Tuesday, May 3, 2022

One Year Ago, I Had My Book Published


Well, it took me over three years to finish it.


It was the first quarter of 2018 when I was asked by my mentor if I wanted to help a celebrity he knew. My role would be to create a 30-days juice cleanse program for this said celebrity. I agreed because ever since I started juice cleansing and had lost over 30 pounds myself, I got to being a real pro at it. I wanted to help others and I had been through my Facebook group but being asked to do this meant a lot.


I worked hard and spent over two weeks coming up with over 120 juice recipes and put together a game plan; breathing exercises, how to start, preparation tips, etc.


The mission was a success and the said celebrity lost the 30 pounds he had set out to lose.


I felt accomplished at that and I wanted to help more people. I could through my Facebook group but I wanted to do something more. I wanted to have something solid. I wanted to have something that could be a reference from people from all over the world should they want to try juice cleansing. I wanted to put all my knowledge into a book and have it published!


I have always loved writing since I was a child. I remember I used to write Beauty and the Beast fan fictions at the tender age of about ten. I wish I had kept that journal! I write lots of blog posts about anything and everything. However, I never thought I would want to write and publish a book, one day, and that book would be something that could help others in their journey to health and wellness.


At the end of 2018, I started putting things together. It was more like notes of ideas, and information slapped together in a notepad. I think I reached about 40 pages of scribbles of ideas and noted when I bowed out because life got a little busy and stressful and thus distracted and I lost focus.


Finally, at the start of 2021, after watching a dear friend publish her first book, it inspired me to get off my butt and to continue working on my dream.


I put together everything I had and I finally completed the first draft of a health and wellness book, although I had struggled with for years, I had just fallen in love with it.


That alone was a BIG achievement! The accomplishment was the fact I sat down and wrote and put together a book. I know most of us who write forget that accomplishment isn't the validation, awards or the money. The accomplishment is the final completed book!


The big accomplishment for me is to be able to say, I devoted hours and energy to this and turning my dream into a reality. Something that only existed in my mind or day dreams is now on a computer and on print to be looked through for a final edit!


I did it! I turned the nothing into something that that feels damn wonderful!


May the second, twenty-twenty-one, my first book was officially published!


I haven’t achieved everything I ever dreamed of (yet), but I finished a book for the first time. That’s worth celebrating.


A year later, my book is placed at different library branches around Singapore. And guess what? I am working on my second book!


Many people don't write a book because it's extremely difficult. I had to force myself to sit down, brainstorm, write, edit, rewrite, edit, cut, add, rewrite, and rewrite some more until I had somewhere between 15,000 and 25,000 words is grueling work. Most can't do it and when you're one of the few who can, it really makes you feel good about yourself—an important quality in a true warrior.


All the effort and time put into writing a chapter can all go for nothing if it doesn't mesh just right in with the rest of your book. It doesn’t matter if it's your part: If it's not right for your book then it's not right for your book and has to be cut. Deleting your writing, especially words you've sacrificed so much to create, can be incredibly painful but you do it in spite of the pain because, deep down, you know your book will be better off for it.


What were my rewards of being a published author?


First of all, it was the sense of accomplishment. There's nothing in the world quite like seeing my goal of getting my book published being made into reality. And to hold that book in my hands for the first time, I felt all the energy and time, my struggle to find the right material was all worth it!


I believe I have every right to be proud of myself. I am officially a published author with a message to share.


What was more exciting was the fact I finally get the chance to share my message with others. It proves my commitment to something that I care strongly about and it to get across so I can help others and raise awareness about their health. Sharing my message with the world and being to help others with my knowledge is a very unique reward.


By publishing this 'advice book' or 'self-help' book, I have immediately gained more professional recognition and credibility. As a published author, I have become more visible and with that increased credibility, more professional opportunities have become available to me.


I have learned that writing a book and publishing a book are two very different accomplishments.


Writing provided me with a great personal satisfaction. However, it’s when I shared my knowledge with others that my work took on a new life.


So what truly motivated me to take the big leap into publishing?


I wanted to show myself I could do it and I loved the idea of even a few people successfully turning their lives around and getting healthy after reading my book. Oh yeh! And I really wanted to walk into a bookstore or a library to see my book on the shelf!


I believe that accomplishing a dream is rare and awesome.


Many people try to write a book but only a few ever succeed. Whether it's because they didn't put it in time, make the difficult sacrifices or were too scared they weren't good enough, they never did what was needed to be done to make their goal a reality. 


Anytime you've worked hard to accomplish a difficult-to-achieve dream, you are, without a doubt, a badass and no one can ever take that away from you.


I owe it all to Ed and especially my mother who had always been my number one fan. My mum has always believed in me and without that love and believes; I would not have accomplished this dream.


Thank you all who had purchased a copy of my book and I hope you're just as excited to read my second book as you were for my first.

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