Thursday, October 1, 2020

10 Money Tips

It is important to save as we cannot predict what is going to happen tomorrow. We may lose our job or the economy may take a hit or we could experience other emergencies. Experts always advise that we should always have a minimum savings that would cover three to six months or our regular expenses. We need to set aside some savings for emergencies and to avoid going into debt. But how can we save?

1. Shopping List

Make a shopping list before heading out and stick to it when you’re at the store and avoid buying on impulse or unplanned purchases.

2. Stop Using Credit Cards

If you’re easily tempted to use your credit cards to make purchases, you should keep them in a safe place at home and not in your wallet. Save it only for emergencies. The saying “Out of sight out of mind” in this situation would play an important role.

3. Prepare Home Cooked Meals

It not only saves you money to prepare meals at home but it also has the added benefit or it being healthier.

4. Look over Your Mobile Phone Bill

Look into different service providers to see who would offer you the best deals at a cheaper monthly subscription rate. If you do not want to swap service providers, you could at least look at your monthly bill and cancel the services you’re paying extra for but not using.

5. Waiving Fees

Always try and ask for fee waiver, whether it is for your mobile phone subscription or credit card fees.

6. Cable Channel You Don’t Watch

We often pay for premium services on our cable but hardly find any time to watch all of the channels. So why not get rid of the channels you don’t need and start saving the money each month.

7. Changing Banks

Look at the different banks and the advantages and perks each bank has to offer and move your bank accounts to enjoy such perks. There are some banks that not only offers sign up bonuses for opening an account but they also offer very attractive interest rates.

8. Fix Your Clothing Instead Of Throwing It Out

If you have a missing button on a shirt, sew a button on to it. If you don’t like a skirt/dress because it is too long then hem it up. And if you don’t know how to sew, get a family member or friend who knows how to help you. Even if your clothing has holes in them, put a patch on it and you will still be able to wear it around the house when you’re working on chores.

9. Big Money Need Not Be Spent To Entertain Your Children

If you raise your children right, what they want most is your time and not things. Spend the day at the beach, have a picnic. Explore the different parks in your country. Do a fun puzzle together or watch a good movie at home.

10. Turn off The Lights

Turn off the lights whenever you leave a room in your house or when you leave the house. When you have plenty of sunlight, you need not have to turn the lights on. This will help keep your electric bill down.

Friday, August 14, 2020

10 Bad Money Habits


You want to earn more and save more but in order to do so some discipline will be involved and a good start would be with your habits. Breaking the bad habits is almost as important, if not more important as establishing the good habits.

Here is a list of 10 bad money habits that can slow your savings growth and in which you should try and avoid. 

1. Impulse purchasing

2. Ignoring insurance

3. Not budgeting

4. Paying for subscriptions you don’t use

5. Dipping into your savings

6. Spending as much as you earn, or more

7. Carrying a balance on credit cards.

8. Ignoring interest rates.

9. Not negotiating

10. You're not investing

Thursday, August 6, 2020

5 Amazing Tips to Financial Freedom

Have you wondered what it would take for you to enjoy financial freedom? It is time to make life decisions without stressing about the impact because you have a plan and you will be prepared. Do not let your finances control you. You control your finances. To have control over your finances takes hard work but at the end of the day the effort will be worth it.

1. Invest

For those of you who actually save money every month, what do you do with the money saved? Do you just keep it aside in a bank account and save it for a rainy day or retirement? Why don’t you invest it in cash flowing assets instead? 

2. Wipe out bad debts

The quicker you be rid of bad debts, the quicker you’re on the road to financial freedom. If you’re carrying a personal loan, student loan or credit card debt, try paying more than the minimum payment.

3. Have a financial plan

Make a financial plan for your future. Set financial goals and prepare for the unexpected with insurance. Start saving and always keep track of your plans. 

4. Manage your money

The best way to financial freedom is to get your spending under control. Get the knowledge on how to manage your money properly. 

5. Stay up to date with financial literacy

Stay up to date with how money and the subject of money changes over time. If you have knowledge about this, you have a better chance of financial freedom. 

Monday, February 10, 2020

Must Have Touched A Nerve

It’s Sunday and usually I try to upload a blogspot. Well, I have tried to set it as my plan but it has not worked out very well as I am always so very busy with work and family.

This week, I was planning on blogging about the New Year, however, something else came up and I am forced to be side tracked.

We are all aware about the Wuhan Corona Virus that is spreading like wildflower around the globe, apparently more so in Singapore, aside to China, obviously. This whole outbreak has been worrying but I put my faith in God that he will protect us. Of course, we need to play our part is taking precautions as well. That is a no brainer.

This whole thing has brought out the good and the bad/ugly in people. Ignorant people from Foreign countries are pointing fingers at ALL Chinese people not knowing the difference. We have seen the selfish, “kiasu” (a person having a grasping or selfish attitude arising from fear or missing out on something) people of Singapore. Hoarding all the masks and hand sanitizers is one thing, and now they are clearing out the shelves at the supermarkets. By doing this, they are causing a state of panic for all. It is pretty obvious that it is the rich people who are doing this because we all know if you’re living from pay cheque to pay cheque, with bills that needs to be paid, you cannot afford to put a chunk of that pay cheque towards extra groceries. So where does this leave the less fortunate? Have you given it a thought that by the time they have some money to buy groceries, there will not be anything left because all you selfish people have bought it all??

Having more than 2 boxes of mask for a family of 5 is also a bit on the extreme side. How many faces do you have? I understand some of you are two faced but that is another story…

What I cannot understand is, … hoarding food is one thing but toilet paper? Condoms? Seriously, folks?

Why condoms? So you can place them on your fingers or put it over your hand like gloves so you won’t catch this virus? Or it is because it is best to stay home and away from crowds so the only entertainment other than television would be having sex? If that is the case, in your puny mind then maybe you aren’t so stupid after all. Yes, please double and triple the condoms you put on to be sure it is 100% safe and you don’t breed and bring more selfish people in to this already ugly world.

What about the toilet paper? So when we are food rationing, they can eat the toilet paper? Maybe they are pretty crafty so they can use it to make more masks?

Am I that stupid? Am I not getting it? What are the reasons to hoarding these items?

Do they not think our government is well prepared for bad times or when we go in to war? Do you not think our government has enough rations for all of us? Ok, so you buy tons of rice and instant noodles, then what happens when your rice cooker stops working? Why don’t you start stocking up on that too? And in time of war, what if we don’t have gas or electricity? How are you going to cook your instant noodles? Well, you better start stocking up on charcoal and matches so you can start a fire to cook.

Anyway, the reason for this blog post is to highlight what had just happened to me on the World Wide Web. Social media can be a blessing and a curse depending on how you look at it. There are trolls and bullies; you just need to be prepared to handle all kinds of people.

Everyone has been so stressed out with this virus spreading, and not to mention how our fellow Singaporeans are behaving has also been a joke on social media. So I posted a photo of some people wrapping themselves in toilet paper and made a comment, “Ahhh..... so this is why Singaporeans are stocking up on all the toilet paper due to the Code Orange warning of the Corona virus! Forget the masks!!”

Some person by the name of The Messiah took a screenshot of my Instagram post (with my profile handle) and reposted it on a forum called ‘Singapore Hardware”.

He titled the post as, “This pinoy maid is laughing at Singaporeans!!”

First off, do I look like a Pinoy? Seriously? I am Eurasian with a damn Cheena face! But nevertheless, I guess he only targeted me because I looked Pinoy and was upset that a foreigner was poking fun at Singaporeans. That could be the reason because this picture has been circulating all over social media and no one was offended by it. I guess he would not care if he knew for a fact I was a Singaporean? Or was he just trying to stir the sh*t pot and cause racial disharmony?

Whatever it is, I wanted to get this post out and I am tagging Ministry of Foreign Affairs to look in to this. I think that would be the right department to go to, right? If I am wrong, could someone please advice?

I would like the higher authorities to look into this because I do feel he is trying to cause problems between the Filipinos and Singaporeans and that is just not right.

Anyway, I read the comments from the other members of this group/forum and I categorized their replies into 3 sections; ones who agreed with me, funny ones, and stupid ones.

I am going to mention them all on here in the 3 categories I mentioned and I am going to reply. Hopefully, they can read it because I am not about to join or sign up for their silly petty forum just so I can respond. Moreover, if I did it on my blog, I can show my followers how petty and childish Singaporeans really are.

So here goes.

Category 1: The ones who think like me and agrees with me

@DiamondJuice Well i felt embarrassed too

My reply: Who wouldn’t? Singaporeans are truly showing their ugly side not just to everyone in this country but to the whole world!

@henghengonedragon This kind of English standard won't be a maid. Please do not anyhow troll.

My reply: Not to look down on the Filipinos but it’s nice to see some Singaporeans do have a brain.

@snap99 i would make the same joke too .... this toilet paper hoarding is ridiculous

My reply: Glad you feel the same way. We have to learn to be able to laugh at ourselves.

@zoneniac She is not wrong you know

My reply: Thank you.

@tortoise18 She's a Singaporean Eurasia an. Omg... Palmface

My reply: Wow. You actually did your research. I am impressed.

@kuti-kuti always let people poke fun at our kiasuness

My reply: We are a joke. Sadly.

@MikeDirnt78 Eh I don't see anything wrong. Just for a laugh. Don't anyhow stir.

My reply: People with no life, or a boring life would always stir the sh*t pot just for the sake or some drama and excitement. We should feel very sorry for them.

@gamerx Funny. It's just a joke, why so petty?

My reply: Because majority of the Singaporeans will not admit how selfish they are or what fools they make themselves out to look.

@rVn_mUfC She is correct you know. Those sinkies are shaming themselves at the supermarkets

My reply: Thanks. Yes, the ones who shame themselves give the rest of us a bad reputation.

Category 2: Funny ones

@Litmuss Wah got 13.4 followers. Shes a maid influenzer?

My reply: Please be a bit more specific. You mentioned 13.4 but you forget the “K” behind those numbers. Even if I was a maid influencer… I would honestly be proud because the Pinoys compared to Singaporeans are better people. In time of need, they are selfless.

@bobo07 Maid influencer , her followers must be bangalas

My reply: Why don’t you scroll through and see if they are or not? And even if they are, Bangladeshis would beat any Singaporean man hands down. Have you seen them in buses and trains? They are the ones giving up their seats to the elderly, women and children while the Singapore men would pretend to sleep.

Category 3: Silly ones who do not know right from wrong. Probably guilty ones.

@Dudick How u know those are singaporeans? Have chk their IC?

My reply: I only used it as a reference to what Singaporeans may be using their toilet paper they are hoarding. So how do you know ‘The Messiah’ is right when he assumed I am Pinoy? Did he check my IC? Duh!

@zheng First world country with third world citizen

My reply: I have to agree with that. No matter how high tech we are, Citizens here have a mentality of third world citizens.

@cantona81 Can we pofma her. She got to prove that those are sinkies...

My reply: And can we start by proving I am a Pinoy? Stupid.

@jinmuddy Coming from a peenoise, damn insulting.

My reply: But it is OK for you Singaporeans to insult the Pinoys, branding them as MAIDS? Listen to yourselves! You’re all selfish and conceited people.

@TheMessiah dun be fake by pinoys. this kind one look is pinoy. pinoy like to use chinese names and claim they are US, spanish etc.

My reply: And all of a sudden you’re an expert on this? Your pea brain cannot register the fact we live in such a modern society now that we have so many mixed marriages. So can I assume you’re a PRC just because you’re Chinese? Or Malaysian just because you’re Malay?

So I said what I had to say. I think majority of Singaporeans are so narrow minded, sheltered, conceited and ignorant. It’s disappointing. No matter how educated you claim you are, all those diplomas and degrees does not prove anything if you’re ignorant.

On a brighter note, through this scare, I have learned who my real friends are. I want to thank my dear friends for reaching out to me, making sure my family and I are alright and offering to send us masks and anything else we might need. I appreciate all of you so very much.

Through times like this, I also realize how embarrassed I am to be called a Singaporean. The country is beautiful, the safety you can’t compare with any other country in the world. We are lucky to live on this tiny little island. But the citizens sure should start working on their attitude.

Before I signed off, I plead with all Singaporeans to think before they cause any sort of panic. Please have a heart and if you’re going to hoard food items, at least share it with the less fortunate. A little help and kindness goes a long way.

Kudos to FairPrice for stepping up and putting limits to what individuals can buy. Hopefully more supermarkets would follow in their lead.

Stay safe everyone. We got through SARS and we damn well can get through this!

P.S. For those who may be interested in this forum I am talking about. This is the URL:

Sunday, January 12, 2020

5 Things to Do Before You Start Investing

We may not think a lot of it but in today’s world, simply working and earning money is not good enough. We work hard for our money but it may not be enough for us to lead the lifestyle we wish to have 10 years or 20 years down the road, or fulfill our goals. So that is why we should look into investing our money wisely to get good returns.

1. Emergency fund

No matter how much we save for the future, we always need to also set aside an emergency fund. Emergencies are bound to happen in any life time and we should always be prepared for it so as not to throw us of on our financial plans.

2. Pay off your debt

Paying off your debts or minimizing it especially credit card debts should be top priority before you start investing. It is already an investment gain when you pay less in interest.

3. Understanding investment

It is always best to understand and get more knowledge about investments such like stocks and bonds. Like everything else, you clearly will be more successful if you have a pretty good knowledge on the subject.

4. Know your cash flow

It is good to know your cash flow in order to plan how much you can afford to invest each month.

5. Set goals

As everything else, set your goals for investment. Knowing why you have decided to invest will help keep you on track to achieving what you set out to do.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Signed, DRUGS

I saw this post on Facebook and it hit home hard. This poem was perfectly written in the saddest way possible. But unless you have lived a life as a drug addict or as a person trying to care for a drug addict, or one who has a loved one who is a drug addict, you will never really understand...

"I destroy homes, tear families... apart - take your children, and that's just the start.
I'm more costly than diamonds,
more costly than gold - the sorrow I bring is a sight to behold.
And if you need me, remember I'm easily found.
I live all around you, in schools and in town.
I live with the rich, I live with the poor,
I live down the street, and maybe next door.
My power is awesome - try me you'll see.
But if you do, you may never break free.
Just try me once and I might let you go,
but try me twice, and I'll own your soul.
When I possess you, you'll steal and you'll lie.
You'll do what you have to just to get high.
The crimes you'll commit, for my narcotic charms,
will be worth the pleasure you'll feel in your arms.
You'll lie to your mother; you'll steal from your dad.
When you see their tears, you should feel sad.
But you'll forget your morals and how you were raised.
I'll be your conscience, I'll teach you my ways.
I take kids from parents, and parents from kids,
I turn people from God, and separate from friends.
I'll take everything from you, your looks and your pride,
I'll be with you always, right by your side.
You'll give up everything - your family, your home,
your friends, your money, then you'll be alone.
I'll take and I'll take, till you have nothing more to give.
When I'm finished with you you'll be lucky to live.
If you try me be warned this is no game.
If given the chance, I'll drive you insane.
I'll ravish your body, I'll control your mind.
I'll own you completely; your soul will be mine.
The nightmares I'll give you while laying in bed.
The voices you'll hear from inside your head.
The sweats, the shakes, the visions you'll see.
I want you to know, these are all gifts from me.
But then it's too late, and you'll know in your heart,
that you are mine, and we shall not part.
You'll regret that you tried me, they always do.
But you came to me, not I to you.
You knew this would happen.
Many times you were told, but you challenged my power,
and chose to be bold.
You could have said no, and just walked away.
If you could live that day over, now what would you say?
I'll be your master; you will be my slave.
I'll even go with you, when you go to your grave.
Now that you have met me, what will you do?
Will you try me or not?
It's all up to you.
I can bring you more misery than words can tell.
Come take my hand, let me lead you to hell."

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