Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Engelbert Back In Singapore After Three Years

It is just hours now to the show, the concert of the year; Engelbert Humperdinck. The excitement had been brewing for weeks now and right now, I just cannot describe the feeling. It's been three years since the King of Romance stopped by my part of the world. So yes, this is pretty special and exciting for me. The other times, over the last 3 years, I had caught him in Malaysia and Philippines. 

I have been a fan since I was 10 years old. My late grandfather introduced me to Engelbert. His favourite song was 'Love Me with All Your Heart'. So on his final send off, we sang that song at Church and in 2012, I tattooed part of the lyrics from that song onto my arm in memory of my grandfather and as a little tribute to the man whose music had saved my life on numerous occasions.

I met Enge for the first time in 2003; it would also have been my very first EH concert. That memorable day happened at Foxwoods Casino in USA. Since that photo was posted on his official website, my life changed forever. 

I was blessed with the opportunity to get to know him on a more personal level through the countless meetings I've had with him and through his children. I was given the opportunity to assist in his social media presence from the early beginnings, to the opportunity of a lifetime to assist in his weight loss most recently. 

But through it all, I was never star struck. I admire the man. I am impressed by his life story and his struggles to get to where he is today. I somehow can relate because I struggled from a very early age to get to where I am today. Of course nowhere close to where he is, but it is pretty decent for a normal woman like me. 

If you had the chance to ask Enge, I am sure he would tell you that I treat him just like how I'd talk to you and I am the same way with his kids. They don't get special treatment just coz of who their father is. It's me. I am always who I am. I am true to myself and what you see is what you will get. 

Through the years of being in the line of work I am in, I have met many celebrities and are friends with many. I have gotten the same response from a few as to what makes me stand out from the rest of their fans and why I am lucky enough to be friends with them? Their answer would always be because I am refreshing and I treat them like how they should be treated... like any normal human being. 

However, I have to admit that every time I see Enge, it is very exciting and it is always a new experience alongside new memories made. I have fond memories and bad memories and that I will not deny. But go back to when I said, he is human after all. 

People have asked me numerous times how many times have I seen Enge in concert or how many times have I met him. I have only seen him in concert about 15 times in my lifetime. What can I say? I started late in to his career. However, it is better late than never right? I have met him several times backstage and at the hotel he was staying at. I have had meals with him in a group setting obviously. But I have a total of 4 photos taken with him. Why? Because most times I meet him, it never crosses my mind. It is like meeting an old friend and just 'catching up'. I don't think you have photos taken with your friends each time you meet them, right? So that was just how it was.  I was just very happy and blessed to be in his presence and to simply just enjoy a chat with him. 

Maybe he found that cool as well because I never acted like a fan only wanting to be near him and taking photos of him all the time. He gets enough of that from others. He sure did not need it from me. Ha.

Looking back, I can't find the words to describe how fortunate I really am. Here is a man, a legend, larger than life, so very popular and everyone wants to meet him and I have on many occasions. I know many ladies who are much older than I am, and who have been following him since the 60s and still they have yet to meet him in person. When I hear about that, I feel even more grateful but I always tell them to never give up hope. Keep trying. And when they do meet him, he is simply a man who cares about his fans.

Being a fan of his has brought me lots of great friends and enemies. Friends who support me and are happy simply by hearing my experiences I had at his concert or with meeting him. Then the enemies are the ones who seem jealous of that and make up stories.

Let me tell you this, I have never once accepted a free ticket from the Dorseys. I have never once opened my mouth to ask for a backstage pass. I always paid big bucks for my tickets, I was always first in line when the box office opened and I paid for my travels and accommodations. Wait. I admit, back in 2012, I was traveling to see my other favourite band New Kids on the Block when Engelbert tickets went on sale in Singapore. By the time I got back, I only managed to get 19th row. EH's tour manager then did ask what row I was in, and he managed to upgrade my mom and I to the front and he also took us backstage after the show. But that was the only time and even so, I still paid $600 for my tickets. 

Then let’s not forget the users. The ones who would talk behind my back about me having any agenda then when Enge is coming to town or somewhere near them, they contact me and ask if I can upgrade their seats or get them backstage. What do I look like? Their fairy godmother?

Anyway, in about 17 hours, I get to see Enge in concert again on my turf this time. This is pretty exciting. And after the show, I'd see him again and that would be another memory for the books. This time around, it is going to be a lot more special because my daughter will be with me.

So until tomorrow or after, I will share photos and videos and an update of how the concert was and how the meeting went.

Until then....



  1. Wonderful article Debra. You never cease to amaze me with your stories and truthfulness. I can honestly say that even though we have not met in person I feel in my heart that we have met because we have quite a few things in common especially sharing a wicked sense of humor but most of all I am proud to call you my friend. Much love and success to you in all you do.

  2. Much love my sister from another mother. Hehe.


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