Today will be a week since I had the time of my life with
the Backstreet Boys at The Star Theater, Singapore. I'm already having
withdrawals. Thankfully I managed to get pretty decent videos of some of my
favourite songs at their concert and have been watching those over and over
I admit, I was never a HUGE fan of Backstreet Boys like I
was with New Kids on the Block. But I liked them and I liked their songs. Right
after NKOTB disbanded in 1994, the next best thing was Backstreet Boys. They
were the next NKOTB (to me). They had catchy tunes/songs and they were good
looking, and not to mention their concerts were nicely choreographed and
energetic (just like NKOTB)!
But I was at the age where I was busy with real life
situations…. I started dating and didn't have time for boy bands anymore. Yes,
I would listen to their songs but I didn't have time to fan girl much.
…. Not till 2012. I attended two NKOTBSB (New Kids On The
Block and Backstreet Boys) concerts in Jakarta and Manila. OK…. I started fan
girling again long before 2012. Started again in 2007 when a friend asked me if
I wanted to join her for a Jordan Knight solo concert in Massachusetts where I
was living at that time. We met him twice after the shows and that was when it
all started again. Then in 2008 NKOTB got back together but sadly, I had moved
out of the USA by then.
But going back to 2012. The NKOTB tour for that year,
they had combined with Backstreet Boys and let me tell you it’s the best
combination since!! Two of my favourite boy bands in a 2.5 hours concert??
Pinch me pinch me!! I was fortunate enough that they were doing two shows in
Asia (Jakarta and Manila). It wasn't Singapore although I wish it was but it
was still better than nothing!! I could go without having to spend ridiculous
money on air fare to USA or Australia which I doubt will happen anyway because
of the mummy guilt.
So yes, I attended both shows. I did the VIP with NKOTB
both times. I did wrestle with the idea of doing the Backstreet Boys meet and
greet in Manila but the timing would clash with NKOTB and who are you trying to
kid? I have been an NKOTB fan since I was ten….I wasn't going to choose
Backstreet Boys over them!! Yes, I know I already met NKOTB in Jakarta but I
wanted to do it again!!
The concert was awesome. I can’t find another word better than awesome to describe it though. A shy person like me who don’t ‘party’ or dance….I partied throughout the 2.5 hours like no one was looking. I screamed, I danced….. I had a great time. And it was during those two concerts that my inner fan girl for Backstreet Boys started getting stronger!
Years after that concert, I still watch the same concert
over and over on YouTube and wish I could do it all over again and if not, just
NKOTB alone or Backstreet Boys alone on tour would work just as well.
When I heard Backstreet Boys were coming to Singapore
this year, I said I would go for the concert. But the mummy guilt again set in.
I found all kinds of excuses to not go….saying they would perform their newer
songs which I am not too sure of…blah blah blah….. My supportive husband did
tell me to just get the ticket when it went on sale as groups would usually
still do a lot of their older songs during a concert.
Tickets went on sale February 5. I was online and ready
to buy CAT 1 seats which would be the best at S$198. Then I realized they were
not selling it with the VIP. I honestly would prefer to go for a concert like
this and have a backstage pass as well. But I guess it was another excuse for
me not to buy it. Moreover, the huge mummy guilt was setting in as my
daughter’s birthday would be in 10 days. So I didn't buy it….and within 2
hours, everything were sold out!
I didn't think much of it till after I caught the
Backstreet Boys “Show Em What You Made Of” show at the theater on April 5…and
after watching the NKOTBSB concerts more times since then….. by then, I
wanted to a ticket to their Singapore performance so bad I could taste it!! I
looked online but people were selling the tickets for ridiculous prices. I
couldn't see myself paying so much.
… so disappointed…. I decided that I was just an idiot
and should have listened to my husband and just bought the damn tickets in the
first place. However, you do realize that if it was the NKOTB, I would not have
thought twice…..I am sorry… I love BSB but NKOTB stole my heart long before them.
Four days before the BSB concert here in Singapore, I
decided to torture myself and make myself cry because I wasn't able to go to
their show….and I got online. I went to their website to check to see if there
were still VIPs available. I was surprised…..there were still lots of VIP
packages available!! So itchy backside here decided to click on the GOLD
package to see what the rules, etc were (actually I don’t know why or what I really wanted to see)….. I clicked NEXT NEXT NEXT and when it came to the
payment side….I hit NEXT again thinking it would bring me to another page to
make sure all the details were correct before confirming it….. It was not so.
That was the confirmation!! After I hit NEXT, I saw “PAYMENT FULFILLED”. WTF? I had mixed feelings…I was excited I got
it but in a panic because I didn't have a concert ticket and it clearly states
on this VIP that you will need a concert ticket!!
So in a panic I go online and look through all the
different social media platforms looking for a ticket. I managed to find one
but it was CAT 7 and with restricted view and she was selling two tickets for
$400. I offered her $230 for one and she accepted!
As if I am not hyped enough….I get a tweet from
Backstreet Boys!! Can this get any better? I am sure it would on May 2
The very next day I met up with the seller at Paya Lebar
and picked up my BSB concert ticket!! I am all set now… just excited….waiting
to receive the call details from the BSB fan club about what time we will need
to be at the venue on Saturday, May 2!
So I now have exactly two days to think of what I am
going to do when I meet the guys. Problem is, are they as sticky about us
bringing things backstage like the NKOTB were? I also have to think what I am
going to wear, how am I going to have my hair done and what questions I should
prepare for Q&A?? I had more time when I was going to meet NKOTB!!
Anyway, April 30 (Thursday) rolls around. I check my
email first thing when I got up and there it was… My call time for BSB!! Now
it’s all confirmed and so real. It’s happening. I just have to wait a couple
more days…. It feels like 2012 all over again!
May 1 happened to be a public holiday. It’s Labour Day.
So my hubs and I take the kids out and while at Giant Tampines, we noticed they
were having the Coca-Cola road show. Every $10 you spent on Coca-Cola, you get
to customize a Coca-Cola can with your name. So my daughter had a clever idea….to
customize one with Backstreet Boys on it. However, looking at the terms and
conditions….it clearly states, only 12 characters with spacing allowed and
‘Backstreet Boys’ needed a total of 15 spaces. It also stated NO CELEBRITY
NAMES! Dammit! So we decided to try for just “B S B”. We were asked what it
stood for and with the most innocent look on my face, I told them it was my
best friend’s initials!
My daughter is a genius but then again….she must get it
from some where right? Ha. I added the Singapore shot glasses to it and my goal
is to share the Coca-Cola with the BSB in these shot glasses which they can
later keep as a souvenir!
Nevertheless, the day arrived… May 2, 2015 (Saturday).
May 2 seems to be a date that holds special memories and meaning for me… It’s
the day my great-grand mother was born, the day my beloved grandfather passed
away, my all time favourite singer Engelbert Humperdinck’s birthday and now I
get to add meeting Backstreet Boys.
I started at about 10am. I went to the nail spa to get my
nails done and to the hair dresser to get my hair done. This is almost a once
in a lifetime opportunity (until my hubby buys me another VIP to meet them or
NKOTB… *hint* *cough*) so I might as well go all out to doll myself up which I
hardly ever do anyway.
By 2.30pm, I was ready and started to make my way to the
venue so I will get there in time.
Got there about 4pm. The call time was actually
4.20pm. Got there and ladies were already in line. I was honestly surprised
there were so many of us there as I looked at the VIP sales and there were
still so many available. So I wasn't expecting such a huge turn out. Anyway, it
was quite a wait and the organizational skills weren't at all perfect but who is complaining? And
obviously when you’re at VIP events like this, you meet the ‘bitches’ and you
meet the real ‘nice’ ladies. I was fortunate enough that the 4 ladies in front
of me were awesome. Right there, new friendships were made. All four of
them were virgins to this M&G thingy though.
Finally we collected our VIP lan yards and were lead in
to the auditorium where we would first enjoy the BSB sound check party and
Q&A. Since we were GOLD VIP, we sat at the second row while the PLATINUM
VIP sat in the front. However, as soon as the sound check party started,
everyone ran to the front of the stage anyway so what difference does that
really make? NOTHING! Haha. So yes, I was right up to the front of the stage.
The boys sang a few songs I was rather familiar with.
They joked and answered questions. Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to ask
any of the questions I had prepared but it’s alright….
Backstreet's back (in Singapore) alright!
Right after the sound check party, we waited in line for
our M&G. The Platinum were first in line…then the Gold which was ME!
When it was almost my turn, Mike (Backstreet Boys’
bodyguard/security) took my handbag so I wouldn't have to carry it and have it
in the photo when I posed with the boys. I joked with him about being careful
as it was heavy and how it did match his outfit. He had a kick out of that.
I am pretty surprised they were not as strict as NKOTB
about us hanging on to gifts we had for the boys.
I admit, I was nervous. I was literally shaking as the
girls in front of me took their turn at meeting with the boys. I don’t even remember being this nervous with
Being right here at a Backstreet Boys VIP is a cause for
great anxiety. I've taken the plunge and bought my VIP meet and greet, I've
rehearsed what I was going to say over and over in my head and what I was
going to do. I have counted down the days, hours and minutes until I would be
sharing oxygen with the five guys I've loved not as long as NKOTB but definitely
longer than my husband, until I will be touching them, hugging them,
potentially losing my mind…
Finally it was my turn. I stayed cool, calm and
I calmly walked towards Howie first. He may be quiet but
damn he is gorgeous! He’s so relaxed and so sweet so don’t underestimate him!!
He reached out his arms first and gave me the warmest hug and whispered, “Hi”…
I swear I had to control myself from fainting.
With my knees still feeling like jello, I walked up to
Kevin!!! Good thing he wasn't standing too far away from Howie, so I could practically
just spill over to him! Big mistake!! I should not have looked in to Kevin
Richardson’s eyes!! If you do a meet and greet with BSB….DO NOT and I say it
again… DO NOT look in to Kevin Richardson’s eyes!! I did and it just sucked me
in, in the best way possible. He hugged me and held my hand as he sexily asked,
“How are you sweetheart?”... and as he asked me that, he looked directly in to my eyes
and I was sure I was at least a few inches off the floor!! I have not even
recovered from Howie and now this….. Kevin thanked me for coming and told me he
hopes I will enjoy the show and I was loss for words. I don’t even remember what
I said to him after! I just hope I wasn't a stuttering moron. I walked away
from Kevin and I was never the same again. I always wondered why Kevin was so
popular and now I know.
Now my legs are worse than jello…. I am proud I didn't
faint right after Kevin. But I had a mission….so I guess that is why my body persevered
to hang on right to the end…. My mission was to get to the end of the ‘line’,
over to Nick Carter and Brian Littrell who happens to be 2 of my favorite BSB!
Okay…so up next is AJ and my heart was really pounding…so
hard it could have leaped out of my chest at any point in time. Why was I extra
nervous about AJ? Well, for years, I have heard fans say he doesn't fancy Asian
fans blah blah blah…… so I guess I was a bit nervous about feeling ‘rejected’ I
suppose....if that was at all true.
But I should have remembered the words of my mother from the
time of NKOTB. Never listen to what people have to say until you have seen it
or experienced it for yourself….
Got to AJ and I swear he was a sweetheart. First thing he
said to me was, “Ahh a tattooed chick. I like.” … Wait….wait…what did AJ just
say to me?? He reached out his arms to hug me, a peck on the cheek and asked me
to enjoy the show later. I was just glad he didn't decide to read the tattoo on
my back…. It’s a NKOTB inspired tattoo. Haha. But what just happened?? Did AJ
just kiss me?
Whoever said AJ was racist can honestly go f*ck yourselves.
It was one of the best things in the world and one of
those moments that I would reflect on for days to come. Holy cow! Did I really
just talk to AJ like it was no big deal? Yes you did Debra!
….and finally I have reached the highlight of my evening….NICK
Whether you’re a Nick girl or not, he is not one you
should ignore. He really is something to behold in person. I am happy to report
that Nick gave me the biggest and tightest hug ever. It wasn't something I had
expected so I took in every second of that awesome hug! With the most beautiful
smile on his face, he looked at me and said, “Hello sweetie”….. I melted right
there and then. But I had to snap out of it as I had stuff to say to him and I
was not going to leave that M&G without saying it!! So I pulled myself
together and told him how much his much he has inspired me. I told him I can relate to everything because I have gone through the same shit as him and still am. I told him
he’s such an inspiration and because of him, I will not let the negative pull
me down and that I will rise above it all. I got another hug from him and this
one was even tighter than the first…. And he whispered in my ears, “Thank you sweetie.”… and a kiss on the cheek. Wait wait….. are
these boys trying to kill me? I don’t know if my heart is strong enough to get
through Brian next!
Did I just die and go to heaven?? Sure did feel like it….
By then the management was already trying to rush me.
Tried to get me to already pose for the pic and I know if I did that…it would
be the end of the meet and greet. I wasn't going to give in…. I turned around
and said to them, “but I have not even hugged Brian yet!”…. and with that, Brian jumped
out from where he was standing and hugged me so tight!! I kept my backside to
the management so they wouldn't just snap a photo of me and rush me off…..
Brian looks at me and says, “Hi Honey”…. Earth to Debra….earth
to Debra…..come back down Debra.
Most would probably be intimidated by Brian’s energy but
I simply enjoyed every second of it. We all know that Brian can be wiggly and
occasionally (unexpectedly) loud, but he is also another, like Nick Cater, you
need to behold up close and personal. And those eyes!!! His kindness will surge
through you the moment you’re within feet of him!!
I asked him, “how have you been doing lately?” and his
reply, “Better honey. How are you?” I think I replied, “Could not have been
better”… but it’s a blur….. again, I hope I wasn't a blabbering baboon!
By then, management was again rushing for the photo to be
taken…asked me to stand in the center and I said, “If you don’t mind, I’d like
to stand between Nick and Brian. Thanks.” But that was about all I can remember
of that photo…. I don’t remember looking in to the cam or even smiling. So for
days after the concert, while waiting for the fan club to send us the photos, I
was worried about how it would turn out!!
They tried to rush me off again…but I turned back and
walked up to AJ again. Notice how he doesn't scare me anymore? Ha. I took out
the Singapore shot glasses and passed it to the guys and when I was doing this,
Nick rushed over to me to see what was going on…. I pulled out the Coca-Cola
can and Nick was most excited. He asked where I had gotten that from? I told
him I had customized it at the road show the day before.
I then asked if I could Share A Coke with them!! I opened
the can and they held out their glasses as I poured the Coke into all 6 glasses
(including mine). I am impressed with my skills actually. No spillage even with
my shaking trembling hands…. Dammit don’t laugh. You try pouring a drink for
the 5 guys you've dreamed about almost half your life!!
We did a cheers to a great performance and drank the
coke. I had hoped management would have snapped a photo of that but they never
posted it on the site with the rest of the VIP photos. I guess they could not
advertise for the Coke part I think. Oh well… I have to reply on memories
of that special moment….until I get dementia.
OK. I am satisfied now. I said my final goodbyes and was
escorted out of the room to the area where my bag was. Before leaving, I was given
an autographed photo of the guys which was another surprise seeing that it was
only meant for the Platinum folks. But I wasn't going to say shit….. I took it
and ran!!
I was floating. I was on Cloud 9. I am glad I didn't
allow anyone to rush me. I went there having things to say to the boys and I
said it. I went there with a mission and I accomplished it. I am not mad at
management for rushing me, understandably there are other fans and a schedule
to keep. But I sure did make the most of my VIP meet and greet with Backstreet
Boys. I enjoyed it. I was in the moment. It really happened and I didn't die
afterwards thankfully.
I am glad I did not forget where I wanted to stand. I had
planned it for four days and I didn't screw it up!!
I am also glad I did not forget to eat beforehand. I had
to however force feed myself due to the excitement. But I am glad I did. I didn't
need my blood sugar issues interfering with meeting the boys. I did not need
the shock/excitement of meeting all five Backstreet Boys together to make me
pass out. If it happened I would have lost the hundreds of dollars I had paid
for VIP. I wouldn't even remember Nick or Brian carrying me out!! If ever I
were to pass out, I would fake it just so one of them would give me mouth to
mouth or carry me out.
But the Backstreet Boys were definitely larger than
Right after, two of my new found friends and I went out
to grab a quick bite before the concert. We grabbed a sandwich and quickly
headed back to the auditorium to get our early entry in to the venue. While
hanging around and waiting for time, we took a group photo together to capture
the moment. The day new friendship were made.
We managed to stop Mike for a photo too. Mike is the
bodyguard and security for the Backstreet Boys.
We finally went our separate ways as we had different
seating arrangements. I was in nose bleed land. Not that bad actually as I was
on the 2nd level. There was still a level 3!! Haha.
8.30pm. Thirty minutes later than the said time, the
lights went out and the music started. Everyone jumped out of their seats including me and
that was when all the screaming started. I have to say my seats were not as bad
as I had expected. I did try to snap photos and videos using my Nikon Coolpix
L120 which I got 4 years ago….but it was shit!! I almost tossed the damn thing
away!! So I just placed it in my bag and took out my Note3 phone which actually
did a better job with photos and videos!! Thankfully my phone had a 32GB
storage plus another 32GB SD card or else I am ‘fooked’!
The one thing good about being in nose bleed land seats is the fact that Security don’t really see you recording the concert! So in between dancing, screaming and partying like I was a teenager again, I got some videos of some of my favourite songs!!
Almost two hours later. Everything was over. But the evening was well spent and every
dollar spent was worth every cent!! It would have been better if I had front
row seats like NKOTBSB but beggars cannot be choosers and next time I should
not think twice and just buy the damn tickets!!
Then four days after the concert and 4 days of worrying
about how the VIP photos would turn out…we finally received it and thank
goodness it came out great. I was exactly where I had planned to be and I was
A friend commented that if Nick and Brian did not have
their arms around me, I would not have my feet on the ground and I think he’s
right about that part.
It was an evening filled with new memories made. Memories
I will forever treasure and am certain would remain fresh in my mind for a long
long time. Just like how the memories of NKOTB are still fresh in my head as if
it was only yesterday that I met them.
As for my personalized can of Share a Coke…. People would
ask why I opened the can… my answer would simply be, “ I may have opened it
when keeping it closed would have been a better kept souvenir but at least I
opened it and shared the coke with Backstreet Boys! Not many get to do that!”
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