Saturday, August 20, 2022

Happy Birthday In Heaven Godma

 Today would have been my Godma’s birthday. There are no words that would describe how much I miss her and having her around especially during parties as it has always been her “thing”. No words will ever describe how much I am still filled with regrets about what had happened and how we never made peace before she passed. But that is life. We all make mistakes and we learn from it. It is also something I will deal with for many years but I believe my Godma knows how much I truly do love her. 

Things are good with the family now … mostly.  A few till won’t talk to us because of the incident but it is not like we didn’t try. So be it. We have been spending a lot of time with Granny and taking care of her and making new memories. 

So today, the family, the few of us, got together at my granny’s to celebrate my godma’s birthday, to toast her memory. It was lovely. 

Even though we celebrated my godmother today and her memory, upon returning home, I could not stop thinking about how it could have been if we just got to say “sorry” and “goodbye” to her. But I suppose that there are incidents in life when you have no real control over things that happens around you. Sometimes, in these situations, family members face issues of their own and then life sometimes does not give us time to solve the issues in an orderly fashion. Then we get mad and angry when things don’t go the way we want it to then we lash out at each other. 

When that happens, we have to always remember to calm down and learn to feel strong enough to deal with all of what is happening instead of arguing and fighting with one another. 

It is normal for us to always think our problem is the hardest to cope with but others feel the same way about their problems too. 

I realize more now that everyone is an individual with different ideas and views. The would surely be boring if we all were programmed the same way. I sure do think it is important for families to have open communication and when there are disagreements, it is also important to consider the other party’s views and try to reach a compromise.

Families are individuals forced together through blood, they are not involved by choice but by birth. They have to deal with one another and their differences. Not just that, the family have to also deal with one another’s levels of growth and maturity as well as different goals, wants and needs. 

No matter how different each family member is, every human wants to have choices and freedom, but in order to keep a family together, sometimes we have to forfeit that luxury.  Families must always work together although it often takes arguing, and even maturity before we can see one another’s perspective.

We as individuals are all so diverse and complex, our personalities clash, our opinions differ, our beliefs and morals shape us into the person we are… the same goes with families.

There are 7 billion individuals on this planet, it is natural for us not to get along with others sometimes. Same with families… it’s normal for families to argue ad disagree! Healthy even. Generally, everyone is bound to meet in an argument with someone else at some point. Just never let it drag out too long for you to have regrets the rest of your life.

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