Sunday, October 10, 2021

Becoming a Morning Person


Becoming a morning person has its benefits. It allows you to get a jump start on the day and you never have to rush throughout the day. That is a good thing because 'rush" is also linked to an increase in stress, which we all know is not healthy.

So how do we become a morning person?

  1. Go to bed early
  2. Avoid naps
  3. Stop pressing snooze
  4. Wake up to natural light
  5. Get up at the same time everyday
  6. Get moving as quickly as possible
  7. Stretch right when you wake up
  8. Meditate for 5 minutes
  9. Drink a glass of water
  10. Do something productive

The benefits of becoming a morning person:

  1. You will be more productive
  2. May experience improved mental health
  3. Developing self-discipline
  4. Feel energized
  5. You will have more time
  6. You might start feeling happier
  7. You might sleep better
  8. You will have a proactive nature
  9. Lower your level of stress
  10. AND you rarely regret your outfit choice because you’re never rushing out the door

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