Saturday, September 23, 2023

Shrinking Someone


I was recently confronted with a rather peculiar and unexpectedly thought-provoking inquiry that piqued my curiosity. The question posed was, "What actions would you take if you possessed the ability to shrink someone?" This query sparked a profound contemplation within me, evoking both virtuous and malevolent thoughts. Numerous ideas, both benevolent and malefic, surged through my mind.


The concept of bestowing the ability to reduce someone's size has long intrigued humanity, frequently depicted in the realms of science fiction and fantasy through literature and movies. While the idea of shrinking someone may hold an allure for some, it inevitably gives rise to significant ethical dilemmas and apprehensions. Nevertheless, upon contemplating this notion, I have compiled some ideas of both positive and negative aspects regarding what actions I might take if granted the power to shrink someone.


Here goes… let’s start with the bad I would do …


If I possessed the ability to shrink someone with malicious intent, I'd use it sparingly and cautiously. First, I'd reduce them to a mere inch in height, stripping away their power and stature. Then, I'd deposit them into a labyrinthine maze of darkness, where their once-confident demeanor would crumble into fear and despair. Tiny, insignificant, and helpless, they'd struggle to find their way out, tormented by their vulnerability. The experience would serve as a chilling reminder of the consequences of arrogance and cruelty, leaving them forever haunted by the shadow of their own malevolence, a punishment designed to humble and chasten.


Surprisingly, that doesn't seem all that malevolent, does it? It could serve as a social experiment to instill humility in conceited individuals.


However, allow me to regain my benevolence and share the positive actions I would undertake if I possessed the power to shrink someone.


So if I had the power to shrink someone, I'd embark on a unique journey of empathy and understanding. Carefully, I'd miniaturize them, placing them in a world of intricate wonders and hidden beauty. As they navigated blades of grass like towering forests and raindrops like colossal storms, they'd gain a newfound perspective on life's grandeur. I'd ensure their safety, fostering a profound connection between us. Over time, I'd restore their size, hoping they'd carry the lessons of humility, compassion, and respect for the smallest of beings into their everyday life. The experience would be a transformation of heart and mind rather than a punitive act, forging a more harmonious world.




When I mentioned that this question provoked some serious contemplation, I wasn't joking. To illustrate, I will delve into my considerations regarding the adverse repercussions and potential advantages linked to such actions.


Positive Possibilities


1. Scientific Advancements: Shrink technology could revolutionize scientific research. Scientists could shrink themselves to explore microscopic realms, conduct experiments at previously unattainable scales, and gain new insights into fields such as biology, chemistry, and physics. This could accelerate progress in areas like drug development, nanotechnology, and space exploration.


2. Medical Applications: Shrinking individuals could have profound implications for medicine. Microscopic surgeries and interventions could become possible, reducing the invasiveness of medical procedures and enhancing precision. Furthermore, doctors could directly enter the bloodstream to diagnose and treat diseases at a cellular level.


3. Environmental Conservation: Shrink technology could aid environmental conservation efforts. Scientists and conservationists could shrink to the size of insects to study ecosystems without disturbing them. This could lead to more effective strategies for protecting endangered species and preserving biodiversity.


4. Empathy and Understanding: By shrinking individuals temporarily, we could foster empathy and understanding. Imagine world leaders experiencing life as refugees in overcrowded camps or corporate executives living as employees on minimum wage. Such experiences could lead to more compassionate policies and decisions.


5. Educational Opportunities: Shrinking individuals could open up innovative educational opportunities. Students could be shrunken to explore historical periods, visit the microcosmic world, or even witness events from different perspectives. This experiential learning could enhance comprehension and retention.


Negative Possibilities


1. Abuse of Power: The power to shrink someone could be dangerously misused. Individuals with nefarious intentions might use this technology for blackmail, intimidation, or even torture. The threat of being shrunk against one's will could create a climate of fear and coercion.


2. Invasions of Privacy: Shrinking technology could lead to unprecedented invasions of privacy. Voyeurs could use it to spy on unsuspecting individuals, violating their most intimate moments. Consent becomes a critical concern when privacy is compromised to this extent.


3. Psychological Trauma: Being shrunk against one's will could result in severe psychological trauma. The shrunken person would face a loss of control over their environment, leading to anxiety, depression, and potential long-term emotional scars.


4. Coercion and Manipulation: Shrink technology could be used as a tool of coercion and manipulation. Employers might shrink employees to ensure compliance, while abusive partners could threaten to shrink their victims into submission. This would lead to toxic dynamics of control and submission.


5. Ethical Dilemmas in Punishment: The idea of using shrinking as a form of punishment raises complex ethical dilemmas. While it may seem fitting to shrink individuals for their crimes, it could be viewed as cruel and unusual punishment. Proportionality in punishment becomes a crucial consideration.


So in conclusion, the possibilities of what one might do to someone if they could shrink them are multifaceted, with both positive and negative dimensions. While shrinking technology holds immense potential for scientific advancement, medical breakthroughs, and empathy-building experiences, it also presents ethical challenges related to consent, privacy, and abuse of power. Striking the right balance between harnessing the benefits of shrinking technology and safeguarding individuals' rights and well-being requires careful consideration of ethical principles, regulation, and social awareness. In this evolving landscape, humanity must approach the concept of shrinking with a sense of responsibility and compassion to ensure that it is used for the betterment of society rather than its detriment.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Go Unfuck Yourself


In a world filled with self-help books, motivational speakers, and endless advice on how to improve our lives, there is one phrase that stands out as raw, honest, and impactful: "Unfuck Yourself." This simple yet powerful statement encapsulates the essence of personal growth and transformation. It invites us to confront our limitations, break free from self-imposed barriers, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-improvement. What does "Unfuck Yourself" really mean and why it is a vital step on the path to a more fulfilling life.


To "Unfuck Yourself" is to first acknowledge the mess that you may have created in your own life. It's about recognizing the self-destructive patterns, negative thoughts, and limiting beliefs that have held you back. It requires the courage to confront your demons and admit that you are responsible for your unhappiness and stagnation. This step is not about self-blame, but rather self-awareness. It's about taking ownership of your life and realizing that you have the power to change it.


One of the most significant obstacles in the journey to "Unfuck Yourself" is the presence of limiting beliefs. These are the deeply ingrained convictions about yourself and your abilities that hold you back. They are the voices in your head that say, "I'm not good enough," "I don't deserve happiness," or "I can't do it." To truly "Unfuck Yourself," you must challenge and dismantle these beliefs. You must replace them with empowering thoughts that reflect your true potential and worthiness.


Unfucking yourself also involves practicing self-compassion. It means forgiving yourself for past mistakes and understanding that you are a work in progress. Self-compassion allows you to let go of guilt, shame, and self-criticism, which are often barriers to personal growth. Instead, it encourages you to treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would offer to a friend facing similar challenges.


Another crucial aspect of "Unfucking Yourself" is taking responsibility for your choices. It's easy to blame external circumstances, other people, or even luck for your problems. However, true empowerment comes from recognizing that you have the power to make choices and take action. By taking responsibility for your decisions, you regain control over your life and become the architect of your destiny.


To "Unfuck Yourself," you must have a clear sense of direction. Setting specific, achievable goals is essential for personal growth. These goals act as a roadmap, guiding you toward the life you desire. Without goals, you may feel lost, directionless, and overwhelmed. Setting and working toward your goals provides a sense of purpose and motivation, driving you forward on your journey of self-improvement.


Life will always be filled with challenges, setbacks, and obstacles. To "Unfuck Yourself," you must cultivate resilience—the ability to bounce back from adversity. Resilience is not about avoiding difficulties but facing them head-on with determination and courage. It's about learning from failures and setbacks, rather than being defeated by them. Resilience is a vital trait that enables you to persevere on your path to self-discovery.


"Unfucking Yourself" is an ongoing process of growth and learning. It requires a willingness to step out of your comfort zone, embrace change, and adapt to new circumstances. It means seeking knowledge, acquiring new skills, and continually improving yourself. By adopting a growth mindset, you open yourself up to endless possibilities and opportunities for personal development.


Your journey to "Unfucking Yourself" is not a solitary one. Healthy relationships with others play a significant role in your personal growth. Surrounding yourself with supportive, positive individuals who encourage your progress can be a game-changer. These relationships provide emotional support, inspiration, and accountability on your journey.


So in conclusion, to "Unfuck Yourself" is to embark on a profound and transformative journey of self-discovery and self-improvement. It requires acknowledging your mess, breaking free from limiting beliefs, embracing self-compassion, taking responsibility for your choices, setting clear goals, cultivating resilience, seeking growth and learning, and building healthy relationships. It is not a one-time event but a lifelong commitment to becoming the best version of yourself. So, if you find yourself feeling stuck, unfulfilled, or lost, remember the power of these two simple words: "Unfuck Yourself." They hold the key to unlocking your true potential and living a life that is authentically yours.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Behind the Fear: My Encounter with a Stalker


I was contemplating which subject to blog about this week when inspiration struck me after watching a movie with my mother.

"Stalking Laura" is a 1993 made-for-TV movie directed by Michael Switzer. The film is also known as "I Can Make You Love Me," and it stars Richard Thomas as Richard Farley and Brooke Shields as Laura Black. The movie is based on the real-life events surrounding the stalking and obsession of Laura Black by Farley, her former coworker.


The story follows Laura's life as she becomes the target of Farley's disturbing obsession after she rejects his advances. The film delves into the psychological and emotional toll of stalking on the victim and the challenges of dealing with such a situation.


"Stalking Laura" is a suspenseful and dramatic portrayal of a real-life stalking case and the impact it has on the victim's life. It sheds light on the importance of addressing and preventing stalking behavior.


You might be curious about how a movie centered on stalking could serve as inspiration for me. Would it surprise you to know that I've been a target of a stalker in the past? I indeed have, and I guess it's another aspect you're discovering about me.




I think I was around 17 years old at the time. Back then, I was in a relationship with an American expat who worked as a golf course designer. I also used to spend time with a circle of friends who were quite well-known in Singapore, and we would often visit a club every Friday or Saturday.


It was at that club where I encountered a guy who had repeatedly made advances toward me, which I had clearly turned down. I was already in a relationship at the time, and he wasn't my type, to say the least.


I was familiar with his name because he had introduced himself to my group of friends and me. Back then, he appeared to be a person everyone at the club knew and found likable.


It didn't take long for him to discover my home address, phone number, and virtually everything about me, marking the beginning of the stalking ordeal. Initially, it started quite casually with him calling me and inviting me out. However, as I continued to reject his advances, he became increasingly aggressive over the phone, behaving as though we were already in a relationship. He displayed jealousy and made demanding inquiries about my whereabouts, who I was spending time with, when I would be returning home, and so on.


What I never figured out, even till today, was how the heck did he know about conversations I had with people over the phone. He literally knew word for word what was spoken about to different people I would talk to over the phone.


The stalking began to escalate, becoming increasingly disturbing. At that time, our house was a corner unit with side glass windows near the staircase connecting different levels. He was a constant presence, always on the outside looking in. Whenever I went out with my then-boyfriend or friends, he would shadow me closely, just a few steps behind.


I didn't really feel the need to be scared, but it was undoubtedly exasperating, to say the least. That's why I never really discussed it with my parents; only my then-boyfriend and friends were aware of the situation.


This continued for over a year, until one fateful day when I was on my way to catch a taxi to meet my then-boyfriend. I had to pass by my stalker, and he called out to me. I chose to ignore him and hastened my steps toward the main road to flag down a taxi. However, as I was getting into the taxi, he seized my arm and attempted to drag me out. He yelled at me for ignoring him, professed his love, and insisted I should give him a chance. The last words I heard were chilling: "I will throw acid on you because even if you're disfigured, I will love you when no one else will."


I distinctly remember sobbing in the taxi, trembling with fear. Strangely, I don't recall the driver ever inquiring about what was happening or offering any assistance. The only memory I have is arriving at my destination, where my then-boyfriend was taken aback by the distressed state I was in. What was meant to be a delightful day on an island turned into one spent at the police station.


Can you imagine that the police took no action? They claimed there was nothing they could do unless he physically harmed me. My boyfriend was furious and expressing his anger loudly at the police station. I'm relieved he wasn't arrested for his behavior, but his point was valid. Did they need me to be a victim of an acid attack before taking this seriously?


From that day onwards, I never ventured out alone. Either my boyfriend or friends would come to accompany me, ensuring that we left together and they made sure I safely entered my home after our outings. However, the stalker persisted in the shadows, continuing to follow me and making relentless calls. I was now genuinely terrified for my life.


This continued for some time until one day when my mom and I were at the mall, and I noticed the stalker following closely behind us. I think I had informed my mom about the situation beforehand because I vividly recall turning to her and informing her that he was trailing us.


What unfolded next was truly remarkable. My mom abruptly turned around and charged toward him. He began to walk away hastily, practically running, as my mom pursued him. They finally came face to face, and I vaguely remember my mom admonishing him to cease harassing me or she would press charges against him.


That marked the end of any encounters or communication with him. However, it took me a considerable amount of time to overcome the fear and return to living a normal life, free from the worry of someone trailing me.


Fast forward about 15 years later, I found myself back in Singapore, working in the heart of the city. My office was situated along Duxton Road, and as I exited the building, there was a small bar and restaurant with sidewalk seating. One day, as I was leaving the office to hail a taxi, I spotted a man who bore an uncanny resemblance to my former stalker. I stood frozen in fear, unable to move. Cold sweat began to bead on my skin as a wave of dread coursed through my body.


I recall it took a tremendous effort to muster the strength to return to my office. My male colleague noticed my pallor and the fear in my eyes, and he lent his support, inquiring about what had happened. I gave him a brief account of the situation. If that man was indeed the same individual who had stalked me, I didn't want him to know I was still in the area and where I worked. I had no desire to relive that trauma. When my taxi arrived, my male colleague escorted me outside, shielding and hiding me from this person. I never found out for sure if it was him because, even as I entered the taxi, I was too terrified to even glance in his direction.




Stalking is a disturbing and pervasive crime that affects countless individuals worldwide, leaving a trail of psychological, emotional, and physical scars. While the act of stalking itself is a criminal offense, it is essential to understand the profound and lasting impact it has on the victims.


I hope that my blog post about my harrowing experience of being stalked will illuminate the various ways it impacts a person's mental and emotional well-being.


1. Invasion of Privacy


At its core, stalking is an invasion of a person's most fundamental right - their privacy. Stalkers relentlessly pry into their victims' lives, surveilling them, tracking their movements, and attempting to gain access to personal information. This constant violation of boundaries erodes the victim's sense of security and makes them acutely aware that they are being watched, instilling a profound sense of vulnerability.


2. Fear and Anxiety


One of the most immediate consequences of being stalked is an overwhelming sense of fear and anxiety. Victims live in a constant state of hyper-vigilance, always looking over their shoulder, and fearing for their safety. The uncertainty of not knowing when the stalker might strike creates a perpetual state of terror, leading to panic attacks, sleep disturbances, and even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in severe cases.


3. Social Isolation


As stalking progresses, victims often withdraw from their social circles to protect themselves and their loved ones from the stalker's reach. They may isolate themselves from friends and family, fearing that their presence could put others in danger. This isolation can lead to profound loneliness and feelings of abandonment.


4. Impact on Daily Life


The pervasive fear of being stalked disrupts a victim's daily life in numerous ways. They may change their routines, avoid certain places, and become excessively cautious, which can limit their ability to live a normal life. Stalking can also affect a person's work, causing absenteeism, decreased productivity, and even job loss.


5. Emotional Distress


Stalking takes a toll on a victim's emotional well-being. They may experience a range of emotions, including anger, sadness, guilt, and shame. The constant stress and anxiety can lead to mood swings and emotional exhaustion, making it challenging to maintain emotional stability.


6. Deterioration of Mental Health


The long-term effects of stalking can be profound, often resulting in severe mental health issues. Victims may develop depression, anxiety disorders, and, as mentioned earlier, PTSD. These mental health conditions can be debilitating and may require professional intervention and treatment.


7. Physical Health Consequences


The stress and anxiety caused by stalking can have tangible effects on a person's physical health. Victims may experience insomnia, weight changes, and an increased susceptibility to illnesses. Additionally, the constant state of alertness can lead to chronic fatigue and physical exhaustion.




Being stalked is a traumatic experience that leaves indelible marks on a person's life. The invasion of privacy, fear, anxiety, and emotional distress can have far-reaching consequences, affecting every aspect of a victim's life. It is crucial for society to recognize the seriousness of stalking, support victims, and work towards preventing and addressing this pervasive crime. The psychological toll of being stalked is profound, and understanding the victim's experience is the first step towards providing them with the help and support they desperately need.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

From Doubt to Delight


Let us elevate our self-worth.


At various points in our lives, the daunting specter of feeling useless or unworthy looms over us. It's a universal human experience, yet how we respond to these moments is what defines our personal growth.


When I wanted to regain my confidence and self-worth, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery. I reflected on my accomplishments, no matter how small they seemed, and recognized that each one contributed to my worth. I sought validation from within, rather than relying on external approval, which became my mantra.


Additionally, I practice self-compassion, reminding myself that it's okay to falter and feel vulnerable. This introspective process empowers me to confront negative self-talk and transform it into constructive self-love. Ultimately, by nurturing my confidence and self-worth, I lay the foundation for a more resilient and contented self, better equipped to navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience.


Confidence is the cornerstone of our interactions with others and the lens through which we view the world. It's a quality we all desire, but often, it seems elusive. We find ourselves grappling with moments of self-doubt and insecurity. Yet, within this complex realm of self-assurance, there's a vital component we must acknowledge and nurture: self-worth.


Self-worth is a deeply personal and intrinsic concept. It resides within the core of our being, independent of external accolades, material possessions, or societal judgments. The pursuit of self-worth isn't a quest for validation from others but a journey to recognize and embrace our inherent value.


Contrary to popular belief, self-worth isn't a prize that can be bought with wealth or achieved through the accumulation of possessions. No amount of money, friends, cars, or lavish homes can bestow it upon us. Instead, self-worth is a product of our self-perception, cultivated from within.


Boosting self-confidence begins with understanding this fundamental truth: You are the primary architect of your self-worth. No one else's opinion should carry more weight than your own. Yet, we often find ourselves ensnared in a web of external judgments and comparisons.


The journey to heightened self-confidence and self-worth starts with self-reflection. It necessitates a willingness to dissect the barriers that inhibit your belief in your worth. Take the time to identify the sources of your self-doubt. Is it past failures, societal expectations, or harsh self-criticism?


Once you've pinpointed these sources, it's essential to practice self-compassion. We are often our harshest critics, quick to chastise ourselves for our perceived shortcomings. Instead, treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you extend to a close friend. Recognize that making mistakes and experiencing self-doubt is part of the human experience.


Remember that self-worth isn't static; it's a dynamic concept that can evolve. Embrace your imperfections as facets of your uniqueness. These flaws contribute to your identity and make you who you are. Accepting them is a significant step towards raising your self-worth.


Self-acceptance is another key element in the journey to enhanced self-worth. It entails embracing both your strengths and weaknesses. By acknowledging your achievements, no matter how minor they may seem, you affirm your capabilities and intrinsic value.


Furthermore, cultivating self-worth involves setting realistic and achievable goals. Each accomplishment, no matter how modest, contributes to your sense of competence and reinforces your belief in your abilities. This positive feedback loop gradually elevates your self-confidence.


Your environment plays a pivotal role in shaping your self-image. Always surround yourself with people who support and encourage you. Positive relationships can bolster your self-worth and provide a safety net during moments of self-doubt. Seek out communities and connections that encourage personal growth and self-acceptance.




Here are some key points I have compiled that I have used on my journey towards enhancing my self-worth and I hope it helps you as well.


Definition of Healthy Self-Esteem: Healthy self-esteem is characterized by having a balanced and realistic self-image. It involves appreciating one's worth without veering into arrogance or self-deprecation.


The Dangers of Self-Limiting Beliefs: Many individuals with low self-esteem constantly seek external validation to counteract their negative self-perceptions. This quest for validation can lead to unhealthy patterns in relationships and hinder personal growth.


The Role of Affirmations: Affirmations are powerful tools for boosting self-worth. They involve repeating positive statements about oneself regularly. These affirmations counteract negative self-talk and gradually reshape one's self-perception.


Avoiding Comparison with Others: Constantly comparing oneself to others can erode self-worth. Each individual is unique, in their strengths and weaknesses. Instead of comparing, focus on your progress and accomplishments.


The Importance of Self-Reflection: Self-reflection is crucial for understanding the root causes of low self-esteem. It allows individuals to identify past experiences, traumas, or negative influences that have contributed to their self-limiting beliefs.


Building a Supportive Environment: Surrounding oneself with positive, supportive individuals can significantly impact self-worth. Healthy relationships can reinforce feelings of value and worthiness.


Setting Realistic Goals: Establishing achievable goals and celebrating small victories is a practical way to boost self-worth. Successes, no matter how minor, contribute to a sense of competence and self-assurance.


Practicing Self-Compassion: Treat yourself with kindness and understanding, especially during moments of failure or self-doubt. Self-compassion allows you to acknowledge your humanity and learn from mistakes rather than dwelling on them.


Consistency and Patience: Improving self-worth is an ongoing process that requires patience and persistence. It's essential to continue practicing self-affirmation, avoiding negative self-talk, and seeking personal growth opportunities over time.


Incorporating these key points has helped me in my journey toward enhanced self-worth has helped me cultivate healthier self-esteem and allowed me to navigate relationships and life with greater confidence and authenticity.




So in the quest for self-confidence and self-worth, remember that these qualities are rooted in your self-perception. They cannot be bought or borrowed; they must be cultivated from within. Start by acknowledging your worth, practicing self-compassion, and embracing your uniqueness. As you nurture these aspects, you'll find your self-confidence growing stronger, and you'll navigate life's challenges with a newfound resilience and grace. Ultimately, the key to a more confident and self-assured self lies within your understanding and acceptance of your worth.


Remember, improving self-esteem is a gradual process, and it's normal to have moments of self-doubt along the way. By implementing these strategies and staying committed to your journey of self-improvement, you can steadily enhance your self-esteem and overall well-being.

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