Sunday, September 11, 2016

"I Love You"

Sometimes you just need someone to tell you they love you...

It also depends......does that person mean it when they do tell you they love you or are they just saying it out of habit? There's a big difference.

No doubt it does hurt more when they just spit those three words out and not even mean it or do anything to prove it.

"Don't say you love me if you don't mean it because I might do something stupid like believe it."

We should stop trusting words and instead start trusting actions.

We should also understand that when someone loves you, they don't have to say it because you should already be able to tell by the way they treat you.

You were put on this earth to achieve your greatest self, to live out your purpose, and to do it courageously. So if you say it, mean it!

It is the same thing with the word "sorry".

You can say "sorry" and "I love you" as much as you want but if you can't prove it, your words don't mean a thing.

People say hate is strong word, but so is love and people are throwing that around like it's nothing.

Never say "I love you" if you really don’t care.

Never talk about feelings if they aren't really there.

Never hold someone's hand if you're going break their heart.

Never say you're going to if you don't plan to start.

Never look into someone's eyes if all you do is lie.

Never say "hi" if you really mean "goodbye".

Never take someone's feelings for granted because you never know how much courage it took for them to express them...

For me, I don’t let people in often and I mean what I say.

If I tell you that you're my friend that means a lot.

If I tell you I love you, I know that it isn’t just a phrase or expression and you need to know that I actually love you in the best and most honest way that I can.

You don’t love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear.

I don’t say I love you out of habit or just for conversation. When I say it, I really mean it. Why can’t everyone do the same? Why are there always someone who would mess with someone else’s feelings?

Love ends when you stop caring.

Forgive the heart that hurts you and don't hurt the heart that loves you.. And don’t ever cry over anyone who won’t cry over you.

Don’t be selfish. If you do not love the way her hair curls at the ends or her nose wrinkles when she laughs then let her go. If you don’t see her as a masterpiece then let her go, because someone else will.

Don’t be selfish. If you don’t love the way she sneezes or the way she dribbles the toothpaste down her chin when she brushes her teeth then let her go. If your heart doesn’t almost beat out of your chest when you wake up and the first thing you see is her soundly sleeping on your shoulder, someone else would kill for that.

Being with someone when you know you don’t love them is cruel. It's not only cruel, it's holding them back from someone that could give them everything. Someone that feels waves breaking in their rib cage when they see her walk around the corner. Someone that has had the worst of days, but rainbows suddenly appear at the thought of her. Someone who hears the sound of her voice and it soothes the darkest of nightmares. If that is not you, let her go. She is wonder, she is magic, she deserves someone who believes that every single day, not just on certain days. 

I do believe in fate and destiny, but I also believe we are only fated to do the things that we choose.


Don’t say it unless you mean it and if you mean it, you better be ready to prove it.

Don’t say she is perfect if she is not good enough for you.

Don’t say you’re aching if you haven’t felt anywhere near as she does.

Don’t say you’re sorry if you don’t know what you’ve done wrong.

Don’t say you want her to be happy if she can’t be happy with you.

For the ladies, letting go doesn’t mean you don’t care about someone anymore. It’s just realizing that the only person you really have control over is yourself.

One simply do not go around destroying the people you say you love. 

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