Monday, August 26, 2013

Angels Living at Bedok South

Who believes in angels? 

I do. And I believe at least two angels live at Bedok South. You say I am crazy but let me tell you my story...

The last two months or so, my family and I were going through a rough patch. A scenario that would test the strength of any family. A scenario to test how we would support one another through these rough times and how strong we will be. It was definitely a trying time. There were a few occasions we snapped at one another and fought and almost to a point of giving up...but we continued to stick together and stood tall.

The waiting (for the outcome) was the worse. We didn't know what to expect...whether it'll be good news or bad news. But we prepared ourselves for the worse.

A few days before my dad headed up to Thailand to settle the issue, he went out for a little while in the afternoon and when he came home, he was exhausted and drenched in sweat. I asked him if he was alright and he told me the story about how he had bumped into this old lady on a wheelchair and she had lots of grocery bags with her. She had asked my father to assist in pushing her back to her block of flats. My father obliged not knowing how far it was. When he reached her block of flats, she thanked him and said he can go back now as she will wait by the lift for someone who had company and who could help lift her wheelchair to her house.

I find that strange. Maybe she didn't live there? Maybe she was an angel testing my father? That was still debatable until a week after when my mum came home and told me of another incident that happened to her...

My mum was waiting by the bus stop when a nicely dressed old lady came up to her and asked her for $2 because she wanted to buy a cold drink. For your information, there were many other people at the bus stop but this old lady decided to ask my mum! And since she didn't seem like she was poor or anything, why did she ask for money for a drink?

Again I am trying to put all the points together but it doesn't make any sense. And they always said that when an angel visit you, they will always ask for something to drink....

I guess everyone has their own beliefs and everyone is free to their own opinions. But I believe these two ladies were angels. They were sent here to test my parents. To see how they would react to helping them when my family needed help of our own. So what if my parents turned those two ladies away? Would luck not have been on our family's side then?

Who knows?

All I can say is that I believe they were angels and they were sent here to bless our family because I happy to say that things are somewhat settled and my family has been blessed. Through this, we have gotten tougher and we appreciate one another more.

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