Sunday, November 28, 2010

Christmas Deco

We finally put up our Christmas tree and deco today! Late this year because usually we will do it right after Thanksgiving dinner! I guess we were just too stuffed this year...

This afternoon we went to the Geylang shop we always bought our Christmas stuff from. Wanted to get a new tree but figured we will use ours one more year and toss the whole tree out after Christmas. That would save us the hassle of trying to fit it back in the box. But we did buy a few more new ornaments.

Then we saw this gorgeous tree that was blue and very nicely decorated and we asked the guy if we could buy the tree as is and he said, "Sure. $600!".... I think he's nuts!

Anyway, we got home and worked on our Christmas deco. I think our tree came out to look as pretty as the one the scum wanted to sell us at $600! I ought to show him our tree and ask him if he wanted to buy it for $800?


Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! What are you giving thanks for today? Me? I'm giving thanks for my wonderful children and husband, my family, a good job, health and everything else we've accomplished since moving back to Singapore three years ago.

Thanksgiving is usually not celebrated in Singapore but we still do it because I believe my half American children should not forget their roots, culture and such.

So I took the day off and spent the day cooking. The kids and I went to Parkway and wanted to buy an apple pie for Thanksgiving dinner but couldn't find we ended up buying the ingredients to make apple crumble instead.

We didn't roast a turkey this year because we actually don't quite fancy turkey meat. We find it too dry and just not we roasted a huge chicken this year. We had chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, cranberry sauce, corn, beans, apple crumble and ice-cream! We were stuffed by the time we got done with dinner!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Carnival time

The long awaited CHIJ Katong Carnival finally came and went. I’ve been looking forward to this for over a month mostly because I was hoping to meet this bitch of a teacher who taught me way back when I was in Secondary school. I swear she should not be allowed near children, let alone fashionable and easily influenced teenagers! It was still okay during my time…teenagers then wouldn’t care about what the teacher thought of them or said to them…whereas if she said what she said to me then, to a student in this day and age….god only wish that student will not commit suicide!

No doubt I was a terrible teenager and harassed my teachers all the time. I regularly visited the Principal and my mum regularly visited her too. Still, this bitch of a teacher should not have told me that I will never amount to anything when I grew up! I guess I proved her wrong and thus why I wanted to meet her face to face so badly.

Wanted to toss it in her face that I am doing better than she had ever imagined and better than she ever will be! Oh well…. There will come a day when I bump into her…

Nevertheless, I have to say I was very impressed at how huge the carnival was!! It wasn’t like the small stupid ones we had when I was in school. They actually had carnival rides and bouncy castles. So cool!

My kids had a blast until it started raining! Damn weather! But they enjoyed buying other peoples’ junk from the jumble sale! And we found this inappropriate toy in between the rest of the stuffed toys… one would think that the organizer would sort through the donated items before allowing the students to sell them?

The kids also decided they were going to spend their last ten bucks worth of coupons on an air brush tattoo. I made an Elvis sighting there… an Elvis air brush tattoo!

No. I didn’t do it. Why? Because I have a real Elvis tattoo silly. I just have to say I am disappointed with my kids!! Well, my son wasn’t too least he wanted a Superman tattoo but since it was too big for his tiny little arm, he got the Spiderman instead. However….my daughter?? She chose a turtle for a tattoo?? WHAT?!? Hahaha… Tried to get her to choose the Elvis tattoo but didn’t succeed.

Anyway, while walking around the school, it brought back tons of memories for me and I snapped a few photos.. like this one…

The ‘General Office’ where I spent most of my Secondary school years visiting…

It was a fun day.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Look who is following me!?!

The subject line should tell you a little something about this post already..

And I am putting up this post because I can and I want to!

Donnie Wahlberg is following me on Twitter baby!!!

Woohoo… I am so bloody thrilled. When I saw that email notification in my inbox this money, I had to look at it twice!

Now the day Jordan Knight follows me…I think I will just fall off my chair altogether! Ha.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday dear husband.

I would have gone out to buy a birthday cake as I always do for the kids and all but obviously, my old fart had to put me to a test. He said all he would enjoy was a cake baked by his wife (with love….or not..)…haha

Ok. But that wasn’t all…he wanted a themed cake and asked for Legos.. What the f***?? Chocolate lego cake?

So being the good and submissive wife than I am (NOT)…took the family out to Parkway for breakfast then bought the ingredients and such to bake my old fart’s cake. Took me two hours to bake the cake and “design” it but it was done. Looked nice actually.

For an early dinner, Ed, the kids, my mum and I went out to Eastpoint Mall. There we had our favourite Han River Table BBQ. The kids always have such a great time there because they get to cook their own food and help themselves to as much dessert as they wanted.

Back home right after and we cut the cake. Ed was very happy about the Lego Chocolate cake and it actually was yummy…a little too sweet for me but Ed and the kids enjoyed it so that was all that mattered.

It was a good day. Ed enjoyed his birthday.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Peer pressure?

Yes, I am married to an ‘Ang Moh’ (Caucasian) and am proud of it! But don’t you call me an SPG because I am not! I can prove it with the huge rock that sits on my finger. That was when I decided to title my blog “SPG” because I found it catchy. However, think again because it doesn’t mean ‘Sarong Party Girl’… for me, it means ‘Still Pushing Goals’, which I am still doing even at the age of 31 and married with 2 wonderful kids…

Why am I starting a blog now? Peer pressure? Whatever you may want to call it…but since starting a social media company, I find I have become more of a nerd than I ever was before. Not that it’s a bad thing. To think I was using Friendster about 7 years ago and dreaded when I received invites from friends asking me to join Facebook. Finally I gave in and now I am hooked! Not to mention Twitter…thought it was the worst thing ever and now I am addicted.

So would you call that peer pressure? I am using this almost 24-7 from work and from home, and even while traveling as I have it on my iPhone. Switching from Facebook to Skype…Skype to Foursquare… Foursquare to Twitter…and so on and so forth…

Well, this blog is going to be an honest insight in to my life.

  © I Am S.P.G.

Design by Debra Palmer