It’s been weeks since I wanted to write
this post but work and family has kept me occupied, happy and blessed. My
biggest reason for wanting to write this is because of a recent private message
I received from an old school mate via Facebook. This ‘witch’ I didn't even
care much for in school, decides that she is indirectly going to tell me that I
should not go to the temple as if she remembers I was a Catholic and that I am
being a sinner by doing so….. I calmly asked her to kiss my ass and I will see
her in HELL if that is what she thinks.
Who I am and what I become, what religion I
choose, the life I lead and the paths I take is MY BUSINESS. It’s my life and I
am free to decide for myself. Everyone
has reasons for things they do and I sure have mine. No one has tried walking a
mile in my shoes so they do not have the slightest clue about what I have been
So before I proceed, I would like to say
that by writing what I feel in this post and about the choices I have made and
why…I am not trying to criticize anyone or any religion. Everything on here
will be what I feel and what I believe…. So if you have a problem with anything
I have to say then take it up with the higher authority.
Yes, I was baptised a Catholic. It was a
decision my mum made and it was a decision I had no say in, and a decision I am
certain my mum was aware could change as I grew up. I went to catechism classes
every Saturday (and dreaded every minute of it). I attended Mass every weekend
(kicking and screaming… until I was old enough to like boys….and going to
Church had a whole new meaning). I never understood the sit, stand, kneel, sit,
stand, kneel…
Worse is when I got a bit older, I found it
strange that people would go to Church for what I thought was prayers, but
instead, they would gossip or show off their new purchases, etc. During mass
they would smile at one another during the sign of peace but snub one another
right after mass ends. I always questioned, “Why do they even bother going to
Church then?”
My mum married my dad who was a divorcee
and because of that. She had to sacrifice receiving the body of Christ. Again,
when I got older, I questioned this and not a single priest could answer my
question. Does God really punish his children who marries a person they love?
Where in the bible does it state that a person who marries a divorcee is not
allowed to receive the body of Christ? This and many other questions I had,
could not be answered and even till today, they push it away. Man made laws of
the Church? I dare say yes it is.
Still, I kept going to Church till the day
I left for America. Yes, I did try to find a Parish Church there but the few I
went in to, even the Priests seemed to be indirectly wanting to know how deep
your pockets were or weren’t happy to accept probably because I am Asian. So
whatever…..the 11 years I stayed in America, I never stepped in to a Church.
OK….I am exaggerating because when I came back to Singapore, I did step in to
Churches for my wedding, funerals and my kids’ baptisms.
I got married in Church. I only did so
because my grandfather always dreamed of seeing me walk down that aisle. I am
glad I did because the year after, he passed away.
I baptized my daughter and my son only
because of the pressure from family members (not my mom)….and so to keep their
mouths shut, I did it. If I have to carry the sin, I will carry it for them. No
I will not force them to attend Sunday classes…I hated every minute of it, why
would I put them through it. Of course if they said, “mummy I would like to go
for Sunday classes…” .. I would gladly take them.
The choice of what religion or faith they
will want to explore is up to my kids to make when they are older.
And this is where my journey of faith
Two years after I got married, my hubby and
I decided we were stable enough and we could start planning a family. We were
ready. After months of trying, I finally got pregnant and we were thrilled
until we received a call from my doctor on a Saturday saying I had a
miscarriage. I swear, my whole world shattered and I kept asking, “WHY?”. But
we tried again and again,…and it was one miscarriage after another.
Of course I prayed and kept my faith but
after the few miscarriages, I started questioning God…. I did not say we would
make awesome parents but we definitely would love and raise our child to the
best of our ability and protect him/her….yet I kept reading in the newspapers
about parents killing their kids, abusing them or newborn babies being tossed
in the trash. All that got me furious and even furious with God. He’s giving
all these people babies to torture and kill? What about me? I am praying but is
he listening?? NO! Then I get all these holier than thou people telling me God
has his reasons, God knows when is the right time…. My reply? BULLSHIT! No
offence but by this time I was pissed at God and the whole world!
We almost gave up. We almost adopted. Then
one day my mum called me in USA. She told me her friend knew I was trying to
conceive and suggested my mum take me to the Loyang Tua Pek Kong temple to pray
and ask for what I wanted. A few months later, I made a trip back to Singapore. We
went over to the temple and I put all my faith together and prayed to have a
healthy baby. I left the temple without high expectations, only faith.
A few weeks after I returned to USA, I got
pregnant. Of course I was thrilled but I didn't want to think that it was a miracle.
I also wanted to make sure I didn't suffer another miscarriage.
It wasn't an easy pregnancy. It was nine
months of nightmare because I was scared of another miscarriage. I did things
extra careful, I ate the right foods. I was also under high risk pregnancy….
But one thing I had throughout this whole nine months was FAITH and prayers to
a new found God/Religion.
I gave birth to my daughter. It was the
happiest moment of our lives. The first week was rough as she was so sick and
was in the NICU for a week…but again I lived on prayers and faith. And I
figured that, we've already been through hell and back, this is nothing we
cannot cope with and it would only make us appreciate our baby girl even more…
Needless to say, we named her “LeiLani”
which means ‘Heavenly Child’.
Four years later, we decided to try again
for another baby and that was when Logan was born. He was under high risk
pregnancy as well and was in the NICU for a little longer than his sister…but
other than that, I have two healthy amazing kids.
I have since kept going back to the temple.
I took Lani to the temple every time we came back to Singapore for a visit…and
now we’re back for good. It’s easier for us. I've explained it to my kids and
they understand.
I feel everyone has to have a religion or a
faith to believe in. It’s hard to get through life not believing in anything or
not having a God to turn to when you’re at your darkest hour. I am glad I found
a faith I trust in, a God I can turn to when my whole world seems to be
crumbling down.
Not only did I pray to get my kids. I
continue to pray for everything to Tua Pek Kong. My faith in him is so strong
that when we bought a house, we bought one right next to the market where there
is a Tua Pek Kong altar. Trust me, it’s saying something because Tua Pek Kong
altars and temples are tough to come by in Singapore.
…and most recently…
When work was a bit unstable and I was
worrying about finances and such when I turned to Tua Pek Kong. In less than
two weeks, I got myself a new office that’s only 6 bus stops away from home and the best part about the whole
package?? My new office is right beside a Tua Pek Kong temple. I have to pass
it to get to the office and back home. Such eerie coincidence? Nahh… I think it
is just his way of telling me he is taking care of my family and I.
Once a week, my mum will accompany me to
the temple in the morning. We will have breakfast then pay our respects at the
temple. The rest of the week, I spend a few minutes there before work and
Because of this, the calmness I receive
every day, I feel I have changed a little. I have become a better person. I am
less grumpy and agitated, and I manage my daily routines better than I ever
Just the other day, I was discussing this
with my husband and we were talking about how Lani was a blessed child. Then I
mentioned how much of a coincidence that Lani was born in February and that Tua
Pek Kong’s birthday falls in February too, although the date changes every
My husband then prompted me to research and
to find out when they celebrated Tua Pek Kong’s birthday in the year Lani was
born…. I did…and I was shocked by my findings! In Singapore, they celebrated
Tua Pek Kong’s birthday on the 16th of February 2003….. my daughter
was born on the 15th of February 2003 in USA…meaning it would have
been Feb 16 in Singapore!
But I have to say, my brush with Taoism
started before I even realized it. Before I got married, I was struggling to
get my fiancée visa in the USA approved. My mum and I were outside a temple at
Pulau Ubin when a monk came up to me and told me not to worry and that I will
get everything sorted out soon. Now, how did he know? What was he really
talking about? There and then I took it as he meant my visa…and he was right….a
week later my visa was approved. Coincidence? I thought so at that time. The
fact that I now realize that the temple there was a Tua Pek Kong temple just
makes this whole journey to Taoism all the more interesting for me.
Of course there will be non-believers who
probably by now is thinking I am full of shits. But I didn’t write this to make
anyone believe. I wrote this because I wanted to share. Only my family and I
will understand this and that is all that matters.
I am no where close to being an expert on
Taoism. But I go to the temple and I pay my respects and I pray in whatever way
I know. I am sure Tua Pek Kong understands and to a certain degree I am sure he
laughs at these two Eurasian ladies with two ang moh children coming in to his
home to pray.
And that’s my story of my journey of
faith…from being a baptised Catholic to a Taoist.
Such a sincere, honest and heart-warming note. Thanks for sharing, Debra.
ReplyDeleteThanks R Chandran