Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Peer pressure?

Yes, I am married to an ‘Ang Moh’ (Caucasian) and am proud of it! But don’t you call me an SPG because I am not! I can prove it with the huge rock that sits on my finger. That was when I decided to title my blog “SPG” because I found it catchy. However, think again because it doesn’t mean ‘Sarong Party Girl’… for me, it means ‘Still Pushing Goals’, which I am still doing even at the age of 31 and married with 2 wonderful kids…

Why am I starting a blog now? Peer pressure? Whatever you may want to call it…but since starting a social media company, I find I have become more of a nerd than I ever was before. Not that it’s a bad thing. To think I was using Friendster about 7 years ago and dreaded when I received invites from friends asking me to join Facebook. Finally I gave in and now I am hooked! Not to mention Twitter…thought it was the worst thing ever and now I am addicted.

So would you call that peer pressure? I am using this almost 24-7 from work and from home, and even while traveling as I have it on my iPhone. Switching from Facebook to Skype…Skype to Foursquare… Foursquare to Twitter…and so on and so forth…

Well, this blog is going to be an honest insight in to my life.

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