Sunday, January 30, 2011

Started house hunting

I can't really remember when and how it all started (the huge fight between my brother and dad, and my mum, Ed and me) but today it blew up again! Just before we were going to leave to view some homes, Gavin (after today I refuse to call him bro) and the old man asked for a meeting… came to be a big issue… usual old man took the young bastard's side….

Whatever…. We will be out of their lives soon enough.

Went to see 2 houses today and I liked one of it…but I don’t want to rush. Came home and had to rush to my first photography lesson with Todd Beltz.

Met Todd at Coffee Bean and he showed me and explained the basic functions of my camera that I didn't even know about! Very interesting and very informative.

While I was having my lessons, Ed took the kids to Toys R Us.

Anyway, glad we made it home in time because it started raining heavily. However, when the rain stopped, I looked out my window and practiced what Todd had taught me this afternoon. I also gained a little more courage at experimenting with my cam.

I took the first pic and sent it to Todd and he said it was a bit too orange so I tried again and got a perfect shot! I'm so happy!!!

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