my family could enjoy the fruits of my labour because they deserve it. But I also have issues I need to get rid of which over the many long years have given me little senses of what it means to love and accept myself. I am not talking about loving myself to the point of narcissism. That is an entirely different thing.
Years back I thought self-love was being selfish but I've learned that it’s the other way around. It’s being selfish not to love yourself.
Yes I have a great life now but sometimes I feel I was born to get through life not being able to let go of the past, and in return feeling really depressed which concludes I am not good enough and a failure. I've continued to put a lot of pressure on myself that I had absolutely no time to care for myself. That will hopefully change this year.
So this 2014, I am going to start learning to love myself. I am going to try and realize that I am as important as anyone else. It is going to be difficult as growing up, I always felt that others are way better than me, and that I don’t matter, and people aren't interested in me unless I please them.
For self-love to happen, I am going to try to take these steps in fulfilling my 2014 goal (notice I didn't say resolution?)….
Consider my needs
Care for myself with the same level of effort that I do for others
Accept myself for all that I am
Set boundaries
Protect myself
Forgive myself
Become mindful
Act on what I need rather than what I want
Wish me luck…..
So what word will you choose for 2014?
Compassion? Generosity? Wealth? Gratitude?
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
SAM's Holly Jolly Christmas Party
The Singapore Association of Magicians once again opened the doors to the members of the public. We celebrated Christmas with members, their families, friends and some members of the public who heard about our event through Facebook.
Something a little different this year though... for me anyway. This year I performed. I guess we can call it a comeback since I've not taken the stage in over 17 years.
Buffet dinner commenced at 7.30pm and our turn out was great. We had a full house and by 8:22pm we started the evening's programme. I had requested to perform first so I wouldn't be nervous all evening but the other performers had already set the stage. Oh well....a few beers till after the break...
Break time…..
This was when I nervously helped my dad set up the stage for my performance with my daughter. Over 20 years ago, I had done solo performances, duos with my dad and brother…and now I get to do a duo with my daughter! Thrilling but why am I so nervous? Well, I have not been on stage in over 17 years!
But both my daughter and I have been practicing and going through the routine for the last two weeks. All props and bouquet of flowers painstakingly were made by my dad. (Thanks Pa) Well, we had hoped to put up a creditable performance and I don’t think we did too bad. Not bad for someone who hasn't done this in so long. But as always, my daughter is amazing. Always so cool and so confident.
So what were my real feelings from the time after I had set the stage up?
Well, I was sitting there getting ready to go out into the crowd, a rush of fear flowed through my soul, a deep and cold fear that of which I cannot explain. I had practiced and tried perfecting the routine for over two weeks. Not for a night but for weeks, a cold sweat rushed over my flesh. Creating a sticky feel on my skin that irritated me to death. I was fidgety and nervous.
My parents and wonderful husband told me that I was going to do fine and that the performance would be a success but I didn't believe them because I was so focused on what could have gone wrong, it was as if the world had come to an end only I was the only one to experience it first.
Still my heart was pounding in my chest. Butterflies in my stomach. Cold, clammy hands. Feeling light-headed, tight, weak, and shaky. I felt my mind racing. Doubts and fears popping into my head and a vague sense that something bad was going to happen....I started kicking myself for not practicing more.
For what it’s worth, I learned that anxiety is pretty common even among professional performers.
Nevertheless, our performance was well received and it went well. Most of all we had fun and my daughter and I made another lifetime memory together. Just glad everything just "clicked" and once on stage, I actually felt like I was in total control and everything just flowed easily.
If you asked if I would ever do it again in the near future, I would reply, "I sure would! But I hope to try out a mother and kiddos routine and have my son join us to make yet another memory."
P.S. Thank you Billy Scadlock for joining us this evening and showing your support.
Friday, December 13, 2013
The Amazing Nathan Burton in Singapore
For months I've been excited about watching Nathan Burton live in Singapore but what I didn't realize was that I'd get to watch it twice...and to meet him to boot!
Nathan Burton's opening night was on Monday, December 9. The show was for invited guests only and my dad was asked to perform and do a short magic teach-in before introducing Nathan. Of course that was such an honour and then to have Nathan Burton acknowledge my dad during his performance was the icing on the cake.
We were seated at the fourth row for the Monday show. Awesome view indeed!
From escaping giant microwaves to bringing Barbie to life, nothing's impossible for comedy magician Nathan Burton who is one of the hottest attractions in Las Vegas!! With fantastic illusions and hilarious props, his zany antics left the audience of all ages in stitches. The acclaimed magician-cum-comedian from Las Vegas brought his larger-than-life brand of magic and whimsical humour to Singapore and the crowd loved him! I sure did!
For those of you who don't know who Nathan Burton is....
Nathan Burton was a magician from Season 1 of America's Got Talent. He was eliminated in the Semi-finals, but he returned for the Wild Card Show, where he was eliminated again. He returned in Season 4, where he was eliminated in the Vegas Round.
Nathan was born in Oakland, California and as he described on stage, he was bitten by the magic-bug at the age of four when he performed his first trick in front of his kindergarten class and although nothing turned out as it should have – he was hooked – and decided then and there that magic was what he wanted to do for the rest of his life.
You would think that someone like me who had grown up having a dad as a professional magician and who has done magic herself, that I would know the secrets to all of Nathan Burton's tricks..... I did know the trick but I was still left astonished and entertained and not to mention a belly ache from all the laughing.
Nathan possess the ability to create a myriad of mind-blowing illusions from magically making himself vanish on stage and reappear in the audience in the most astounding way. He blends original stage illusions, comedy, street magic and showgirls to create a fast paced, contemporary and riveting performance amidst his mischievous and masterful magic.
Then comes the bigger surprise....something I wasn't expecting at all because all the advertising said was Nathan Burton in Singapore with sleight of hand magician Armando. Now don't get me wrong, even though Armando only came out for a ten minute performance where he showed us an awesome close up trick, I still found him rather amazing. But going back to the big surprise was funny man Russ Merlin!! I did not know he was performing with Nathan Burton. Oh my god! I love this guy!!! I've been a fan for the longest time and I finally get to see him perform live!! I'm over the moon.
I knew Russ had performed in Singapore in the late 90's which pretty much pissed me off because I was in the USA then. And when he was back in USA I pretty much never got to hit Las Vegas to catch him and now I am back in Singapore and I get to fulfill my dream.
There's no shortage of laughs when it comes to Russ Merlin. This guy is a riot!
When it comes to explosive comedy, Russ Merlin has made a name as the master of the unexpected. Nothing is quite as it seems when it comes to this world famous prop comic. You never know what could come next as Russ will take the hand of the audience and guide them on an electric ride full of hilarious antics and the best part, the audience is never left out!
Russ Merlin puts on an energetic, hilarious and interactive show that will keep the audience laughing. His professionalism and entertaining skills makes him one of the most sought after entertainers. Russ Merlin is like a variety show all on his own. It is no surprise that audiences from all over the world will tell you that Russ Merlin is one of the premier acts of its kind anywhere in the world.
His blend of magic, comedy and audience participation is what makes the show such an enjoyable experience. One of the highlights of the act is a routine that Russ has been developing by himself for the last several years. Throughout the evolution of his act, he has created one piece that has become a highlight for all those who see (and participate in) it. Four chairs are set on stage and volunteers are asked to participate. Once on stage the volunteers have masks placed on their faces. The best part is they don’t see just how ridiculous the masks look, which makes the next part of the act even funnier. Each person on stage is given an action to perform throughout the rest of the routine and what follows can only be described as hilarious. I suffered side-splitting laughs.
However, the mask routine is only one of Russ Merlin’s many talents. He is also an accomplished magician performing some great sleight of hand with coins, balls and other props as well.
Russ knows just how to make any audience across the globe laugh till they drop!
And OMG I got to watch him not once but twice this week!! *scream*
(I'm totally sounding like a screaming adolescent teenage girl right now)
I swear today would be the second time I've watched the whole Nathan Burton, Armando and Russ Merlin show (front row today though...eeks!...*happy dance*) yet I laughed at the same routine and jokes. These are real entertainers. No matter how many times you watch them, you still leave the room in stitches. Today, I took my kids with me and they had a great time. let’s move on to the after show bit....
After the performance on Monday, my dad and I met Nathan, Russ and Armando after the show. We took photos and introduced ourselves and talked. Took a lot so I would remain claim and not sound like a nervous blabbering baboon while talking to Russ. The guys were awesome. Very down to earth and obliging. I managed to stay calm till Russ almost blew my "act" when he insisted both he and I took selfie together! My hands were shaking and I couldn't even get the camera on my phone right! Ha.
Great way to end a blue Monday.
Round Two.....
For tonight's show, about 60 members respectively from the two magic associations in Singapore joined my dad, kids and I together with members of the public. It was full house!!
After the show, we had to wait for the guys to have our private meet and greet session. But my kids wanted to purchase the DVD and get it autographed. So we did. Nathan, Russ and Armando remembered me which thrilled me to no end. My kids met them and we took photos together.
Finally, it was time for our private meet and greet between the members of the magic associations in Singapore with Nathan, Russ and Armando. We took photos, talked and Armando even showed us a few more close up magic. The guys were amazing. They stayed and chatted for a good hour. They didn't rush us or make us feel rushed. It was an insightful meet up.
And to end my whole dream come true, meeting Russ Merlin finally ..... Boomz! As I'm in a conversation with him about the years he worked in Singapore, magic, my kids performing, my events company....he goes on to ask if my kids are of Caucasian mix and I reply yes. Then he asked if I am Eurasian (I love a smart man)? I wasn't embarrassed to let him know how smart he is because many have assumed I am Pinoy (WTF?) and he goes on to say he loves Eurasian girls. Talk about wobbly feet after that!
I had a great week. Thank you Nathan Burton, Armando and my favourite Russ Merlin!! You're three amazing individuals....talented, down to earth and real.
Oh did I forget to mention the tweets and retweets Nathan had given me? Yeps! Now if only Russ Merlin is on social media but I guess it's a good thing he's not or I'd be charged with Internet stalking. Ha.
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