You must
always find your balance. You must always remember that you should never get
too busy earning a living that you will tend to forget to make a life.
As Confucius one said,
“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”
Here are a few Dos and
Don’ts on achieving a balance:
Without rushing,
be sure to set your alarm to wake you up earlier so you will have enough time
for breakfast which is the most important meal of the day.
Prioritize your
work. Work smart and not hard.
Never skip your
lunch. Be sure to take at least a 30 minutes lunch break and try to eat
healthy. Head out for a walk, if possible, even if it is for 10 minutes. It is
nice to get some fresh air and sunlight.
Never be afraid to
speak up and say no when your workload gets too much.
Best to disconnect
from any work related communications, be it text or email, after work hours. If
you have to work past your normal work hours, be sure to set an allocated time
for it and never let it eat in to your leisure time.
De-stress. Best
way to do so is to exercise. This would not only de-stress you but allow you to
keep fit. Try allocating at least 3 – 4 hours each week for exercise.
Plan fun things to
do such as a holiday. This way you will have something to look forward to.
Head to bed early
so as to feel refreshed the next day.
Have an on-the-go
kind of breakfast. Don’t stress first thing when you wake up and start checking
or replying emails and texts. Unless it is of a very important nature.
Hop from one task
to another.
Over work or work
through your lunch hour or to keep/eat unhealthy food at your desk.
Take on too many
responsibilities and try to prove anything. Always be sure you have plenty of
time to finish your current workload.
Take home work if
possible and don’t stay back too late to finish your current project unless it
has a set deadline and you have to complete it.
Put off your
exercise routine because you are too busy.
Be afraid to book vacations
because you are afraid of the amount of work you will miss.
Stay up late,
working through the night as it will leave you feeling exhausted the next day.