Saturday, June 3, 2023

I’ll Be Loving You Forever


Eleven years ago on this date, June 3, I met my all-time favourite boy band New Kids on the Block for the second time in three days…. So let’s rewind back two more days, eleven years ago.


1 June 2012: My kiddos were still young so when I planned this trip to Jakarta from Singapore to catch New Kids on the Block in concert after almost 20 years from the first time I had seen them LIVE in Singapore in 1992, I decided I would make it a family vacation. We toured Jakarta and in the late afternoon, when it was time for me to head over to the concert venue to do the meet-and-greet and go for the show, the kids remained behind at the hotel with my mother and husband.


It was nerve wrecking to be honest because I did not know what to expect. Imagine, I was only 13 when I last saw the guys in concert and back then, my family was not very rich so I had seats in nose bleed land but was grateful to still be at the show. Not too long after, they disbanded. I swore I would move to Boston to hunt them down and funny thing is.. I did finally move to Boston in 2000. As much as I never stopped listening to their music, I was busy trying to survive and the thought of looking for them never did cross my mind.


Although in 2007, someone looked me up on MySpace and asked if I would accompany her for Jordan’s solo concert. We met up and remained friends up till today. We attended two shows of Jordan’s on the same day and met him twice.


I moved back to Singapore in late 2007 and little did I know the guys would be getting back together in 2008. What bad timing because if I was still in USA, I would be attending a concert each month!


Anyway, I was glad to find out they were coming to Asia. Both Jakarta and Manila and I got tickets to both shows. But let me continue with Jakarta first.


I purchased the most expensive tier for the meet-and-greet experience for Jakarta. I don’t even recall what they called it but I believe it was the Ultimate. Which meant, when I do meet the guys and have my photo taken with them, it will be just me and them. Whereas the other tiers meant, you would take your turn with 9 other women and it would be a group photo.


It came my turn and I tried to remain as calm and cool as I possibly could. The guys were great. No matter how nervous you might have been, they made you feel comfortable and so much at ease. It was so easy talking to them. I was decked out in my denim jacket with NKOTB patches all over it. Joey thought it was cool. I can’t really remember exactly what we spoke about during that meet. But one thing that stood out was when I showed Donnie my newly acquired tattoo at the back of my neck that read, “I count the blessings that keep our love new. This love will last forever. I see it all now.” He held my hair back and I melted but remained calm. Then he read it out loud and said, “Oh this is Jordan’s” and yelled for Jordan who skipped towards us and held my hair (melted again) and used his finger to run through the lyrics tattooed on my skin and started singing. OH MY GOD! I thought I had died and went to Heaven. If this is what waiting 20 years held then I would do it all over again!


I finally fulfilled my lifelong dream of meeting the guys. Oh! And not to mention I had my KNIGHT sandwich photo taken!


I was front row for the concert and it was amazing. I could not believe I was there! The energy was so great I am glad I did not pass out.


But let’s fast forward now to the best part.


The next day, the family and I arrived back in Singapore at about 5pm on June 2. We got home, and mum and I had to unpack our bags from Jakarta, only to re-pack it with fresh clothes for Manila. By 10pm, we were at the airport again, waiting to hop on the flight to Manila. This time it was just her and I.

Mum has been a long time fan of New Kids on the Block too. And I thought this would make a great memory keepsake for her and I to do something this special together. So I purchased 2 more Ultimates for her and me for Manila.

What I did not mention earlier was, a few weeks before the trip, I was so excited for mum to also be able to meet the guys, but we were informed that meet-and-greet in Manila would be cancelled. I was heartbroken, for mum. So I did everything in my power to try and get it going again. I tweeted Donnie probably a billion times begging him to try and do something about it because I wanted my mum to be able to meet them and she was so excited about it. I never got any response and reply from him but I am pretty sure he made it happen because it was back on again!

…. Fast forward to when we had to be at the venue for the meet-and-greet. My mum was as cool as a cucumber!


There were like 15 of us waiting in line for our turn to get in to the room where the boys were. I have done this before, a couple days before so I literally knew what to expect… or so I thought I knew… because this time it was different! So VERY different! The whole Manila experience was extraordinary!

While we waited in line, Donnie came out of the room and went down the line and hugged every single one of us. How can you not love this man? He has such a beautiful heart and soul.

So while we again waited for our turns to go in the room to meet the guys, everyone else was pushing one another to take a turn first because they thought if they waited till the last, they would get more time with the guys. It doesn’t work that way.

I told mum to just go on ahead first since she was excited about it. So mum goes in. I was next. I waited patiently but realized it was taking longer than usual. About 15 minutes had passed before the door opened and Earl signaled me to head on it. I was confused. Where was my mum? Was there another door that the fan would exit after meeting the guys.

Well? My question was answered when I walked in and I saw mum, sitting comfy on the couch, seated beside the guys and chatting up a storm. I join them. We talked and so many photos of us with the guys were taken. Donnie and Jordan then asked mum and I to play ping pong with them. It was as if time stood still.

Usually they guys are told not to sign any items during these meet and greets but my mum asked to sign her hat and they gladly did so.

But soon mum left after her 30 mins with the guys (15 mins alone and 15 mins while I was there). It was my turn and I had my 15 minutes with them.

I asked them to sign my jacket which I wore in Jakarta and their management said NO because they had already signed an item. And that was when beautiful Jonathan butted in and said, “Of course we will sign it. The other was for her mother.” And so they signed my jacket.

Joey then commented, “Hey! Where did you get this from? Because I saw another fan wear it in Jakarta.”

“Joey! That was me!”

Joey, “Oh! You came twice?”


It was group photo time and I mentioned this is the best birthday present a girl could ever ask for. And they actually sang Happy Birthday to me.

Those are memories that will last a lifetime.

I truly believe we had this special experience because of my tweets to Donnie but who knows. Some may say it is favourtism but I believe whole heartedly it has nothing to do with favoritism. It’s probably because it was refreshing to see someone like my mother who appreciated their music and we were calm and collected and treated them like how we would treat our next door neighbour. I think we had all enjoyed ourselves that we lost track of time.

Thank you Donnie, Jordan, Jonathan, Danny and Joe for those beautiful memories.

  © I Am S.P.G.

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