Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Being Healthy is a Lifestyle

Not too long ago, I'd say about 4 years ago, I weighed almost 200 pounds (90.9kg), 198 pounds (90kg) to be exact. I never did exercise, I ate whatever I wanted to eat and whenever I wanted to eat, I simply did not care.

I did consider losing weight a few times when I got tired of people telling me how much weight I have gained and when I could not find any nice outfits that would fit me. I tried to eat healthy and not as often but I loved food too much, and the thought of exercising was just not exciting at all. I did not have the willpower to stick to it. And to be honest, those tries actually made me gain more weight. I just wasn't blessed with good metabolism.

One day, I decided to step on a scale and I was shocked to see that I was 2 pounds shy of being a whopping 200 pounds!! That really woke me up! Not to mention that my career was also determined by how you look and not forgetting stamina. But the biggest motivation to change was the fact I had two little ones who needs a mom and a mom to be healthy so she can stick around for a long time.

I wanted to better myself. I wanted a new ME. I wanted to do it mostly for myself instead of someone else. I wanted me to be healthy so I can set a good example for my kids and that I could take care of them better.

I started with Zumba. That was a huge change. Shy with 2 left feet and no rhythm, and there I was, dancing up a storm. The class was definitely fun. However, I wasn't losing the weight as fast as I had wanted to. So I started brisk walking twice a week. After a couple months, I was jogging 6km (3.72 miles) in an hour. Still, the weight was only gradually going down. I will be honest; it was starting to get very demoralizing. However, I guess I wasn’t losing it as fast also because even if I had cut down on my eating, I was still eating more than I should. So can you imagine how much I was really eating before??

Not too long into the exercise routines and salads, etc, I learned of Juice Cleansing. I gave it a shot. I started with a 7-day juice cleanse. I had nothing to eat, just 3 juices a day and water. The first 3 days was a struggle but after, it was easy. Weigh in after 7 days and I had lost 10 pounds! That was motivation to keep at it.

Oddly enough, I think all I needed was that juice cleanse. My body got acclimated and it started accepting healthier food. I cut on carbs and I started experimenting with healthy recipes. I continued to jog and did a juice cleanse each month.

Eating more fruits and veggies did not sound disgusting anymore. In fact, the thought of sipping soda made me sick. I stuck to water, juice or oolong/green tea. Overall, my diet has changed drastically.

I won’t lie. I still have issues with my willpower. But each time I think of indulging or treating myself to an extra sweet dessert, I remember how far I’ve come. I think of all the hard work I’ve done to get to where I am so why would I allow myself to go back to where I was before?

As of today, I weigh 44 pounds (20kg) less than when I started my journey and it has made a big difference in my life and in my career. I still have a bit more to lose but I will gradually work on it as long as I continue to follow this healthy lifestyle.

Aside to everything else, CONFIDENCE has been the biggest benefit from this journey. I am more secure about myself. I feel comfortable in my own skin now.

So before making another unhealthy choice, always remember when your clothes didn't fit, when your body felt sluggish, your skin didn't glow, you didn't have energy, and how you wanted to feel beautiful.

Being healthy and fit isn't a trend. It is a lifestyle

Saturday, August 3, 2019

SELF WORTH - Affirmations

Did you know that self-esteem is the most important thing for success? And if you think you have low self-esteem; affirmations can help you restore it. You can be successful in anything you set your heart to if you have lots of self-worth.

Affirmation can keep you positive and improve your attitude and how you look at life.

In short, in order for you to build your self-worth, you need affirmation. And how the human brain works is that if you keep repeating said affirmations over and over again, you will slowly start believing it and you will then notice the change in the way you behave.

In order to create positive affirmations, start with the words “I am”, keep it brief, make it specific and use present tense.

1.       I am choosing happiness
2.       I can and I will
3.       I trust myself
4.       I am enough
5.       I am worthy of the best life has to offer
6.       I am happy
7.       I am taking my mistakes as stepping stones for success
8.       I am beautiful
9.       I honour every decision I make
10.    I refuse to give up
11.    I am proud of myself
12.    I am unique in my own way
13.    I will surround myself with positive people
14.    I won’t worry about the small things
15.    I have the power to create the life I choose
16.    I believe in myself
17.    I choose positivity
18.    I appreciate all I have
19.    I will release anything that does not serve me
20.    I am whole and complete

  © I Am S.P.G.

Design by Debra Palmer