Friday, August 14, 2020

10 Bad Money Habits


You want to earn more and save more but in order to do so some discipline will be involved and a good start would be with your habits. Breaking the bad habits is almost as important, if not more important as establishing the good habits.

Here is a list of 10 bad money habits that can slow your savings growth and in which you should try and avoid. 

1. Impulse purchasing

2. Ignoring insurance

3. Not budgeting

4. Paying for subscriptions you don’t use

5. Dipping into your savings

6. Spending as much as you earn, or more

7. Carrying a balance on credit cards.

8. Ignoring interest rates.

9. Not negotiating

10. You're not investing

Thursday, August 6, 2020

5 Amazing Tips to Financial Freedom

Have you wondered what it would take for you to enjoy financial freedom? It is time to make life decisions without stressing about the impact because you have a plan and you will be prepared. Do not let your finances control you. You control your finances. To have control over your finances takes hard work but at the end of the day the effort will be worth it.

1. Invest

For those of you who actually save money every month, what do you do with the money saved? Do you just keep it aside in a bank account and save it for a rainy day or retirement? Why don’t you invest it in cash flowing assets instead? 

2. Wipe out bad debts

The quicker you be rid of bad debts, the quicker you’re on the road to financial freedom. If you’re carrying a personal loan, student loan or credit card debt, try paying more than the minimum payment.

3. Have a financial plan

Make a financial plan for your future. Set financial goals and prepare for the unexpected with insurance. Start saving and always keep track of your plans. 

4. Manage your money

The best way to financial freedom is to get your spending under control. Get the knowledge on how to manage your money properly. 

5. Stay up to date with financial literacy

Stay up to date with how money and the subject of money changes over time. If you have knowledge about this, you have a better chance of financial freedom. 

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