Sunday, January 24, 2021

10 Ways to Improve Your Budget and Save More


Improving your budget and saving more may sound frightening and almost impossible but believe it or not, it can be done. You can start with something as simple as a spreadsheet or writing on a piece of paper - how much total income you take home each month as well as how much money goes out on bills and other expenses. By doing this, it may help you make cuts on unnecessary spending, etc.

1. Cancel memberships such like gym memberships if you don’t use it frequently.

2. Make a shopping list for groceries.

3. Track your spending.

4. Put saving up for your emergency funds a high priority.

5. Bring your own lunch to work.

6. Write down your financial goals and stick to the plan.

7. Never waste food.

8. Purchase store brand products.

9. Unplug electronics when not in use.

10. Stay away from credit card debts.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

10 Personal Finance Goals

It is wise to set your financial goals early whether it is a short-term, mid-term or long-term goal. This is important to do so you can make a step to being financially secure. If you don't work towards it or feel there is no need to, you will probably spend more than you should and one day may come up short when you need to pay for unexpected bills. What is worse is you may get sucked into paying a high credit card debt and what will you do when you retire? So why not start planning on simple financial goals?


1. Track Your Net Worth


Your net worth is actually everything you own of significance which is also your assets. With that you minus what you owe in debts which is called your liabilities. Assets can include cash savings, investments, and your home if you own it, cars and anything else that you own that has any value.


2. Build another Source of Income


Think of idea on how else you can make money aside to your full time job. Maybe you could find online surveys that pay or start an online business.


3. Buy a Term Insurance


Never get mixed up about insurance and investment.


4. Improve Your Knowledge about Finances


The key to being successful at anything you do is being knowledgeable on the subject. The same goes for creating your personal finance goals. You need to have knowledge on it in order to make better decisions and plans. Best way to gain knowledge it by reading and there are lots of information on the web.


5. Use Your Credit Card Wisely


It is never a good idea to have a credit card debt but if you do learn to use your credit card responsibly, it could allow you to get loans at favourable interest rates and it can also help earn rewards on your purchases.  


6. Invest Sensibly


Spend some time learning investment basics while working on your mindset. You do not have to be an expert to start investing. If you’re new, learning about investing can be frightening. However, there are lots of tips and materials online you could read up and learn.


7. Emergency Fund


Start building an emergency fund. It is a good thing to have and also know how to use.


8. Nominees


Speak to a lawyer. Be prepared. Work on estate planning and make a Will with your updated nominees.


9. Planning for Retirement


To see the magic of compounding, start planning for retirement early.


10. Financial Documents


Always arrange all your financial related documents neatly and orderly. Manage it in a systematic way.

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