Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Christmas Isn't The Same Without You

The long awaited Christmas has finally come and gone...just like that! We have to start working hard once more to save up for next Christmas.

My kids had a great Christmas! They have their new toys to keep them busy till they decide they are bored of it!! But kids are kids.

Since having kids of my own, I've learned that Christmas is for the kids. No matter what happens, we as parents must try to make it a meaningful one for them. Christmas is not just about money or gifts, it's about spending time with loved ones and your kids and that should be priceless!

I love Christmas. There’s no other time of the year that excites me the way Christmas does, no other season that evokes in me warm, cozy childhood memories as Christmas does. Christmas is simply a Magical season. It’s that time of the year when the air is filled with lively exuberance, when spirits soar in joyous merriment, and families and friends get together to share love and re-live old traditions. Old traditions that isn't quite the same this year because my brother is away.

My husband kept asking me what I wanted for Christmas and I've thought long and hard about it and then realized that I've already got everything...the best family and friends ever! So what more could I really ask for? Actually there is something else I want and if there was a God, I would ask him for one Christmas wish and that would be to see my baby brother and to celebrate Christmas together again like we always did,... to laugh with him, hug him and to tell him I love him and am missing him.

Things have not been quite that easy for us in 2012 but it has definitely made us stronger as a family. And I hope for a better 2013 because my family deserves it.

So since we are on the topic of Christmas.... I happen to find this photo on a Facebook page of a different religion. Believe me I am not a holy person. I've given up on praying. I don't believe in any Gods and have very little faith. But seeing this got me really angry. This group of people gets pissed and defensive when other people poke fun at them but now it's ok for them to poke fun at others...???

They had a photo of a little boy sitting on Santa's lap and the caption read, "where are you in the bible Santa?" ... Then this moron had to add fuel to the fire and remark, "yes, where are you in the bible Santa?" 

What right have they got to ask a question like that? I don't know but I think they are being trouble makers! None of their bloody business I say. But I had to have my say in this and this was what I wrote....

"All of you are ignorant!! Santa is not a religion and even if he was, you don't have a right to ask him or us where in the bible he comes in! You should not be such troublemakers. You're so pathetic and un-knowledgeable, so let me explain... Santa Claus is the spirit of giving, the joy of bringing happiness to others by sharing. Majority of us have Santa Claus in us at Christmas when we give to our family, friends and charities!"

Of course I've had morons arguing with me but I left it be knowing full well these idiots cannot be taught!


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