Saturday, October 16, 2021

Damage done by a Narcissist


TO HEAL from the damage the Narcissist caused, we must admit that we were fooled and that the thing taken from us was our INNOCENCE. 

We were naive about the fact that such vile people exist. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, don’t take on the shame that the narcissist should be feeling. Don’t let them project that on you because that’s their way to shut you up about their dirty deeds.

You were KIND to them under extreme circumstances and that is not a thing to be ashamed of.

Seeing them in their true light, under the mask, is the only way to deal with them.

Don’t let them mesmerize you. Forever look behind the mask. 

Friday, October 15, 2021

Straighten Your Crown, Queen


At the end of the day, when you care deeply, when you’re empathetic, when you believe in love and the beauty of another human being so deeply – sometimes, you can convince yourself to fight wars for someone who isn’t fighting for you, sometimes you can convince yourself to keep trying, or to not give up, but that isn’t something to be ashamed of. You tried for something, you risked, and even through it did not work out, you in return learned how to set boundaries, how to go forward with your heart and protect it – not in a way that is guarded and hardened to the world, but rather in a way that is informed, that helps for it to be preserved and nurtured, that doesn’t let it settle for things that aren’t for it. Now you know what you do not want. Now you know what you do not want to feel. Now you know the kinds of things you crave, the respect you deserve, and you won’t settle for the opposite any longer. Forgive yourself for how you got to that understanding. 

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Becoming a Morning Person


Becoming a morning person has its benefits. It allows you to get a jump start on the day and you never have to rush throughout the day. That is a good thing because 'rush" is also linked to an increase in stress, which we all know is not healthy.

So how do we become a morning person?

  1. Go to bed early
  2. Avoid naps
  3. Stop pressing snooze
  4. Wake up to natural light
  5. Get up at the same time everyday
  6. Get moving as quickly as possible
  7. Stretch right when you wake up
  8. Meditate for 5 minutes
  9. Drink a glass of water
  10. Do something productive

The benefits of becoming a morning person:

  1. You will be more productive
  2. May experience improved mental health
  3. Developing self-discipline
  4. Feel energized
  5. You will have more time
  6. You might start feeling happier
  7. You might sleep better
  8. You will have a proactive nature
  9. Lower your level of stress
  10. AND you rarely regret your outfit choice because you’re never rushing out the door

Monday, October 4, 2021

Always do your best


I always do my best and my best is always good enough.

When you set impossible goals that you have no real chance of achieving, you are setting yourself up for failure; when you promise to always do your best you are able to have much more realistic expectations of yourself. Your sense of self-worth will no longer be dependent on outcomes and you will feel good about who you are regardless of what you have or haven’t been able to achieve.

When you truly believe your best is good enough, you can accept that you are having a bad day, or feeling a bit ordinary, without this affecting the way you feel about yourself.

  © I Am S.P.G.

Design by Debra Palmer